Thursday, February 26, 2015


With a nice glass of wine I sit and relax ,time to watch some telly ! After some Google-box where the nice people sitting on their sofa's seemed to be so surprised when Sharon Stone flashed her whoha to the world . This movie was made in the early 90's ,  I thought no one would be shocked any more ,lol ..everyone and their friends , had seen it , by now ;) Their faces were priceless , shock , embarrassment and the oh's and ahh's when the raw sexuality and bondage at the start of the film had them gasping :) But that was the end of the programme and not the reason of my blog today !
After that came the show " The Romanians are Coming " which out of interest I kept it on , to see !! It was eye-opening , on many different levels ! One of the things I didn't know , was there are alot of farms in England which need fruit pickers ! Now isn't it a perfect job for our young people living here in this country , to be employed doing ?? No ,when I checked on the net , to see if these jobs are available ..Do you know WHAT ? These jobs are not advertised for our own young people !! YET these Romanians find these positions advertised back home in their own country Romania in little Cafe's plastered all over their Walls !! Why the FUCK is that happening ?? Because these people can be cheated , and paid much below the minimum wage on these farms , and they get by !! By sleeping rough or all of them , contributing to a one room flat and roughing it out ! Stop this immediately ,FARMS , pay the minimum wage and get YOUNG people from here to work , picking fruit , vegetables etc ! Farms should be regulated by the government and forced to employ and pay people who live here in a decent home , not living rough and sending wages back to Romania . Money made here should be put back , in the economy here , in England  !!
I am going to keep promoting this blog and see if this brings about change ..Because I am getting really pissed off , that there are hundreds of people who want to be employed and can't find work ! Jobs are advertised but nobody is being taken on and the advert seems to stand in windows , like there are jobs available but there isn't !! Something SINISTER is going ON !!
Let's start with Care Homes and Farms , they should employ only people from here and not advertise for employment in Europe !! Come ON People , Start SHARING this BLOG and make Changes to this RUBBISH Happening in OUR Beautiful Country !!


Hope you enjoyed reading this , and help make a change ! Keep Smiling and have a good day !

Peace & Love

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Top 10 Amazing , Awesome Women .. Thought of Yours ?

So I had a long day , is it mid week blues ? Anyways just watched the BritAwards 2015 and it was amazing . A good highlight to the day and a relaxing experience ..yes it's my love for music that made it awesome ! Every artist performing was outstanding , hhmmm that is except for Kanye ,not such a fan but the visuals and fire blowing was great ! So all my favourites were there . Love George Ezra and Budapest ,Paloma Faith .. but only one person could break the internet and that was the ever amazing Madonna , Did she get her OAP pass yet ?? No kidding , she stunned me , when she took a four step, backward fall ,got up and sang like a trooper that she is . I Love her no end and always did as a young girl ! She inspires me and gives me motivation to get up be fit , be active and be an amazing mother . Yes when I get to her age , I want to be as attractive and toned and fit as her ! But who pulled her cape and had her toppling backwards , was it that Bobby Beale ;) ?#Eastenders
So I would have to put my list together of the top 10 sexy women who inspire me with their talent , awesomeness and savvy . Again they may not be your cup of tea , but try putting your 10 together , might be fun ! So here I go ...

10 .Brooke Shields , has everyone forgotten her ? She is an amazing women ,a great Mum , been through a lot in her life and she's even related to french royalty ( Louis 14th )

9. J. K. Rowling , she is an amazing writer , loves magic and is a child at heart and has an awesome imagination . She worked her way up strived and has guts and determination . I adore her .

8. Queen Elisabeth , the Queen Mum ..alas she is dead , but she always had a smile , was the heart of her family , loved her grandchildren and I think she was an amazing lady oozed from her face and I hear she was witty and charming ..she's everything I would love to be :)

7.Ellen DeGeneres .. who doesn't love her ?

6. This one is very hard , because as much as I admire her for everything , I disapprove of one thing . It's Angelina Jolie . She is a great mother , even adopted children and loves them equally as her own . Advocate for women alot of great things going for her , but I am team Jen , and stealing someone's husband is a no go area . So I doubted if I should put her here , but she has worked hard to redeem herself .

5.Mother Teresa , I am honored to say I have met her and been blessed by her , she is an inspiration to my life , and I love her humbleness , love of the poor and dedication to Jesus . Truly an inspiration and should be on everyone's list !

4.Jennifer Aniston , I love this women , she is not pressured by anyone to have children , or rush out to adopt because it's cool to do that . She recovered from being dumped by Brad Pitt , now that's not easy . She's funny , cool and an amazing women .

3. Madonna , she should be first , but there are 2 other , such cool women I look up to , it was so hard to place them . so Madge had to be put 3rd.

2. Oprah Winfrey , from humble beginnings , how far has this woman come , just amazing and to be dark- skinned as well , in this prejudiced world . I love her . Everyone knows her and respects her .. such a star :)

1.Princess Diana , what a wonderful human being , so beautiful , so elegant , married to a future king and took everything he threw at her .. yes his mistress now looking at being Queen one day , I shudder !! Diana lives no more , but she is still my inspiration , and her 2 boys are a credit to her and I know she is so proud of them . I hope William bestows the HRH on her , as soon as he can . I could not place anyone other than Diana as my number one awesome women .

I hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and have a great day !

#Love & Peace  


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Ten Most Sexy Men ..Ever Thought Who Would Make Your List ?

Happy Tuesday everyone , thank you so much for reading my daily blogs ,and keeping up with all my  eccentricity , random thoughts and love of equality and life .  I appreciate it , and thank you very much , if you are following me , much love xx
Today , I just wanted to smile and keep the subject light-hearted ! It's an awesome day had my hair cut to just below my shoulders , and feeling really trendy ! Feeling on top of the world , Dan King , made my day he favourited and re-tweeted me ( how awesome is that ??  ) Absolutely love Farm Kings ( everybody should be eating local produce , and know where it's coming from !) Support your local farmer !!
Dan is so sexy , I thought .. what about making a list, of the top ten sexy bloke's that rock my world ! Okay so your sexy, might not be some one else's or mine , but have your ever thought about who you fancy ? Well here's mine .. starting from number 10 here goes ..

