Friday, February 13, 2015

Norway ?? Here's Your Chance !!

Friday the 13 th is one of the most awesome days of the year , one thing's for sure the day got it's reputation through popular mythology not scientific proof ! It's lucky for some and unlucky for others because its all down to where you focus your own expectations . for me it's a good day and since I am ever the optimist , it serves me well !
Since I believe in all good things , lets put something smashing up in this blog and make everyone excited . I heard and read something exciting on the net yesterday and I want to share it , with you all ! It's about winning a dream job in Norway and no experience required :)
If you love taking photos your photos could snag you a great job in Norway . It sounds too good to be true ? It's even better !
DreamJobbing — a platform that shares unique job openings — has posted a position for a photojournalist to go on an all-expense paid trip to Norway to take photos for two weeks. The photographs from the winning applicant’s travels and adventures will be posted on If the trip isn't exciting enough (how could it not be?), the experience may be included in an episode of the DreamJobbing TV series.
You don’t need to have professional training to apply. Applicants need to make a one-minute video explaining why they are the best person for the job. Hint: you might also want to share some of your fabulous photos from previous vacations — or your garden, whatever you think best showcases your talents.
When your video is ready to go, post it across social media with the tags #NorwayDreamJob, @dreamjobbing, and #ChangeYourStory. For all those saying, “I don’t have Instagram,” this is a pretty good reason to start
All of your accommodations will be covered, and you’ll also get a per diem to spend while you there — whether it on a hiking adventure at Pulpit Rock, sightseeing in Oslo, checking out Edvard Munch’s art, or seeing how it was to live like a true Viking.

So get cracking make that video and give yourself  "that" luck and opportunity !
Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

#Peace & Love 

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