Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Farewell Old , Hello New .. 2014 is Almost Done ...

Hello from cold England , I'm snuggled up in my fleece pajamas , bathrobe, and sipping a nice wine , to warm me up . The whole year has rushed passed us ,seriously where did those 365 days go ? One more day and we bid farewell to 2014 and welcome with open arms 2015 .We are always ready to bid goodbye and say hello . Tomorrow at midnight all around the world millions will be singing  "Should auld acquaintances be forgot , and never brought to mind ? "Echoing a sentiment penned a long time ago by Scottish poet Rab Burns . It is a rhetorical question , is it not ? For many these days , it is a symbolical gesture of disconnection to the past . But should we really move on from yesterday and  forget that the past ever happened ? Or should we consciously accept and forgive history as we now embrace the future .
If we really want to know the truth , atleast once in our life we should allow ourselves to doubt everything we ever thought we knew . Our story is never fully told , in 2015 we have a chance to once again, fully embark on our journey . By the time it is at the end ,we should feel like a different person and the world should watch with amazement and have new respect for us . We should embark on an adventure , that eventually facilitates the fulfillment of lifelong aspirations . Don't be bound by limitations , that you once accepted as inevitable . You always have a chance to dream and take the bull by the horns and move forward .
I always remember the words of French Philosopher Rene Descartes , "I think , therefore I am " I paraphrase him "  I intend .. therefore I will " simple but achievable , definitely my motto for 2015 .
Goals , Resolutions we all make a list of them somewhere soon in the first days of 2015 it is a topic to touch upon .
So my friends and other bloggers who read in case I'm so busy and don't have the time to pen a few lines , I wish you a very Happy New Year 2015 . If you party tomorrow night New Year's Eve, be responsible , don't drink and drive . Don't lose control of yourself and always be thoughtful , kind , helpful and gracious . Have a lovely night ! Goodnight and till 2015 . Be Good !
#Peace & Love

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Catalyst that Changes your Life's Path , Good or Bad ???

Hi everyone who religiously follow my blog .. I am deeply honoured that you like my writing and read my thoughts for that day . I know I have new people all the time reading from as far away as Mexico and Switzerland . India still seems to draw in 2/3 shameful .. what do those people do there ?? Guess they have stopped reading for a high flying , fast track lifestyle , presumably .. But thank you very much everyone else who does read the blog  . Please do feel free to comment if there is a particular topic you would like me to write about .I know most of the time my views don't follow convention and I am pretty open minded , sometimes wacky in my thoughts but always religious in my open minded beliefs .
Today was a thoroughly different day there were dips .. it went from a little excited high to a low to a high and a low .. But I am always sailing through it all ... The reason being I always keep my boat anchored securely close to shore so no matter how rough the waves are going to be , I know I am going nowhere !! We all need to have that secure spot within ourselves to conquer all that comes along in life ..
So shall I begin on that morning feeling ... I happened to find an old b/f on fb who I have not heard from in years approximately 26 yrs .. yeah that's a freeking long time .. So I sent him a friend request and he accepted .. well I don't know if he exactly remembered me ( it was a very short friendship !) but I enjoyed chatting for a bit and finding out how life had turned out for him !! He without knowing had been the Catalyst which had turned my whole life around when we met all those 26/27 years ago . I am today here,  because had I not split with my then b/f to start dating him , life would have been totally different for me !!!
Are we all smart enough to  realise what turns our life around at what point to take us on a complete different journey on our life path ?? Not many people have that perception but maybe we need to take better notice of things .. Not that I'm saying he ruined what would have been ,lol No !! I believe this , because whatever happens always happens for a reason , it teaches us valuable lessons , always .
My life was lovely I had a great boyfriend , he was tall handsome , with the most gorgeous eyes you could ever see , they changed colour and I was fascinated with them , my Mum often said Elizabeth Taylor had those eyes that changed colour ! But because he lived very far away , we only ever saw each other 3/4 times a year , and that made me unhappy . I being young ,had girlfriends whose boyfriends were taking them out all the time , I wanted a b/f close by , who could spend plenty of time with me . Now my B/f was a great , honest , loyal guy who I knew for forever , and had we stayed together , he would have married me and we would have been living in Aussie .. But I broke up with him , for this" other guy "also handsome and very close to looking like Sting ..I was so charmed .. But it didn't last !! Barely 2/3 months later , he moved away to another city and we lost touch , while he lived a fast busy life .. I lost the b/f who I knew for so long for this little romance and nothing could get my old b/f back he was hurt and unforgiving .. So my life changed completely .. I had another relationship which turned sour , after years together .. I eventually married a very controlling man had my 3 gorgeous children split up with him , and now I'm a single mother ..working hard to bring up my kids on my own .. Not an easy task but accomplishing it everyday !!
Then the dip of the day .. how many times do we get hurt as parents by our children but we ignore it .. Because they are our children and we love them so much .. Well we had all decided ,to go for a day out , tomorrow . Suddenly this morning I decided I wouldn't go with them tomorrow , they could just go with a relative of mine . But I in the evening changed my mind and said Oh what the hell, "I am going with them " I'm sure they will love having me " Mum " tag  along .. To my dismay my eldest child says No don't come , you don't care for that shopping Mall it's okay stay home .. I have never been so hurt in my life .. My Mum is no more and I would never in my life have told her , what my child told me ..I always wanted her to come everywhere with me .. I would give anything to have her come along with me .. Oh did I cry , yes as old as I am I cried , thinking OMG , my child doesn't want me .. But she saw she hurt me and apologised but it's okay I am going and I forgive , it's part of being a parent . So my day was up and down ..How was yours ??
Well whatever time it is now in yours make the most of it and give thanks for another day passed . Keep smiling , till tomorrow , stay blessed :)
#Peace & Love