10. Ed Westwick , if you don't know him , where have you been ?? He's totally irresistible !Hint Gossip Girl !!

9. James McAvoy , this sexy Scot seriously considered becoming a priest . The Church's loss is womanhood's gain :)

8.David Beckham , who can resist this Adonis ?

7.Eddie Redmayne , those sexy scenes in Birdsong ..gorgeous !

6.Jared Leto , this bad boy rocker and his love for eyeliner ,totally irresistible for me !

5.Danny ODonoghue , Oh God I love his Irish accent and everything about him .. lush ;)

4.Colin Firth , like fine wine he just keeps getting better with age :)

3. Dan King he's just so rugged and gorgeous !!

2.Matt Smith , he's my ultimate Doctor , I wouldn't have minded getting stuck in the Tardis with him any day ;)

1. Oh that has to be Benedict Cumberbatch , he is every woman's dream :) and being Sherlock makes him smart and sexy .. just gorgeous !!

Ever thought of making your own list , should be fun , if you just have to nail it down to 10 . I would love to  have dinner with each of them and pick their brains . Are they sexy and smart , I sometimes wonder ! I shall  soon , be blogging about the ten most sexy women , who inspire me with beauty and awesomeness .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and have an awesome day xx

#Peace & Love

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Turning World !!!

Monday morning , and the Oscar's are over for another year ! The biggest thing for me , was the In Memorium snub for Joan Rivers . How is that possible ? It is because of her , that we even CARE about the Oscar's . Apparently Hollywood still feels the need to oppress women . One of the reasons , another item of talk on the net ,was when Patricia Arquette decided to make her acceptance speech, into a political platform , and talk about equal money for women as their male counterparts .  I'm on that same bandwagon , but I'm more for all people getting paid equally . What is the purpose of having such big gaps , between rich and poor ? Why are people who are rich , keep getting paid such obscene amounts of money , it is not fair living in this world , when the likes of sport stars , bankers , actors etc earn more than is required to survive  .
Creepy stuff also happens ,  John Travolta , absolutely forgot himself , and stole the crown for being creep of the day . He decided the red carpet was the perfect opportunity to grab Scarlet Johanson , put his hands all over her , and go in for a kiss . Nowadays women prefer men , keeping their hands to themselves . Women are not objects and some restrains would not go amiss . Apparently Travolta thought , Scarlet  didn't mind , because he wasn't done yet , he was so outrageously creepy with his hands all over Idena Menzil's face , and going in for a smooch , I'm surprised Idena kept her cool and gave him a cheeky toothy smile , if only , it reached her eyes, which spoke a different story . He wanted to make up for mis-pronunciation of her name last year .. a simple humorous quip would have done , in my opinion ! Okay ,do you think that was all from Travolta , NO , there is a creepy snap doing the rounds , where he's giving Benedict Cumberbatch a rather funny kind of look :)  he's getting creepy alright , it could be his age ,lol . But if he wanted to steal the show and get some press , he achieved his goal !
So that was the Oscar's . The world still went around , and all the bad things happening in all the other news , didn't seize , because of the Oscar's . The shocking news here in England is how three young girls just 15 & 16 years old , packed a bag each and bought a one way ticket to Turkey , with the intent of continuing on to Syria, to join the terrorists gang IS . Can you imagine how young people born in England , raised here, think it's okay to go join people who  behead , kill and cause chaos  doing the worst atrocities towards their fellow human beings . This is unbelievable, that the British Government would spend money , to go look for these girls, and bring them back to England . I say they should be Barred from ever ,entering this Country again . If this happens , them being banned from returning to the UK ,other youngsters would think twice, about upping sticks and going off to fight for Satans Kin ! The world is going crazy and much tougher rules should be in place , to discourage young people from being radicalized and bought off by terrorist groups .
More money for everyone and equality ,  a smaller divide between rich and poor is the answer . The sooner this is achieved , the better the world can become .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Be good in all your thoughts and deeds and God will bless you one day .Nobody does bad things , and goes to heaven . You are being Judged , it's hard to be good , but goodness is the key to heaven ! Have an awesome day . Keep smiling !

#Love & Peace

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Oscar's Tonight :)

Hello everyone , I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to begin again .. it's Monday  tomorrow , how soon does Monday come every week ? Too soon for me :)) Yes it was half term for my kids and it's only Tuesday they start school again so hopefully tonight I get to take in as much of the Oscar's red carpet fanfare as I can . It's always exciting all the Celebrities and their beautiful Gowns and extravagant jewelry !! Will they fall over , will they ace their interviews , who makes it to the best dressed list , and who's going to be on the worst dressed . I heard if the best dresses are chosen by an A-Lister and a lesser celebrity doesn't get first dips , they generally go for something really bad ,because making the worst dressed is also news and better to be in the news , for the right reasons or not ,than forgotten about ! Seems like they are on to something , always good to be in the spotlight and be in the news . The Politicians must have the publicists of the Celebrities ,lol ...
I am going to say Eddie Redmayne wins best actor for "The Theory of Everything "it was definitely the movie of the year for me . His portrayal of Stephen Hawking was brilliant and he's an extremely talented actor . Best Actress will def. go to Julianne Moore , "Still Alice " is a movie I can't wait , to go see , which I hear she does a very good portrayal of a young woman who is slowly losing her memory to Alzheimer's , it's about  all her struggles as she comes to term with it . You def. should not miss it , if you get a chance to see it . Sometimes in our life , you never know what kind of battle awaits us , later in life , which we would need to equip ourselves to deal with . Best picture , I would say should go to ,The Theory of Everything , but then I am a very big Stephen Hawking fan . Most likely "Boyhood "will get it . So you have , my theory of who's going to win , let's see if I'm right and , they get that coveted Oscar . I'm hopeful :) Best Supporting Actress should go to the lovely Patricia Arquette for Boyhood  and Best Supporting Actor will def go to Edward Norton , how talented is he ..
So as I count the moments to seeing the Oscar's tonight , I look forward to hearing the jokes and hoping for some unforgettable moments .. Was that Pizza thing , and group selfie ,that Ellen De Generous did,  last year or a couple of years ago ??.. I seem to forget .. the years are just flying by too fast for me , lol ....
Hope you enjoyed reading this , keep smiling and have a great day .

