Monday, February 2, 2015

Ten tips to Boost your Memory Power

We all need to boost our memories , especially if we are a certain age , take on all the responsibilities , have children , a business to run , the household , bills ... Well we can do with , a few extra tips to boost our memory power .
I know if I don't keep a diary of birthdays  lately , lol I'm forgetting them . Yes had me worried , when I have the memory of an elephant :))
So I've done some research and come up with , some really valuable tips  to improve your memory .

1. Starting in the morning , brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand . This stimulates interaction between two sides of the brain , meaning new neural pathways develop , boosting your grey matter .

2. A handful of blueberries in the morning with your porridge ,cereal or natural yogurt for breakfast . They're rich in flavonoids , which increase blood flow to the brain and can improve concentration by 20% .

3. Have a Latte mid-morning . Milk can boost memory , concentration and learning abilities . In fact adults who consume dairy products five to six times per week , did far better than those who rarely ate or drank them .

4. Don't eat a large lunch - it will only make you sluggish in the afternoon . Food rich in B vitamins , such as Chicken , potatoes ,and bananas can help improve your memory and keep your brain healthy and alert .

5. Chewing Gum , sharpens the wits . Tests found people who chewed during memory tests scored higher than those who didn't . The chewing increases heart rate , boosting the oxygen supply to the brain .

6. Have Green tea instead of black . Chinese researchers suggest drinking green tea regularly could improve your memory delay the onset of Alzheimer's and fight heart disease - thanks to the key antioxidant called EGCG ( epigallocatechin-3-gallate ) .

7.Empty the dishwasher while listening to the radio . As we get older , our brain becomes less efficient at multitasking , yet combining activities like cooking while listening to the radio , forces it to do two things at once .

8. Indulge in a few squares of dark chocolate . Studies have linked compounds in chocolate , called flavanols , with improved memory .

9.Arrange a night out with friends . People who have plenty of social contact with others are less likely to develop serious memory problems . Research has found that socializing stimulates the mind , keeping memory and mental abilities sharp .

10. Get enough sleep . Lack of sleep boosts the formation of amyloid beta , the toxic protein that clogs up the brain , according to a recent study .

So hope you all , found reading this helpful , with a few good tips to boost any flagging memory  .
Keep smiling and have an awesome day .

#Love & Peace

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