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Steak Sandwich to Balance all the Christmas Hearty Food :)

Good Evening England .. and the rest of the world, wherever you are in your day , I hope it's a good one and your smiling from ear to ear ! So Christmas day , Boxing day and a few more days have passed , how soon time does fly . I hope the festive days brought you much joy , good presents , family togetherness and peace in your heart ! For me it was joyous , with a beautiful Church service , Carols , mulled wine ,Christmas cake , gifts , scrumptious dinner , the Queen's speech ( which I never MISS !! ) and the other wonderful TV programmes to keep one so happy it's obscene .. well Eastenders makes sure they have some heavy subject on, and some drama to end all dramas to dent all that unending joy of the day ! But nevetheless Eastenders had such a gripping episode it was more than just good !! So it was a happy old, contented me who went to bed on Christmas day with a smile on my face  :)

Okay so today you must be tired from all those busy days , meeting up with friends , cooking for 21 people , shopping on boxing day .. hhhmm tiring for everyone , I'm sure .  You def . don't want to cook again !! But we all need to eat , and we all like good food cooked super quick . So I whipped up this and it went down so well , everyone wanted seconds and thirds but everyone was not so lucky . The Ribeye Steak Sandwich , really delicious .

My Quick Recipe for the Steak Sandwich :

Slices of Bread ,or a Baguette
Ribeye Steak , cut in slices
Red Bell Peppers or Paprika ( whatever you call it )
Cheese slices ( Optional )

Cut your mushrooms , peppers ,onions put them on a grill pan and season with salt and pepper . Once they have softened add a little bit of sugar to caramelize it . When it's done in a few minutes get it off the heat .
Get your steak on and grill it for 3/4 mins on each side . season it with salt and pepper .
Get your bread , sprinkle it with some Olive Oil and put it on the grill . Toast it on each side and take it off once it looks a bit done .
Put your steak on the bread , you could add the cheese at this point , then add your grilled vegetables . Cover it with another slice of bread and cut it in half . Your Steak Sandwich is ready to eat ! Enjoy .. It's one of my favourite things .

Have a wonderful day and Enjoy whatever you set your heart on doing . Till next time , Keep smiling .. Bye for now .
#Peace & Love

Monday, December 22, 2014

Police !! Where Is the OutRage Now ??