#Love & Peace

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ten Months of Waiting ..Anti-Climax !! Lucy's Killer , Bobby ..Really ??? #Rubbish

Ten months of waiting came to an end today , with an hour long episode from 7.30 to 8.30 pm . It was a mish mash of everything with too many story lines jumbled up together , with everything other than Dot's piece being the height of nonsense , just put there to get the hour long special over and done with !!
It was supposed to give the big reveal of Lucy's Killer , but at the end it just happened to show it was Jane !! Duff , Duff Duff !!! LOL ... so random . How did suddenly Ian know it was Jane . When Peter accused Denise in the street , he just ruled her out , without allowing her to give an explanation , rubbish story writing !! Then it didn't have the killer still , because there was a twist lol ..See the Flashback episode :((
The Flashback episode had a little more substance and the 35 mins we saw from 9.25 to 10 pm dare I say was a little more exciting . Of course Lucy is a fantastic actress and it was a pleasure to see her beautiful face again :) and find out actually her movements before her tragic end !
But those crazy story writers , have no clue about plot continuation or anything along those lines . It was all going so well , and at last it looked like Denise in a rage after drinking alot had words with Lucy and the two had an almighty row in Denise's bedroom with Lucy giving Denise a slap and Denise then throwing her to the floor and punching out blows , which would have made a boxer blush . The scene changed with Denise , suddenly picking up things from the floor , pulling the curtains shut and looking guilty . I told my daughter yes Now Lucy is Dead , and she's shoved her under the bed .
But duff, duff ,duff .. Lucy is suddenly outside the house crying . She walks back in ,shuts the door ,sits on the sofa to write a note ... She turns sees someone , says it's YOU ..Next when Jane is running to the Door , the door is open ,she goes in Lucy is dead on the Floor ,and Bobby is standing with a music box in his hand and tells Jane she always makes everyone unhappy .Somebody else was inside for sure , the door was open !! Lucy came in and closed it . Who was it ? So Bobby her young child brother who's about 9 years old killed her ... LOL ..That's the most stupid writing ever .. Does a child have the arm strength to kill Lucy who was very quick to give Denise an almighty slap ?? Could she not over power Bobby ?? Why could they not show us Bobby hitting her on the head and we could have judged his strong arm tactics .
Conveniently tomorrow , I heard Bobby will be played by a new older actor , a teenager !!
What a load of bollocks , and a waste of time and thoughts over ten months of my life . Thoroughly disappointed , knowing I could have written a much better plot . What shambles . How did Emma suddenly know it was Bobby , she phoned him to meet her in the park lol and ordered him a coffee , crap  . He's a young child .
And lastly he was not on the final list of 13 suspects . And if they wanted it random , Libby and Denise like I always said would have made a stronger story line .
No imagination ,  is the only conclusion I can draw . Oh yes Twitter with me was going wild , 80% thought it was a load of crock !

Okay I'm done with my thoughts . I'm disappointed got a headache and feel ill . I've got to take a couple of days off and rest my head and accept there are crap writers in this world , writing for soaps and earning good money ,  who are not worth the paper they use ! Yes it's true !

No big smiles , and rant if you're upset , it's okay !!

Bye and and no matter how hard it is be peaceful  , Don't do what Bobby did , devil child lol ...

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bloody Mary Cocktail .. Gong Xi Fa Cai :)

The Bloody Mary Cocktail is an acquired taste . I remember the first time a boyfriend ordered it for me , when I was 19 years old , he promised it would not be too alcoholic , made from tomato juice so it would be healthy with a little kick . I don'T know what I was expecting it to taste like , but it was just horrid in my mouth . As the years went by and I tried it a few more times , it grew on me and now I don't mind having one now and again ,  that's if I'm making one myself , with fresh tomatoes .
It's indeed very healthy , with a spicy kick from the Tabasco sauce and the Worcestershire sauce . I would recommend everyone to try it . We can't get enough tomatoes into our body , it's healthy and definitely a cancer fighting vegetable , from a Mediterranean diet where people live well into their 80's .
The Bloody Mary drink was said to be invented in 1921 in Paris at the New York Bar , a frequent hangout for writer Ernest Hemingway .

The Recipe for  A Bloody Mary Cocktail  :
4 fresh ripe tomatoes , blend it to make a rich juice
2 ounces of Vodka
1 lemon to garnish and a teaspoonful of the juice
1/2 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 drops of tabasco sauce
pepper & salt
a dash of celery salt

Add a lot of ice to a glass and pour in the tomato juice , the vodka and all the other ingredients , stir it with a spoon  . garnish with a lemon slice and it's ready to drink .

Cheers and Gong Xi Fa Cai , that's Happy New Year to any Chinese person reading my blog , and for everyone else it's a good time to start again if any of your New Year resolutions went to pot . New beginnings , Chin , Chin :)) Have a Great Year of the Goat or the Sheep or Ram there's some confusion , because it's all lost in translation :) Keep smiling and stay blessed !

#Love & Peace

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Decisions - But Make Your Vote Count :)

