Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Handballers ?? I Didn't Think, That Was A Word , LOL !!

It's mid-week Wednesday , and that 's always good , because it's just 2 more days and the weekend is upon us . Kids are home ,get to sleep late and lots of time together . I love my children and they are a gift to me , from God. They make my life special , they give me a reason to live , when life can get monotonous and people are not as you think they are .All the little bothers , the grind of everyday , seems not  so important . It is always my goal to be active , fight for rights , do good , champion the underdog and speak out about matters that people are too afraid to even touch upon . Yes my ultimate goal , be a public speaker ,get into politics and make a difference ! Write a book , get a column , keep up my blog and be free lance !!
But that is not the goal of my blog today . Everyday I try to touch upon a special subject , something interesting and beneficial to anyone reading this daily . If you can learn something new , that's great  , just awesome and I feel , I am making my mark on this world and everyday is useful !!
Just yesterday , we all learn something new everyday , it's a fact . So I was walking down in town and I saw the word "Handballers" up , I did a double take . is that a bad word ?? I have never heard it before , it was so funny and I stopped to laugh . Ofcourse , I put it up on my FB status if  any one knew what it was , but nobody said anything , haha !!They probably , thought  I creative Sabrina made it up , lol ... But NO ..I didn't , it is apparently a word  If you are a Northern English person , I'm sure it would make sense !! Shall I just confuse all my readers who span over the whole world ( USA , Australia , Spain , France , Germany , Denmark , Russia and yes even 6 in India . The UK makes me proud ,I have at least 150 people reading this !! ), and not explain the word lol ??? I wonder if anyone knows what it means ?? You can leave a comment if you know it :) If nobody does , I will let you know soon , I promise !!
So the English Language is such a marvelous thing , not only is it international , but everyone wants to be a part of it . We love communicating with it , it's the tool that rules the world . No wonder everyone wants to come here , live  and be a part of it . There are so many beautiful words to broaden your vocabulary . I shall list a few , nowadays seldom do you find people , littering their conversations with words to express the emotion , instead of just , saying it in simple terms , because we are afraid ,we not going to get the point across because someone's not going to understand . Yes I'm guilty of simplifying my speech , so I don't have to explain and it's becoming pretty habitual !!
Just a few words and it's meanings , maybe you know them all or maybe you don't , bear with me .. I have loads of readers who would  find it pretty darn interesting :)

1. Eloquence : The art of using language in an apt , fluent way !
2. Denouement  :  The resolution of a narrative
3. Incandescence : Light produced by high temperatures
4. Ephemeral  :  Lasting for a very short time
5 . Oblivion : The state of being unaware of what is happening around you !
6. Phosphenes : The light and colours produced by rubbing your eyes .
7. Aurora : Dawn
8. Solitude : A state of seclusion or isolation
9. Luminescence : Light produced by chemical , electrical or physiological means
10. Supine :  Lying face upwards
11. Epiphany : A moment of sudden revelation
12. Iridescent :  Producing a display of rainbow like colours
13. Illicit : Not legally permitted
14 .  Ethereal : Extremely delicate light , not of this world .
15.  Serendipity : The Chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way .

The last word just has to be one of my favourite words . Hope you enjoyed reading this , learned some new words and kept smiling ! Have a good day and stay blessed !

Love & Peace .

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