Hi , everyone wherever you are in your day , I hope it's been a happy one and your smiling . Alot of things are going on in the world , and we can't pretend we didn't hear about it . As soon as children can read they see the news plastered all over the net ! Seeing as our children are so computer savvy .
The news about the 2 police officers shot , in NY was shocking . They are the first people who give us protection , the sense of having them around brings a more peaceful feeling . In times of trouble when things can't be controlled , often communities call on the police for help . How many of us ,knew children in our classes when we were young and at school , growing up who wanted to be a Police Officer . Nowadays not so many children want to join the Police Force , because it is fast becoming a very dangerous job . We need to give our Police Officers more support , respect and love . These Men work shift duties , long hours walking the streets keeping patrol .. They often do shifts on bitter cold nights to give the common people protection at the weekends in the big Cities .
I remember visiting San Diego on my own on Vacation , I booked a hotel before I left , and booked one completely on the outskirts of the town ! So everyday while I roamed around town it was often 1 am in the night before I was waiting to catch the bus to my hotel . I had to change in between from a red to a yellow line or something like that . At that time of the night I was a little afraid but every stop had an armed Policeman to make people like me feel safe . I always stood pretty close to him till I managed to catch my next trolley car . The Policemen taking on these jobs have to be brave because they know we depend on them . Often these hard working men are underpaid .. As in a lot of Service Jobs .. People give their time to Care about somebody else and they are undervalued and underpaid . Why is it if you play sport , suddenly you deserve an obscene amount of money !
I say we should Respect our Police , and give them more support . Also don't you think having a uniform job they also need to take care of their appearance , their clothes .  So even when they are not at work , they are getting their clothes organized . Keeping fit and always doing everything with work in mind . Okay so I am taking the time to write this , because I do think they can be charming, witty , caring but more important , they are also human beings, in case we forget . They are somebody's Father , Mother , Brother , Sister, Husband ,Wife , Son or Daughter . Yes I do like somebody who's a Police Officer and God bless him for the great Job he does , even if it's only me saying so !!
God Bless all our Officers in the USA , UK and all over the world .. They do a hard , thankless job .
Enjoy your day and RIP any Officer who has died anywhere in the world .. We love you xx
Peace & Love

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Some Veggies have Protein !!!

Happy Sunday everyone !! Hope your Sunday was relaxed , and most of all the Christmas prep . is done and under control . I'm still short of having everything I need , but two more days at the shops will see me done dusted ,and ready to bring in the New Year :)
I've just got to make sure I've bought as many " Greens " as I have Meat and Seafood !!!
Did you know that, there are Six Veggies that contain a fair amount of Protein which we get from  meat . Vegetables are typically not known for being a source of Protein , but there are some with a sneaky amount of it ! Plant proteins are sometimes " incomplete " which basically means they don't contain a fair amount of amino acids !! To make sure you are getting the right amount of amino acids be sure to combine these veggies with whole grains !

Each half-cup contains three and a half grams of protein. Try them in a creamy fresh pea soup with mint .
You'll find three grams of protein in a half cup of spinach. Get your fill with one yummy spinach smoothie.
Baked Potato
Another stealth source of protein? Potatoes! A medium-sized one contains three grams . Make delicious spinach- and goat cheese stuffed baked potatoes .
Broccoli's not just filled with fiber (2.6 grams per half cup)—it's also a great source of protein, with two grams per serving. Up your intake by cooking your favorite broccoli recipes.
Brussels Sprouts
These little green guys get a bad rap, but they're actually nutritional superstars: Each half cup packs two grams of protein, along with 247 milligrams of potassium and 110 micrograms of vitamin K. Luckily for haters , there are delicious Brussel Sprout recipes available . 
OK, we know that corn is technically a grain. But you can find it in the produce aisle—and you'll be glad to know that half a cup of kernels provides two grams of filling protein. Try this grilled corn with lemon-parsley butter  with dinner tonight.