As I get cosy with my hot chocolate and contemplate what topic I should write about tonight a few cross my mind . The subject today featured all over was the fact that Binky from "Made In Chelsea "got paid 3000 pounds for holding up a message for the Charity Barnados to get more people to follow their Instagram ! Is it right that a Charity pays money to rich Celebrities , to advertise for them ?? After all the fuss Binky decided to waver the fee of 3000 because she didn't want more criticism ! It's a complete disaster , Celebrities are rich enough ,without taking the common person's donations to a charity , as fees for them to advertise the Charity . Where has their good will gone ? They just want to get richer ,while the rest of England ( the middle classes , continues in poverty !) With more people being reliant  on Food banks !
Which gets me to the the next subject , with the elections coming up in May , the parties are busy with their strategies on what would be good for the people ,and why we should vote for them . While every citizen should get out there , and use their right to vote and exercise it  . Many people are confused and absolutely not happy with any party and their policies . It's about time that the parties started thinking more about the less fortunate people and turning things around for them . After all the masses of people , who would go out there and vote are the only ones interested in changes and something good happening for them . The rich Bankers , Millionaires , Doctors , Lawyers ,Big Share holders are hardly interested in Voting Day and running off to there closest poll station and exercising their vote .
So the Politicians interested in catching their voters better get off their backsides and make it worthwhile for the common man 's life . I have always been a Labour party supporter , as they should be for the common person , but how much in touch Ed Milliban is really with the common person , I don't know ! I think I read somewhere he's a Millionaire , lol ... Anyways their policy ,announced yesterday ,that really impressed me and made me half happy was that he would implement apprenticeships for children who finished school , so it would insure that they would get employed . Now that's what we want , to see our children out of school , getting a half decent chance of getting jobs !!
What with jobs here being impossible to get , Yet shops put up signs for vacancies , however 2 months later the sign is still up and nobody has been employed even though more than a thousand applications have been put in .. it's not regulated and jobs are all hoaxes . With connections , friends and relatives put people in without even qualifications , it's all an inside job and it annoys me like hell .
So when David Cameron , comes with his policy today , he would force , people( 18-21) on jobseekers to go work for Charity's or pick litter or work at Care homes for 30 hrs a week is ridiculous . Is it even worth it to go work for the pittance that is job seekers ?? Why doesn't he just give them the minimum wage and let them work in these places . it's loads more than , what do these young people get , 57 pounds a week to manage ?? How are they supposed to feel worthwhile for that little money ?? They have the same needs as any other human being ! They would need to pay for their mobile phone ,  transport , food , electricity , water , toilet articles and some entertainment ! How on earth is all that possible ?? These people get depressed , they can't even pop into Primark and get some decent clothes , it's certainly un-affordable  !
I would like to see the Politicians run their life for 6 months on that little money , these people get !! You know I have great sympathy for the people I meet and talk with !! Some proper Change needs to come . Why don't these Celebrities pay Young people the minimum wage , from their exploding bank accounts to go , do the work that Mr. Cameron was talking about . The minimum wage is only 5 pounds 50 I think !! Young people will gladly do the 30 hours and feel good about themselves , they might even be able to afford go see The Kaiser Chiefs perform in Leeds :))

Okay my blog is getting much to long so I shall end here , but I want to make a difference and help the young people and give them confidence and show them proper money and help them get better off in life and up the ladder . Instead of making them reliant on benefits because they look dirty and feel dirty with their sad , sad life .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Go Vote and keep it Labour , if I was you :)
Keep smiling and have an awesome day !!

#Peace & Love

Monday, February 16, 2015

Delicious Poached Pears with a Cheesy Cream and Roasted Honey Walnuts :)

So tomorrow is Pancake Day ( Shrove Tuesday ) I guess everyone had a long weekend , celebrating Carnival or at least the excuse to overindulge in drink and partying because this Wednesday is the start of Lent and it's cutting down time , abstinence and fasting well if anyone still does that !! No meat Fridays !! Okay , okay I'm sure you all have forgotten those times or simply don't know what I'm talking about :)
I was think of sharing an amazing pancake treat I make for my kids on Pancake day with blueberries ice-cream and chocolate but I saw the net has some great pancake recipe ideas , so I'm not going to add mine to the long list . But I have a great dessert dish which is so simple to prepare and delicious to eat . Pears are one of my children's fav. fruit and this poached pear treat is mouth-watering !

4 Pears not too ripe good for poaching
250 ml port
375 ml. red wine
150 gms sugar
1/4 orange peel
3 cloves
cinnamon quill
1/2 vanilla pod
1 star anise

for the cheesy cream
150 gms of Stilton or any hard cheese of your choice
450 ml whipping cream

for the honey roasted walnuts
80 gms walnuts
80 ml. clear honey

Prepare the pears by peeling but do leave the stalks on.
Cut off the bottom ,so they stand upright . Using a melon ball scooper , get the core out and discard .Get all your ingredients for the poaching , put it in a saucepan with the pears and cover with some baking paper and gently bring it to a boil . Then reduce to a simmer and let it simmer for 7 to 15 minutes till the pears are soft . Once the pears are soft allow them to cool down in the liquor and then store them covered in the fridge till they are ready to use . Overnight is best .
To Prepare the Cheesy cream -- crumble your cheese . Place it in the blender with the cream and pulse until the cheese and the cream is amalgamated .
Pass the mixture through a sieve , then in a bowl whisk until it has thickened . keep in the fridge till you have prepared the walnuts for serving .
Pre-heat your oven 170 C place the walnuts in for 8-10 mins . Gently roast till they are golden . Don't let them get too brown and burn . Take them out drizzle with honey and put them back in for 2 mins . They are ready .
To Serve :  Place the pears in a saucepan gently warm it up for a couple of minutes , you don't want to over cook it just to, serve it warm .
Place each pear in a serving bowl , place a generous dollop of the cheese cream at the side . Add a few walnuts at the side and drizzle it all with a little honey . It's ready to eat !!

Have fun making this and enjoy eating it . If you are on a diet , just have less cream or a frozen yoghurt will nicely do , in it's place .
Whatever you're doing , have fun and have an awesome day . Keep smiling !!

#Peace & Love

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day , Crushes , Sitting on the Fence , lol .. How Do I Title This Blog ??

Happy Valentine's Day , Guys and Girls who faithfully read my blogs . Hope your day was fun , with chocolates , wine , good food , flowers and a nice gift ! I thought I'd get myself a bunch of flowers but even the budget supermarket Aldi where I popped in were lapping it up . Bunches of flowers were 20 pounds , 15 pounds and a real rubbish 5 stalks put together were 7.50 , lol ..I was not spending my money on that , got myself a bottle of wine for 5.50 and some beer and I'm happy for a week . No I was not fussing with Valentine's Day , since I have no one ,it hardly matters . Like I saw a post today , if you are with the right person , everyday can be like V day which is very true .Don't fool yourself if he isn't treating you right all year , he is not the one for you !
Anyways I was thinking of someone today , yes he lives all the way in the USA and I still have not got around to getting pally with him . Why am I still sitting on a fence denying the fact I have a massive crush , and want to get to know him . I don't know hhhmm maybe I do know , psychologically we  all are very clever as human beings ! Well Happy V Day J , I thought of you today :)

