Sunday, March 8, 2015

Woman's Day ?? I'm Not Impressed !!

Today is International Women's Day . Why is this day celebrated world wide ? From where I'm sitting and seeing the world , Women don't get a fair deal in any section of life , and as much as everyone feels we need to celebrate this day , it feels so false to me . It would be a bigger celebration if we valued ,respected and adored women all year round and made everyday Women's Day !
Woman is the whole integral part of the human race . Without our mother's choice in bringing us into this world , there would be no human population . Woman has difficulty in caring the child in her womb ,and giving birth ( yes it's not a walk in the park ,lol ) to this new life .  Then we expect the woman ,after a few weeks to jump back into her career , and dump the baby in a creche , because if she wants to earn money ,that's what she should do !! How old fashioned is that ?? LOL , I am a very , very modern WOMAN . For me any choice the mother makes should be respected and that means if she chooses to be a stay at home MUM , how about paying her a full time salary . It is a career option for women who work at a creche ! Taking care of everyone ,and your babies !! People find the word stay at home MUM as a nothing ,which bothers me the most . Didn't Mum's have the biggest responsibility in bringing up baby ?Cooking nourishing warm meals , getting baby back from school . Seeing Mama's face after a long day at school . It was the best thing for me, seeing my Mum's face after school ! Her serving me my warm meal , when I came home from school . We chatted at the table about my day at school . I still if I am sick or tired or fed up with life , I lie down and bring back memories of my Mum , talking to her it's so reassuring, that I feel warm and better immediately . I wonder , what children growing up with a Mum , who goes off to work actually feels like in their later years ? Women need equal rights , in all choices and a full salary that a creche , pays their employee . Why should she not earn well ?? She does not even work to fixed hours . I am not so  impressed with Women's day , it's a farce , like alot of things are in this world .
Women are not equal to men . In just four astonishing basic facts , besides my point of view from the above I'll tell you .

1. One in three women around the world , are physically or sexually assaulted at some point in their life . I'll tell you why ! Because Men feel they are superior and can do it . If they respected a woman , they would not !

2. Women around the world spend more hours a  day working ,without pay , than Men do !

3. One in thirty women have given birth before she turned 18  . Which is appalling , a girl in my opinion should be minimum 20 or over . Which is still young !

4. The USA is only one of nine countries that doesn't provide paid maternity leave. How shocking is that ?? So instead of pretending to celebrate Woman's Day , next year how about trying to just make things alot better for the Woman everyday !

Woman , she is your Mother , your sister ( not that my brother cares !! You do get creeps around ) your Child ( where's my Dad ?? Sitting in his Chapel of the Divine Mercy , but doesn't give a shit ) You see how much adversity women face !! She is your wife , your cousin , your friend , your relatives . Please be a good person . Give every Woman , a feeling of being loved appreciated and respected .
I love you all . Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and try to be happy . I doubt the plight of women will change any time soon , but if our next generation get wise and stop popping out babies and the population falls rapidly , will a change come around .  There is hope . God bless xx

#Love & Peace

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