Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Decisions - But Make Your Vote Count :)

As I get cosy with my hot chocolate and contemplate what topic I should write about tonight a few cross my mind . The subject today featured all over was the fact that Binky from "Made In Chelsea "got paid 3000 pounds for holding up a message for the Charity Barnados to get more people to follow their Instagram ! Is it right that a Charity pays money to rich Celebrities , to advertise for them ?? After all the fuss Binky decided to waver the fee of 3000 because she didn't want more criticism ! It's a complete disaster , Celebrities are rich enough ,without taking the common person's donations to a charity , as fees for them to advertise the Charity . Where has their good will gone ? They just want to get richer ,while the rest of England ( the middle classes , continues in poverty !) With more people being reliant  on Food banks !
Which gets me to the the next subject , with the elections coming up in May , the parties are busy with their strategies on what would be good for the people ,and why we should vote for them . While every citizen should get out there , and use their right to vote and exercise it  . Many people are confused and absolutely not happy with any party and their policies . It's about time that the parties started thinking more about the less fortunate people and turning things around for them . After all the masses of people , who would go out there and vote are the only ones interested in changes and something good happening for them . The rich Bankers , Millionaires , Doctors , Lawyers ,Big Share holders are hardly interested in Voting Day and running off to there closest poll station and exercising their vote .
So the Politicians interested in catching their voters better get off their backsides and make it worthwhile for the common man 's life . I have always been a Labour party supporter , as they should be for the common person , but how much in touch Ed Milliban is really with the common person , I don't know ! I think I read somewhere he's a Millionaire , lol ... Anyways their policy ,announced yesterday ,that really impressed me and made me half happy was that he would implement apprenticeships for children who finished school , so it would insure that they would get employed . Now that's what we want , to see our children out of school , getting a half decent chance of getting jobs !!
What with jobs here being impossible to get , Yet shops put up signs for vacancies , however 2 months later the sign is still up and nobody has been employed even though more than a thousand applications have been put in .. it's not regulated and jobs are all hoaxes . With connections , friends and relatives put people in without even qualifications , it's all an inside job and it annoys me like hell .
So when David Cameron , comes with his policy today , he would force , people( 18-21) on jobseekers to go work for Charity's or pick litter or work at Care homes for 30 hrs a week is ridiculous . Is it even worth it to go work for the pittance that is job seekers ?? Why doesn't he just give them the minimum wage and let them work in these places . it's loads more than , what do these young people get , 57 pounds a week to manage ?? How are they supposed to feel worthwhile for that little money ?? They have the same needs as any other human being ! They would need to pay for their mobile phone ,  transport , food , electricity , water , toilet articles and some entertainment ! How on earth is all that possible ?? These people get depressed , they can't even pop into Primark and get some decent clothes , it's certainly un-affordable  !
I would like to see the Politicians run their life for 6 months on that little money , these people get !! You know I have great sympathy for the people I meet and talk with !! Some proper Change needs to come . Why don't these Celebrities pay Young people the minimum wage , from their exploding bank accounts to go , do the work that Mr. Cameron was talking about . The minimum wage is only 5 pounds 50 I think !! Young people will gladly do the 30 hours and feel good about themselves , they might even be able to afford go see The Kaiser Chiefs perform in Leeds :))

Okay my blog is getting much to long so I shall end here , but I want to make a difference and help the young people and give them confidence and show them proper money and help them get better off in life and up the ladder . Instead of making them reliant on benefits because they look dirty and feel dirty with their sad , sad life .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Go Vote and keep it Labour , if I was you :)
Keep smiling and have an awesome day !!

#Peace & Love

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