Okay the subject of this blog today , was a saying I read between my hectic morning , afternoon evening weekend routine . It struck me and I decided to share it with you all . "If you're not losing friends , You are not growing as a person " such a deep thought , in so few words , and very true they are . We continuously learn something just being friends with other human beings . We are not all the same , we differ enourmously in our expectations in friendships , sometimes people cut it , and it lasts and sometimes it disintegrates rapidly . People also misjudge or misinterpret situations and a friendship can be ruined . All these lost friendships teaches us something and we can grow and behave differently . I have come a long way , I have kept the majority of my friends since I went to school ,but yes sometimes key close friends have been lost along the way . To go back to this crush I have and why I hesitate to reach out and become friends with him , lies in the reason of a close friendship I had with a very good friend of his . Yes I was very good friends with this person and for a reason we stopped being friends , it might have also been that he guessed I liked his friend .. who knows I'm trying not to guess , but it is what it is !! Is it ever okay to start liking a friend's friend romantically ?? I don't know , I have mixed feelings on that subject ! I should write a blog about it sometime . Would love to get comments on it .
So on that note , I end here , hoping your Valentine has done something special for you , even if it was indulging you with 50 shades of Christian Grey in the bedroom ;) I am sitting here with a very stubborn pimple on my chin , that appeared two days ago and is not budging ! I sincerely think it's there , because of a lack of sex in my life , lol ....
Keep smiling and I hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great weekend . Stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

Friday, February 13, 2015

Norway ?? Here's Your Chance !!

Friday the 13 th is one of the most awesome days of the year , one thing's for sure the day got it's reputation through popular mythology not scientific proof ! It's lucky for some and unlucky for others because its all down to where you focus your own expectations . for me it's a good day and since I am ever the optimist , it serves me well !
Since I believe in all good things , lets put something smashing up in this blog and make everyone excited . I heard and read something exciting on the net yesterday and I want to share it , with you all ! It's about winning a dream job in Norway and no experience required :)
If you love taking photos your photos could snag you a great job in Norway . It sounds too good to be true ? It's even better !
DreamJobbing — a platform that shares unique job openings — has posted a position for a photojournalist to go on an all-expense paid trip to Norway to take photos for two weeks. The photographs from the winning applicant’s travels and adventures will be posted on If the trip isn't exciting enough (how could it not be?), the experience may be included in an episode of the DreamJobbing TV series.
You don’t need to have professional training to apply. Applicants need to make a one-minute video explaining why they are the best person for the job. Hint: you might also want to share some of your fabulous photos from previous vacations — or your garden, whatever you think best showcases your talents.
When your video is ready to go, post it across social media with the tags #NorwayDreamJob, @dreamjobbing, and #ChangeYourStory. For all those saying, “I don’t have Instagram,” this is a pretty good reason to start
All of your accommodations will be covered, and you’ll also get a per diem to spend while you there — whether it on a hiking adventure at Pulpit Rock, sightseeing in Oslo, checking out Edvard Munch’s art, or seeing how it was to live like a true Viking.

So get cracking make that video and give yourself  "that" luck and opportunity !
Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

#Peace & Love 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Words of Advice ? I Turn To The Great Kipling !!

Another day goes by , and we are so caught up in our hectic lives we seldom seem to sit down anymore and actually have  a conversation with our own family . Social media is the culprit !! But saying that it is always my top priority to talk to my children and make sure I hear them and give them all the good advice I can . Any good supporting mother does that . Don't we always want our children to have our own qualities . That is the reason people are not so keen on adopting , because they want their own flesh and blood to take traits of themselves forward . Though ,how much of that is true , I wonder  . We want our children to be little mini me's , replicas of us , but however , that doesn't happen . Of all my 3 children , only one I think is most like me :( , which also might change since she's still young . The other two are truly their own people . But nevertheless families stick together and if I can teach my children anything it's loyalty and love . One of my all time favourite poem is by Rudyard Kipling and it's the most beautiful poem I ever learned at school when I was eleven . I remember I tore out the page from the book , after the year was over and kept it in my diary and I still have that page with me today .
In Celebrity Big Brother , this year when each one is sent a letter from home . Calum's mother put this poem in her letter and everyone was so moved , however,  alot of the people even thought Calum's Mum wrote this poem for him ..sweet lol .. but she didn't !!
Okay so I really want to share it with you all , maybe you have read it before , or maybe not , but it's such a brilliant poem , you can never tire of it !!



If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
  Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
  If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Hope you enjoyed reading this . Def . words I will be giving my son and my daughters as well , Why Not :)
Till the next time , keep smiling !!

#Peace & Love 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Things Nobody Would Ever Say In This World !!

The days are just flying by , today's the 10 th of February , Valentine's Day is just four days away , but I'm not going to give you all another recipe of mine , just yet . Maybe just before the big day I'll get another recipe out , something with lots of Chocolate , to sweeten up the" hunny "of your life , and maybe you'll just get a stunning bracelet as a gift !!
No today I'll just put some humour on , and you all can crack a smile and continue with your day .
I've decided that a bunch of sentences , nobody would ever say in this world , would be funny .

Sentences , Nobody would ever Say :
1. Renee Zeilweiger's new face , is definitely a big improvement on her original face !
2. I need to see a plastic surgeon , I must have Katie Hopkins nose !
3. I must ask my neighbour to tell me all about his new rowing machine !
4. I'm going to wash my hair with detergent because it makes my clothes smell so nice !
5. I really want to eat this bowl of chillies , because I love everything spicy !!
6. I'm not going to take my annual leave this year , because I love working for my Boss !
7. I think I want to go live in North Korea !!
8. I am going to cover my Butt in that big Rose tattoo Cheryl Cole has , because I love it so much !
9.Uncle Jimmy has been in the toilet for an hour ,I'm going next !
10. President Obama will go down in history , as the best President EVER !!
11. Anthony Hopkins was all wrong for the movie "Silence of the Lambs " Keith Lemon would have nailed it !
12. Let us just trust the Russians with everything !!
13.And last of all , You know that teacher who was really mean to me , I want to go live next door to her

Okay , hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great day and keep smiling .

