Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Genetically Engineered Babies with 3 Parents !! What A Laugh hhhmm..

If it's not front pages news tomorrow , I'm shocked ! The Government ( the Houses of Common )in Britain have passed a bill , authorizing the Invitro-fertilization of a human embryo ,  using three people  ( YES , "3" people ) basically a very slippery slope "genetic engineering " and playing God . Britain will be the first country in the world to allow this , and it could happen as soon as , next year ,Well  if the House of Lords passes the bill  as well .
This is beyond anything we know or find normal in our lives . These kids who will be genetically made with the help of three people , would be unlike any other human child who is made from two people ! These designer babies , will be satisfying the needs of WHO ?? Basically people who have alot ( YES alot of money ) and can afford this procedure ! Does anybody think beyond their own needs ( I WANT TO HAVE A CHILD , lol ) to how that child is going to feel , grow up and adapt to this world ?? People need to stop being SELFISH !!! Sometimes it just happens that not everyone can reproduce and the balance of the world is maintained . People are also not meant to be born entirely perfect ! Next they will be trying to rectify an ordinary child ,  to be able to produce one who is a wiz  at Maths , grows up to have enormous strengths and be Mike Tyson , or Arnold Schwarzenegger and have brain power of Stephen Hawking ! This is ridiculous .
How are we going to put a price , on these designer babies ? Would you say they would cost about the same as a Louis Vuitton bag , or the price of Princess Diana's engagement ring , or perhaps the NHS will do it for free ??
This supposedly offers families a glimmer of hope , of having a baby to live without pain and suffering !! That is morally wrong , and taking the high horse , everybody has pain and suffering and that is what ,being human is about . If these people are so  desperate to have and love a child , please do so ..Go out and adopt a child and give it love and affection , and toys and a good home . Don't look to spread your genes because wealth makes it possible you can . But who's to say you are not a despicable human being and the world is supposed to endure the spawn of these people . Stick to what is within the boundaries of the world . Live like we are supposed to . The world is already taking a turn for the worse , there is poverty , debt , homelessness , war , beheadings , OMG my skin is crawling and instead of trying to fix the world , we are interested in genetically creating  a made to order child !!
How about , making everybody well off , Nobody should ever need to go to a food bank in a wealthy country as Britain !
How about making the jobs advertised , really available , in England !! A friend of mine has been searching desperately , do you know Primark advertised and said go into the shop and hand in your CV . When she went in , the manager was so rude NO , NO we don't accept CV"s go and do it online !! She never hears back from anyone , inspite , of me going with her, and handing in CV's to more than 300 places .
Somebody even told me , Do you know in England no one gets a job , it's an inside thing , if you know someone working in a place , they will get you in ... In other word's connections ,lol .. that sound's pretty bad .What's going to happen to all these Young people graduating , walk the streets , get involved with crime be at a loose end ??
So I'm not interested in this so called , break through and three parent babies . I was HAPPY having ONE MOTHER ,and ONE FATHER . I think Freak , is what the tag , that will be attached for these babies , sadly !!
Okay ,  enough said in this blog .. I hope you still enjoyed reading this . Whatever state of wealth you are in , I hope you have enough to cover things , like me and still feel blessed and happy . Keep smiling . I love you all , for taking the time ,out of your busy day to read my blogs .Stay Blessed :)

#Peace & Love

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