Monday, March 9, 2015

Rich Man's Problem's Or Poor Man's Woe"s ?? ..Phew , What A Choice ;)

Hectic Monday !! Most of us are not thrilled , with the weekend over and bloody Monday comes again , so soon . We have to deal with it , like all the other things that happen in our life !! Today I had a conversation , with some friends and we spoke about all our stuff going on in our lives . The average you and me and our big electric bills , water bills , blah blah .. life is just about paying ,paying and where is the fun ?? Apparently it's not there .. we are meant to suffer till we die ,lol . A friend of mine said life is not fair . So I said , do we want the rich people's problems , that's a choice ! They have money but no health , most of the time !
I was just thinking , of my favourite actor Harrison Ford , who crashed his plane , on a golf course a couple of days ago. What is he 74 years old ? And to be laid up , seriously injured in a hospital . No amount of money is going to take away his pain , the poor chap . Then there's James Jordan rich , but moaning on twitter, he has pain somewhere in his rib area , since Christmas . All the doctor's tests can't figure out , what's wrong . Then there's his wife Ola all laid up with a massive leg fracture and been through 2 ops no fun there , and money can't solve it ! So rich people have it bad too !! Not being fit and fine is not a good story . Whereas we average Joe's, raring with good health , but less money , ready to jump up and go , but no place to go , because we have no money to go !! Which would you prefer ? It is a tough choice . That's probably why ,all those adverts on telly, are targeting all the rich people, who want to live forever , to spend all their dosh "smoke free " "beat Cancer "but have no hope in hell of doing either , and can't get their cash to heaven as well . If they are headed there . They might just be atheist's , then their gravestone should read "All dressed up , and nowhere to go " :)
Yesterday as I watched the American, Celebrity Apprentice , I had always thought Meat Loaf was an amazing guy . Yeah well , till I saw the show yesterday , he was crying like a baby and feeling really bad about all the money ,he raised for his charity the sea turtles or something . He was worried ,if his team lost ,  all the money , he raised would go to the rival teams charity . Now what's so bad about that , I thought  ? A charity is a charity , and somebody would get the money . Everyone thought , he's so sweet and caring worried about his charity losing out , on the money . I was completely turned off by his behaviour . He's so damn rich !!! By the looks of it Fu*king stingy as hell ,to boot  lol ..because he could easily have put , from his own pocket the money if his team lost  , to the charity Sea Turtles so they wouldn't lose out . No he'd rather cry ! John Rich , who I don't know too much about  ,his songs etc , but now I have the uttermost respect for the man and I tell , everyone who will hear what an angel he his . He came out of his own accord and told Meat , if you lose I shall personally from my own pocket give you the same amount of money to give your Charity ! Now heaven has a place for John Rich and I shall personally ask God to bless him , as well :) What an awesome human being .
Yes and I need to be blessed as well , one very rich man , who I will devotedly care for , for the rest of my life , oh and I'm not fussy I don't have to be his number one lol .. I just don't want to worry about money for the rest of my life , what a tiresome job that is , it will put me in my grave early , shame for my three gorgeous children !
Well hope you enjoyed reading that . Keep smiling and rich people's problems or poor man's woe's , that 's the question of the hour ? Stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

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