#Peace & Love

Monday, February 9, 2015

Shrimp Pasta with Bacon .. My Favourite Dish :)

When I can't decide what to cook , for the family , often the first thing that comes to my mind , which is a real winner with my kids is a pasta ! You can never go wrong , with it . The carbohydrates fill you up and it's always very satisfying .
I just wanted to share a recipe I often use myself , with you all . It has my favourite ingredients in it , Shrimp and Bacon which makes it doubly mouthwatering :)

Shrimp and Bacon Pasta ( Linguine )

6 strips of thinly sliced bacon
3 cloves of minced garlic
15 cherry tomatoes cut  in half
400 grms of pasta ( linguine )
250 gms of shelled shrimp
1/2 cup of frozen peas
1/2 cup of cream
salt and pepper to taste
3 spring onions chopped up

In a hot pan fry the bacon crispy . In a large pot of boiling water add salt and the linguine
Now add the garlic and the shrimps to the bacon and fry till the linguine is ready , should be at the same time . Once the linguine is ready add it to the bacon shrimp and garlic in the pan . Before also adding the peas boil it for 3 mins should be good . Now when you add the peas , throw in the cherry tomatoes & cream , cook till the cream thickens add salt and pepper to taste . Just before it's done add the spring onions and it's ready to serve .
It's sure to be your families favourite too !!
Hope you enjoy cooking this , and may it bring a big smile to your lips :)

Have an awesome day . Keep smiling !

#Peace & Love

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Spanking !! Is It Acceptable ???

In the past few days , the topic among most people has been " Is it okay to spank your Child ? " well , it was not plucked out of thin air ,  for people to discuss . It was Pope Francis , who sparked all this discussion when he , happened to say "It's okay to spank your child ,if they have been naughty , never on the face , but on the bottom or the legs " It has been a shock for some people , that our holy father brought up this subject !  Some people might now think , it's okay to spank because Pope Francis condones this behaviour ! We have moved so far forward , that it is , no more acceptable to spank a child . Yet , if you are a certain age ,lol .. it would have been completely normal to feel the fury of a parent and get spanked . But that , no more can  be permitted . I speak from experience , my mother , regularly not only spanked me , but choose to beat me up . Repeatedly I informed her , I did not like it , but she dished out this punishment to me . Okay let me just say , it only reinforces a child to become very stubborn and give backchat , so no purpose served !
When a person chooses to use a spank to express displeasure , at whatever the child has done , that in actual facts has nothing to do , with the child's behaviour and trying to discipline them. It has everything to do with the person who has raised their hand . It is their own frustrations , that unleashes the beast - anger ! They are not in control of themselves ( the parent ), and are frustrated ,angry and do not know how to express themselves . If you don't have patience , then any little thing can set you off . Generally it is the mental state of anyone getting angry , that is the bigger problem than the child .
Just to say, why I was beat , because I was not a naughty child !!  It was mostly because I refused to eat my food all up ! Yes I wasted alot , but that is me till today .  I don't overeat ,and children often , know  how much , they need and will always eat , when they are hungry ! Oh yes another reason , was doing bad at maths in school , caused my mother's fury , but of course I always said I had no ambitions of becoming a mathematician ! I am quite happy at being quick with money and calculations , because that's all I need in everyday life ,nobody can cheat me , lol .. No I still can't figure out logarithms ,  geometry still foxes me but heyho I'm not about to boost about any maths skills , I'd leave that , to the girl , who aced Maths  at school ! Where is she today , I wonder ?  Probably cooking for her kids and being a Mum and not proving her Maths skills , because I bet it doesn't make any difference to her kids . Kids don't care how clever their parents are,  because kids are always embarrassed by their parents and tend to think they know more anyways .
On the other hand , a child is very forgiving of their parents ,  that is why parents think it's easy to smack a child . They have unconditional love for the people who brought them into this world . Yes I love my mother , more than anything on this earth and she has ,apologised to me many times , in the years before she died , because I never let her forget , the spanks , I reminded her very often . Yes , I am a tough cookie , lol ..must have been those spanks ;)
As a mother myself , I know she was probably just frustrated with her life , she was young and had no income , she was a housewife so dependent on my father for every penny , had to ask for anything she needed , which is not a nice situation to be in !! I completely understand and forgive her from every corner of my heart .
I am very happy with my life , have no frustrations , so I am very tolarant and I never tend , to get annoyed with my children . Hence they are very good children .  The best thing to do when people feel they are losing control , is to take themselves ,out of the situation and not pay attention to any naughtiness . Inform your child , I know what your doing , and I'm going to ignore you and when you need something don't come to me , till you have apologised and tided up , if they are making a mess or rectified any of the bad behaviour . Ignoring hurts more than shouting , yelling and hitting which make's you look like a complete retard !
Love your children , don't put pressure on them to live up to your expectations , which will only frustrate you . Let your children be themselves and express themselves in their own manner . every child is different and has different capabilities .But every child is loving , good hearted , kind and their aim is always to please their parents , if you let them know everyday , how proud they make you !
Lock the word spanking away in a cupboard , throw the key away and forget that word exists . It has no use in todays society raising good children . The war should be over , give peace and love a chance !
Have a wonderful Sunday , and be the best parent you can be because NOW is your Chance !
Keep smiling !!

#Keep Smiling

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Isolate Him , Isolate Him !! Yet Katie Hopkins is loved and Is still Looking At Victory ...HHHmmm

