Thursday, February 5, 2015

Isolate Him , Isolate Him !! Yet Katie Hopkins is loved and Is still Looking At Victory ...HHHmmm

So I was shocked last night when Perez Hilton , got the Boot from the CBB House . I have every sympathy for Perez , I guess I am just like Nadia . Had I been there in the CBB house , I would have befriended Perez and remained his loyal friend .
Since when have we learned , it's okay to tell ,all your friends in a gang , Isolate him , Isolate him and have everyone follow suit . Of course , it is very traumatic,  and if nobody can understand that , I am at a loss for words ! Something was lacking in your upbringing , for sure ! People who feel isolated can respond in 2 ways .. go into their shell , get into a deep depression and become a sucidel mess ! Or like Perez and defensibly , something I would do , become completely outrageous . It's a defense mechanism !! Have you heard of it ?? It really pissed off the other Housemates who , were hellbent on winning ( Yes , by lying on the sofa , doing nothing all day ) and receiving a big pay check , at the end of the programme . Perez entertained everybody , and viewers whether  you liked him or hated him , he featured massively ,on the one hour daily show  .
Yes he humped the garden furniture , which outraged everybody , lol .. But did Big Brother show , why he did it ..or is everyone not interested in knowing any facts ?? He was isolated by everyone , so poor Perez goes into the cold garden on his own , and starts singing , dancing and entertaining himself for an hour . When he comes into the house he sees , all the housemates , huddled up in the bedroom , bitching about him stealing their limelight , and hogging all the attention of the camera's . Why couldn't all 10 of them , other than bitching , be funny and sing their own songs in the bedroom , huh ?? So what does an isolated Perez do ?? Okay so they are outraged , fine buggers , I shall go and hump the garden furniture and cause even more of an uproar !! No one saw the funny side , because they are a bunch of bullys , Yes , they are !!
No one should ISOLATE , anyone in life , especially if you are part of a group ... be it school , college , work place or among family . We are human beings wanting to be loved and accepted , no matter what we say . Yes , Perez does not give a shit about them , but it stills hurts .. we are social people .
No matter what happens , I hope Katie Hopkins and Michelle do not , go on to WIN BB !!
Katie has been the ring leader and vile and everybody seems to have followed her blindly ! Michelle has done absolutely nothing in there , she has been glued to Katie H's side , and only been lazy  ,never spoke up and faded into the background . Did you see , all that ?  She never dressed herself up and was a slobbering mess all the time . No make-up and NO Glamour !! I thought she was going to WOO the public with Glamorous outfits . The only thing , she has ever uttered ,  is I want to win for the LBG Community . Do I know anything about Michelle ?? No , Only that she was on Drag Races ! Do I  know anything about that .? No and I'm not checking it out on Google either ! I just wanted to know about it from her mouth !She 's the most Boring HM ever !!
Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope you enjoyed reading this and take back something positive from the blog . Keep smiling :)

#Peace & Love

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