Thursday, February 26, 2015


With a nice glass of wine I sit and relax ,time to watch some telly ! After some Google-box where the nice people sitting on their sofa's seemed to be so surprised when Sharon Stone flashed her whoha to the world . This movie was made in the early 90's ,  I thought no one would be shocked any more ,lol ..everyone and their friends , had seen it , by now ;) Their faces were priceless , shock , embarrassment and the oh's and ahh's when the raw sexuality and bondage at the start of the film had them gasping :) But that was the end of the programme and not the reason of my blog today !
After that came the show " The Romanians are Coming " which out of interest I kept it on , to see !! It was eye-opening , on many different levels ! One of the things I didn't know , was there are alot of farms in England which need fruit pickers ! Now isn't it a perfect job for our young people living here in this country , to be employed doing ?? No ,when I checked on the net , to see if these jobs are available ..Do you know WHAT ? These jobs are not advertised for our own young people !! YET these Romanians find these positions advertised back home in their own country Romania in little Cafe's plastered all over their Walls !! Why the FUCK is that happening ?? Because these people can be cheated , and paid much below the minimum wage on these farms , and they get by !! By sleeping rough or all of them , contributing to a one room flat and roughing it out ! Stop this immediately ,FARMS , pay the minimum wage and get YOUNG people from here to work , picking fruit , vegetables etc ! Farms should be regulated by the government and forced to employ and pay people who live here in a decent home , not living rough and sending wages back to Romania . Money made here should be put back , in the economy here , in England  !!
I am going to keep promoting this blog and see if this brings about change ..Because I am getting really pissed off , that there are hundreds of people who want to be employed and can't find work ! Jobs are advertised but nobody is being taken on and the advert seems to stand in windows , like there are jobs available but there isn't !! Something SINISTER is going ON !!
Let's start with Care Homes and Farms , they should employ only people from here and not advertise for employment in Europe !! Come ON People , Start SHARING this BLOG and make Changes to this RUBBISH Happening in OUR Beautiful Country !!


Hope you enjoyed reading this , and help make a change ! Keep Smiling and have a good day !

Peace & Love

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