So I was shocked last night when Perez Hilton , got the Boot from the CBB House . I have every sympathy for Perez , I guess I am just like Nadia . Had I been there in the CBB house , I would have befriended Perez and remained his loyal friend .
Since when have we learned , it's okay to tell ,all your friends in a gang , Isolate him , Isolate him and have everyone follow suit . Of course , it is very traumatic,  and if nobody can understand that , I am at a loss for words ! Something was lacking in your upbringing , for sure ! People who feel isolated can respond in 2 ways .. go into their shell , get into a deep depression and become a sucidel mess ! Or like Perez and defensibly , something I would do , become completely outrageous . It's a defense mechanism !! Have you heard of it ?? It really pissed off the other Housemates who , were hellbent on winning ( Yes , by lying on the sofa , doing nothing all day ) and receiving a big pay check , at the end of the programme . Perez entertained everybody , and viewers whether  you liked him or hated him , he featured massively ,on the one hour daily show  .
Yes he humped the garden furniture , which outraged everybody , lol .. But did Big Brother show , why he did it ..or is everyone not interested in knowing any facts ?? He was isolated by everyone , so poor Perez goes into the cold garden on his own , and starts singing , dancing and entertaining himself for an hour . When he comes into the house he sees , all the housemates , huddled up in the bedroom , bitching about him stealing their limelight , and hogging all the attention of the camera's . Why couldn't all 10 of them , other than bitching , be funny and sing their own songs in the bedroom , huh ?? So what does an isolated Perez do ?? Okay so they are outraged , fine buggers , I shall go and hump the garden furniture and cause even more of an uproar !! No one saw the funny side , because they are a bunch of bullys , Yes , they are !!
No one should ISOLATE , anyone in life , especially if you are part of a group ... be it school , college , work place or among family . We are human beings wanting to be loved and accepted , no matter what we say . Yes , Perez does not give a shit about them , but it stills hurts .. we are social people .
No matter what happens , I hope Katie Hopkins and Michelle do not , go on to WIN BB !!
Katie has been the ring leader and vile and everybody seems to have followed her blindly ! Michelle has done absolutely nothing in there , she has been glued to Katie H's side , and only been lazy  ,never spoke up and faded into the background . Did you see , all that ?  She never dressed herself up and was a slobbering mess all the time . No make-up and NO Glamour !! I thought she was going to WOO the public with Glamorous outfits . The only thing , she has ever uttered ,  is I want to win for the LBG Community . Do I know anything about Michelle ?? No , Only that she was on Drag Races ! Do I  know anything about that .? No and I'm not checking it out on Google either ! I just wanted to know about it from her mouth !She 's the most Boring HM ever !!
Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope you enjoyed reading this and take back something positive from the blog . Keep smiling :)

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Superb Anti-Wrinkle Creams , All under 10 pounds , Worth a try :)

February temperatures are always down to single digits , and we can feel those harsh winds drying out our skin , chapping our lips and causing our skin to feel red and patchy . The last few weeks with the icy winds blowing down from Iceland sent figures plummeting further into the minus :( so definitely a time to think about keeping our skin moisturised and finding a great cream that suits are pockets ,as well as, being great on our face .
Never too early to start with some anti-ageing creams , you could be as young as thirty and start using some .
I have made a list of the best Anti- Wrinkle creams all under 10 pounds , which I have used , and have received good reviews . They are all available at Tesco , online and at the stores .

1. Coming out absolutely at the top is the Tesco own brand anti-wrinkle Q10 cream . It's an absolute bargain at 3.99 and is currently being raved about by alot of beauty bloggers and a favourite of mine .

2. Olay Anti-Wrinkle Instant Hydration Night Cream Age 30 +   for a 50ml pot it's a bargain ,at just 5.99 and receiving a 4 and a half stars, in reviews . Feels good on the skin and has a pleasant smell .

3.Olay Anti-Wrinkle Aqua Physics Anti- Ageing Day Cream in a 50ml pot, costs just 6.66 and has got 4 stars , in reviews . It is an absolute bargain and will last you a good 2 months !

4. Nivea Q10 Plus Anti- Wrinkle Night Cream . This in a survey just before Christmas came out as the best anti- wrinkle cream tested , and cost a very reasonable 4.99 . A must try , and a favourite of mine !

5.Something a little bit more expensive , but worth every penny is from L'Oreal  Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Day Cream . This cream comes packaged looking very rich and lovely , a nice piece to display on your dressing table . It costs 8.66 , and has received 4 and a half stars in reviews . I say it's really worth it , and a must try !

6. Garnier Skin Naturals Ultra Lift Day Anti- Wrinkle firming Cream , comes also in a 50ml container , and costs 6.25 and is a natural , lovely smelling cream .It has received 4 stars in reviews .

7.Another great cream which is actually a serum from Olay Anti- Wrinkle 2 in 1 Firm and Lift Day Cream + Serum it's just 4.99 , under a fiver and a superb buy :)

8. L'Oreal  Dermo Expertise Age Perfect Day Cream , costs 7.99 and has received 4 and a half stars in reviews . Worth buying !

9.Nivea Pure and Natural  Anti- Wrinkle Night Cream costs a steep 8.49 but comes in some very plain packaging and I'm not sure it's worth the price .

10. Last I would recommend an Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream from Nivea Q10 . It costs 4.99 for a 15 ml tube but is absolutely worth using .

Hope you find the names of these creams that I have recommended  useful , so if you go shopping for one , you know exactly which one you want to try and suits your wallet as well . Don't be overwhelmed in the shops with so many different creams to choose from !

Have an awesome  day and keep smiling .

#Peace & Love

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Genetically Engineered Babies with 3 Parents !! What A Laugh hhhmm..

