Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Celebrate Holy Week by Flogging A Banker ..It's What Jesus would DO ;)

Celebrate Holy Week by FLOGGING a Banker ..It's what Jesus would Do !!! It is indeed "holy week "for us Catholics , Christians ! But is this statement shocking ?? I saw it as a FB post and I shared it to my wall . No don't be shocked . It's these modern times that we live in .. I bet if Jesus lived again in these modern times he would not be feeling charitable to all these wealthy people who continue to grow and flourish while the rest of the population can succumb to joining the ranks" poor of society " . It is all over again like the times of Jesus when the money lenders ( bankers ) were the wealthy and the rich called the shots !
Is this country still my heritage ?? I am sometimes ashamed , while everyone collects donations to feed the poor overseas they forget , genuine people live here who can't find jobs , or for some reason or the other have their income stopped and have nothing . Rules keep being implemented changes being made people can't keep up . What about people who have lived here a number of years are they  supposed to suffer these laws ? Make rules set it for people newly arrived in this country ( 6 months ). Be charitable , if nothing else show the Christian spirit ! The world seems to have lost it's way and England seems determined ,they are going to follow suit !
Soon with all this treachery , we will start seeing the God from the OLD testament , showing his hand . If you don't know what I'm talking about , the God of the Old Testament , was an angry God who sent famines and sorrow and destruction to the world . But then Jesus was born and changed the way he taught us . God was love and forgiveness and caring and if we followed his preaching and lived a good life and accepted our sins he would forgive us, and let us live with him in the eternal kingdom of heaven .The whole New Testament . People are now turning to greed , gluttony , false preachers and the list goes on .. I can't see God being happy with the way , the world is turning ! Soon the Angry God will emerge and try to make a point ! He is disappointed in mankind . I am certain !
All these weather changes , disasters people claim it's global warming , I have to wonder otherwise !!
Yesterday like never before , there was such a bad storm here , my windows shook , the wind swept through the floor of my apartment the rain was so lashing and severe , my kids woke up frightened of the elements .. My wifi went down there was no computer connection no phone that worked , so I could not write my blog yesterday . I decided to turn in early and cuddle up with both my babies in bed and try to find some sleep . Luckily the electricity still held out . The howling winds are still blowing and the pouring rain , doesn't lessen . Creepy yes !!
The elections are almost on us , if Mr. Cameron thinks he's going to get another five years , lol , I wish Everyone would see , how nothing of his policies have helped people . It has caused us suffering and more pain . The rich enjoy all their tax breaks , luxury houses , bonuses , enormous salaries and pampered lifestyles . While the common people saw the bedroom tax , cuts in benefits , unfair sanctions and sudden cancellations . I shake my head and there is only one way the UK is going , Unfortunately it's only down . The poor by millions outnumber the rich and it's the POOR ,who make up Britain and Labour will Win , if anyone is too see a future change and upliftment in this country !
I should hope you enjoyed reading this . I will not keep it too long but I will be the voice of all the people and changes that have to come to this country . It is my mission in life .
Have  an awesome day . Take care and think of someone less wealthy than yourself . The poor don't actually look poor , they are completely normal looking but , you have no idea what they are facing . Say a prayer and put your faith in God's hands , he has never failed me :))

Love & Peace

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