Sunday, February 8, 2015

Spanking !! Is It Acceptable ???

In the past few days , the topic among most people has been " Is it okay to spank your Child ? " well , it was not plucked out of thin air ,  for people to discuss . It was Pope Francis , who sparked all this discussion when he , happened to say "It's okay to spank your child ,if they have been naughty , never on the face , but on the bottom or the legs " It has been a shock for some people , that our holy father brought up this subject !  Some people might now think , it's okay to spank because Pope Francis condones this behaviour ! We have moved so far forward , that it is , no more acceptable to spank a child . Yet , if you are a certain age ,lol .. it would have been completely normal to feel the fury of a parent and get spanked . But that , no more can  be permitted . I speak from experience , my mother , regularly not only spanked me , but choose to beat me up . Repeatedly I informed her , I did not like it , but she dished out this punishment to me . Okay let me just say , it only reinforces a child to become very stubborn and give backchat , so no purpose served !
When a person chooses to use a spank to express displeasure , at whatever the child has done , that in actual facts has nothing to do , with the child's behaviour and trying to discipline them. It has everything to do with the person who has raised their hand . It is their own frustrations , that unleashes the beast - anger ! They are not in control of themselves ( the parent ), and are frustrated ,angry and do not know how to express themselves . If you don't have patience , then any little thing can set you off . Generally it is the mental state of anyone getting angry , that is the bigger problem than the child .
Just to say, why I was beat , because I was not a naughty child !!  It was mostly because I refused to eat my food all up ! Yes I wasted alot , but that is me till today .  I don't overeat ,and children often , know  how much , they need and will always eat , when they are hungry ! Oh yes another reason , was doing bad at maths in school , caused my mother's fury , but of course I always said I had no ambitions of becoming a mathematician ! I am quite happy at being quick with money and calculations , because that's all I need in everyday life ,nobody can cheat me , lol .. No I still can't figure out logarithms ,  geometry still foxes me but heyho I'm not about to boost about any maths skills , I'd leave that , to the girl , who aced Maths  at school ! Where is she today , I wonder ?  Probably cooking for her kids and being a Mum and not proving her Maths skills , because I bet it doesn't make any difference to her kids . Kids don't care how clever their parents are,  because kids are always embarrassed by their parents and tend to think they know more anyways .
On the other hand , a child is very forgiving of their parents ,  that is why parents think it's easy to smack a child . They have unconditional love for the people who brought them into this world . Yes I love my mother , more than anything on this earth and she has ,apologised to me many times , in the years before she died , because I never let her forget , the spanks , I reminded her very often . Yes , I am a tough cookie , lol ..must have been those spanks ;)
As a mother myself , I know she was probably just frustrated with her life , she was young and had no income , she was a housewife so dependent on my father for every penny , had to ask for anything she needed , which is not a nice situation to be in !! I completely understand and forgive her from every corner of my heart .
I am very happy with my life , have no frustrations , so I am very tolarant and I never tend , to get annoyed with my children . Hence they are very good children .  The best thing to do when people feel they are losing control , is to take themselves ,out of the situation and not pay attention to any naughtiness . Inform your child , I know what your doing , and I'm going to ignore you and when you need something don't come to me , till you have apologised and tided up , if they are making a mess or rectified any of the bad behaviour . Ignoring hurts more than shouting , yelling and hitting which make's you look like a complete retard !
Love your children , don't put pressure on them to live up to your expectations , which will only frustrate you . Let your children be themselves and express themselves in their own manner . every child is different and has different capabilities .But every child is loving , good hearted , kind and their aim is always to please their parents , if you let them know everyday , how proud they make you !
Lock the word spanking away in a cupboard , throw the key away and forget that word exists . It has no use in todays society raising good children . The war should be over , give peace and love a chance !
Have a wonderful Sunday , and be the best parent you can be because NOW is your Chance !
Keep smiling !!

#Keep Smiling


  1. Thanks Sabrina for the essay on spanking. It is always a difficult topic to treat with balance and calmness. In my long life I have seen many hundreds of kids who came up in life through spanking. They are the better for it. I am one of them. On the other hand I have seen many who were treated with cruelty and they are broken persons now. The spanking in itself is neither good nor bad; what counts is the message that the child receives through the medium of the spanking. After all there is verbal spanking and it can be good and useful. There is the frown, the glance, even righteous anger. These all are forms of [psychological] spanking and they can be very helpful. But like physical spanking, these too can be abused. Let us then distinguish good and bad spanking. Looking at your children's eyes on FB, I can see that (a) they have been spanked, and (b) they are the better for it.

  2. That's a big statement to make lol ..You are wrong , I have never spanked my children and I am very happy , I didn't !! It doesn't achieve much and just to add my son who 9 years old was looking at me typing and asked what is spanked ? He had never even heard the word before . A proud moment for me , Even the threatened spanks is an outrageous thing to do !! Be peaceful is what I say .. thanks .