If it's not front pages news tomorrow , I'm shocked ! The Government ( the Houses of Common )in Britain have passed a bill , authorizing the Invitro-fertilization of a human embryo ,  using three people  ( YES , "3" people ) basically a very slippery slope "genetic engineering " and playing God . Britain will be the first country in the world to allow this , and it could happen as soon as , next year ,Well  if the House of Lords passes the bill  as well .
This is beyond anything we know or find normal in our lives . These kids who will be genetically made with the help of three people , would be unlike any other human child who is made from two people ! These designer babies , will be satisfying the needs of WHO ?? Basically people who have alot ( YES alot of money ) and can afford this procedure ! Does anybody think beyond their own needs ( I WANT TO HAVE A CHILD , lol ) to how that child is going to feel , grow up and adapt to this world ?? People need to stop being SELFISH !!! Sometimes it just happens that not everyone can reproduce and the balance of the world is maintained . People are also not meant to be born entirely perfect ! Next they will be trying to rectify an ordinary child ,  to be able to produce one who is a wiz  at Maths , grows up to have enormous strengths and be Mike Tyson , or Arnold Schwarzenegger and have brain power of Stephen Hawking ! This is ridiculous .
How are we going to put a price , on these designer babies ? Would you say they would cost about the same as a Louis Vuitton bag , or the price of Princess Diana's engagement ring , or perhaps the NHS will do it for free ??
This supposedly offers families a glimmer of hope , of having a baby to live without pain and suffering !! That is morally wrong , and taking the high horse , everybody has pain and suffering and that is what ,being human is about . If these people are so  desperate to have and love a child , please do so ..Go out and adopt a child and give it love and affection , and toys and a good home . Don't look to spread your genes because wealth makes it possible you can . But who's to say you are not a despicable human being and the world is supposed to endure the spawn of these people . Stick to what is within the boundaries of the world . Live like we are supposed to . The world is already taking a turn for the worse , there is poverty , debt , homelessness , war , beheadings , OMG my skin is crawling and instead of trying to fix the world , we are interested in genetically creating  a made to order child !!
How about , making everybody well off , Nobody should ever need to go to a food bank in a wealthy country as Britain !
How about making the jobs advertised , really available , in England !! A friend of mine has been searching desperately , do you know Primark advertised and said go into the shop and hand in your CV . When she went in , the manager was so rude NO , NO we don't accept CV"s go and do it online !! She never hears back from anyone , inspite , of me going with her, and handing in CV's to more than 300 places .
Somebody even told me , Do you know in England no one gets a job , it's an inside thing , if you know someone working in a place , they will get you in ... In other word's connections ,lol .. that sound's pretty bad .What's going to happen to all these Young people graduating , walk the streets , get involved with crime be at a loose end ??
So I'm not interested in this so called , break through and three parent babies . I was HAPPY having ONE MOTHER ,and ONE FATHER . I think Freak , is what the tag , that will be attached for these babies , sadly !!
Okay ,  enough said in this blog .. I hope you still enjoyed reading this . Whatever state of wealth you are in , I hope you have enough to cover things , like me and still feel blessed and happy . Keep smiling . I love you all , for taking the time ,out of your busy day to read my blogs .Stay Blessed :)

#Peace & Love

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ten tips to Boost your Memory Power

We all need to boost our memories , especially if we are a certain age , take on all the responsibilities , have children , a business to run , the household , bills ... Well we can do with , a few extra tips to boost our memory power .
I know if I don't keep a diary of birthdays  lately , lol I'm forgetting them . Yes had me worried , when I have the memory of an elephant :))
So I've done some research and come up with , some really valuable tips  to improve your memory .

1. Starting in the morning , brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand . This stimulates interaction between two sides of the brain , meaning new neural pathways develop , boosting your grey matter .

2. A handful of blueberries in the morning with your porridge ,cereal or natural yogurt for breakfast . They're rich in flavonoids , which increase blood flow to the brain and can improve concentration by 20% .

3. Have a Latte mid-morning . Milk can boost memory , concentration and learning abilities . In fact adults who consume dairy products five to six times per week , did far better than those who rarely ate or drank them .

4. Don't eat a large lunch - it will only make you sluggish in the afternoon . Food rich in B vitamins , such as Chicken , potatoes ,and bananas can help improve your memory and keep your brain healthy and alert .

5. Chewing Gum , sharpens the wits . Tests found people who chewed during memory tests scored higher than those who didn't . The chewing increases heart rate , boosting the oxygen supply to the brain .

6. Have Green tea instead of black . Chinese researchers suggest drinking green tea regularly could improve your memory delay the onset of Alzheimer's and fight heart disease - thanks to the key antioxidant called EGCG ( epigallocatechin-3-gallate ) .

7.Empty the dishwasher while listening to the radio . As we get older , our brain becomes less efficient at multitasking , yet combining activities like cooking while listening to the radio , forces it to do two things at once .

8. Indulge in a few squares of dark chocolate . Studies have linked compounds in chocolate , called flavanols , with improved memory .

9.Arrange a night out with friends . People who have plenty of social contact with others are less likely to develop serious memory problems . Research has found that socializing stimulates the mind , keeping memory and mental abilities sharp .

10. Get enough sleep . Lack of sleep boosts the formation of amyloid beta , the toxic protein that clogs up the brain , according to a recent study .

So hope you all , found reading this helpful , with a few good tips to boost any flagging memory  .
Keep smiling and have an awesome day .

#Love & Peace

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sporty Sunday , Andy lost ,but Can the Patriots Win ?? I Hope !!

It was a cosy Sunday , just spent all day indoors , didn't feel the need to bundle up in the cold ,cold weather and meet the elements ! I did wake up early to make sure I didn't miss any part of the Australian Open Tennis Final with Andy Murray in it ! Surely he was going to do it today , he's been in the Final five times . of course he plays like a Champion and I hoped he was going to snatch the title and make Britain and me proud :)  He started off the game playing some brilliant tennis , if you happened to catch the game you would know what I'm talking about . After two fighting sets , he suddenly lost rythem ,from tiredness , a negative attitude ?? It turned the entire game on its head . He lost the third set and went down in the fourth 6-0 yeah shocking ! He did have surgery on his back just fifteen months ago , but commentators kept insisting it was his negative attitude that ruined it for him . I tend to agree with them , it's okay to vent and let the frustration out but  then pick yourself up , be positive, and then things tend to go the way you want ! I often tell my children it's mind over matter ! The force within you , that accomplishes miracles .
I always rock a positive attitude , never think negative and it has served me well . Andy Murray needed to keep his coach Ivan Lendl . He was a determined man and always focused on his goal . Ivan Lendl was a brilliant tennis player , even though I was not his biggest fan , I have great respect for him . I hope Andy Murray ,gets himself a Grand Slam this year , I know I'm rooting for him .
Right now the Super Bowl is going on and with my telly on , I'm watching and typing ..yes women can multi-task . Okay so I don't know all the rules of American Football but I know a bit of the game and who cannot watch Tom Brady play , lol ... I hope the Patriots win but , I have a feeling the Seahawks are going to be the Victors !! And the 80 ad. slots , yes I just saw Kim Kardashian advertise something ,about  DATA ..okay whatever that was , all I noticed was the enormous booty !! But I love  Katy Perry , and she's going to sing at half time , and I'm a fan .. so it's all in all an awesome sporty day , even if I only did my exercise /keep-fit routine in the confines of my bedroom . Heck tomorrow I shall go for a long jog !
Hope your Sunday was as exciting as mine , and you enjoyed reading this . Always stay positive and  "faith can move mountains " Keep smiling ..

#Peace & Love