Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day , Crushes , Sitting on the Fence , lol .. How Do I Title This Blog ??

Happy Valentine's Day , Guys and Girls who faithfully read my blogs . Hope your day was fun , with chocolates , wine , good food , flowers and a nice gift ! I thought I'd get myself a bunch of flowers but even the budget supermarket Aldi where I popped in were lapping it up . Bunches of flowers were 20 pounds , 15 pounds and a real rubbish 5 stalks put together were 7.50 , lol ..I was not spending my money on that , got myself a bottle of wine for 5.50 and some beer and I'm happy for a week . No I was not fussing with Valentine's Day , since I have no one ,it hardly matters . Like I saw a post today , if you are with the right person , everyday can be like V day which is very true .Don't fool yourself if he isn't treating you right all year , he is not the one for you !
Anyways I was thinking of someone today , yes he lives all the way in the USA and I still have not got around to getting pally with him . Why am I still sitting on a fence denying the fact I have a massive crush , and want to get to know him . I don't know hhhmm maybe I do know , psychologically we  all are very clever as human beings ! Well Happy V Day J , I thought of you today :)

Okay the subject of this blog today , was a saying I read between my hectic morning , afternoon evening weekend routine . It struck me and I decided to share it with you all . "If you're not losing friends , You are not growing as a person " such a deep thought , in so few words , and very true they are . We continuously learn something just being friends with other human beings . We are not all the same , we differ enourmously in our expectations in friendships , sometimes people cut it , and it lasts and sometimes it disintegrates rapidly . People also misjudge or misinterpret situations and a friendship can be ruined . All these lost friendships teaches us something and we can grow and behave differently . I have come a long way , I have kept the majority of my friends since I went to school ,but yes sometimes key close friends have been lost along the way . To go back to this crush I have and why I hesitate to reach out and become friends with him , lies in the reason of a close friendship I had with a very good friend of his . Yes I was very good friends with this person and for a reason we stopped being friends , it might have also been that he guessed I liked his friend .. who knows I'm trying not to guess , but it is what it is !! Is it ever okay to start liking a friend's friend romantically ?? I don't know , I have mixed feelings on that subject ! I should write a blog about it sometime . Would love to get comments on it .
So on that note , I end here , hoping your Valentine has done something special for you , even if it was indulging you with 50 shades of Christian Grey in the bedroom ;) I am sitting here with a very stubborn pimple on my chin , that appeared two days ago and is not budging ! I sincerely think it's there , because of a lack of sex in my life , lol ....
Keep smiling and I hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great weekend . Stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

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