Monday, February 23, 2015

The Turning World !!!

Monday morning , and the Oscar's are over for another year ! The biggest thing for me , was the In Memorium snub for Joan Rivers . How is that possible ? It is because of her , that we even CARE about the Oscar's . Apparently Hollywood still feels the need to oppress women . One of the reasons , another item of talk on the net ,was when Patricia Arquette decided to make her acceptance speech, into a political platform , and talk about equal money for women as their male counterparts .  I'm on that same bandwagon , but I'm more for all people getting paid equally . What is the purpose of having such big gaps , between rich and poor ? Why are people who are rich , keep getting paid such obscene amounts of money , it is not fair living in this world , when the likes of sport stars , bankers , actors etc earn more than is required to survive  .
Creepy stuff also happens ,  John Travolta , absolutely forgot himself , and stole the crown for being creep of the day . He decided the red carpet was the perfect opportunity to grab Scarlet Johanson , put his hands all over her , and go in for a kiss . Nowadays women prefer men , keeping their hands to themselves . Women are not objects and some restrains would not go amiss . Apparently Travolta thought , Scarlet  didn't mind , because he wasn't done yet , he was so outrageously creepy with his hands all over Idena Menzil's face , and going in for a smooch , I'm surprised Idena kept her cool and gave him a cheeky toothy smile , if only , it reached her eyes, which spoke a different story . He wanted to make up for mis-pronunciation of her name last year .. a simple humorous quip would have done , in my opinion ! Okay ,do you think that was all from Travolta , NO , there is a creepy snap doing the rounds , where he's giving Benedict Cumberbatch a rather funny kind of look :)  he's getting creepy alright , it could be his age ,lol . But if he wanted to steal the show and get some press , he achieved his goal !
So that was the Oscar's . The world still went around , and all the bad things happening in all the other news , didn't seize , because of the Oscar's . The shocking news here in England is how three young girls just 15 & 16 years old , packed a bag each and bought a one way ticket to Turkey , with the intent of continuing on to Syria, to join the terrorists gang IS . Can you imagine how young people born in England , raised here, think it's okay to go join people who  behead , kill and cause chaos  doing the worst atrocities towards their fellow human beings . This is unbelievable, that the British Government would spend money , to go look for these girls, and bring them back to England . I say they should be Barred from ever ,entering this Country again . If this happens , them being banned from returning to the UK ,other youngsters would think twice, about upping sticks and going off to fight for Satans Kin ! The world is going crazy and much tougher rules should be in place , to discourage young people from being radicalized and bought off by terrorist groups .
More money for everyone and equality ,  a smaller divide between rich and poor is the answer . The sooner this is achieved , the better the world can become .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Be good in all your thoughts and deeds and God will bless you one day .Nobody does bad things , and goes to heaven . You are being Judged , it's hard to be good , but goodness is the key to heaven ! Have an awesome day . Keep smiling !

#Love & Peace

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