Hope you find yourself eating more greens ,especially ones which have protein ! Have a good week and Merry Christmas xx

Friday, December 19, 2014

Four Simple Exercises to Give your Whole Body a Workout :)

Hi , We all need to get up , off our backsides  :) Yeah , off that couch , once we get home and be more active . Sounds too much of a chore ?? Four basic exercises to help tighten that core and give you a complete workout in your living room . Dumbbells not needed , sports bra not required and there's no reason not to get an amazing workout in the house . Twenty reps of each exercise , and your good to go .. A proper whole body workout !!

1. The Pull up Walk : This pike move works every muscle in your arms down to your calves .
1. Start in the press-up position, both hands on the floor, arms straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Keeping your legs straight and knees locked, walk your feet in as far as you can towards your hands, stop for a beat, then reverse by walking your hands away until you're back in the press-up position.
3. This is one rep. Remember to keep your tummy pulled in throughout.

2 .The side Plank : This side plank is another good one for tightening , your tummy muscles but also gives your shoulders and back a good work out .1. Lie on your right side with your ankles, knees, hips and shoulders in line with each other and your right elbow on the floor under your right shoulder, hips lifted off the floor, weight supported on your foot and forearm .
2. Dip your hips down towards the floor before raising them back  to the start position; this is one rep. Do the same number of reps on each side.

3. The Lie-Down , Stand-Up :Yep, that's the actual name… but don't be fooled, this move is super effective.It strengthens your bottom and legs, as well as your core.
1. Lie on your back with your arms lying flat on the floor at your sides.
2. Extend your arms back behind your head, then throw them forwards, using the momentum to lift your body to a half-kneeling position before standing up straight.Try not to touch the floor throughout and to get up lying back down again, arms extended. This is one rep in one smooth movement.

4. The T- Press :This is a classic yoga move that really targets your core and tummy muscles.
1. Start in the press-up position with your feet shoulder-width apart,hands under your shoulders.
2. Perform a press-up and, as your arms straighten, pivot on your feet and lift your left arm until it's  pointing straight up and your chest is facing left.
3. Pause for a count of two seconds and then, with control, reverse the move until you're in the press-up  position again. This is one rep.  Do the same number of reps on each side.

Hope you find these four exercises helpful .. It is sure to make you feel ten times better about  yourself , without getting a gym membership !
Have a good weekend , and keep active :) 
#peace & love .

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Love Cooking Salt Meat ( Beef ) - My Recipe !!

Hello Everyone , the weekend is almost upon us and most of us at the weekend think about preparing, something really special for the family ( if you love to cook ! ) I have lovely memories of salt meat ( cooked with a large chunk of beef ) which was a staple around Christmas time , with all the people who lived in my town  . My grandma made this delicious dish , but this recipe is not hers , she never got around to telling me how it was done  . I learned to make it over time , checking the net and this is how I now prepare my own . I love it so much .  I don't generally wait for Christmas to prepare it for my children . It takes a while to make , needs to be soaked in brine . But lasts for sometime ,in the refrigerator . Great to be sliced and put in sandwiches . I am crazy about salt meat , it is super delicious and with Christmas around the corner , I know a lot of people want to prepare some special side dishes, for all your lovely relatives who just turn up on your doorstep to share the holiday spirit with you . I hope you enjoy making this and have tons of pleasure eating it !! Enjoy , the recipe is below :)

For the brine 
275 g  soft light-brown sugar
350 g  coarse sea salt
2 tsp black peppercorns
½ tbsp juniper berries
4 cloves
4 bay leaves
4 sprigs of thyme
55 g  saltpetre (optional)
For the beef 
2.5 kg  piece of beef brisket
1 large carrot, roughly chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 celery stick, roughly chopped (optional)
1 leek, cut into large chunks
1 bouquet garni
½ head of garlic
Put all the ingredients for the brine into a very large saucepan, pour in 2.5 litres  of water and gradually bring to the boil, stirring to help the sugar and salt dissolve. Once it comes to the boil, let it bubble away for two minutes. Take off the heat and leave to cool completely.
Pierce the meat all over with a skewer. Put it in a large, sterilised plastic box or bucket (something non-reactive) and cover the meat with the brine; it must be totally immersed. The best thing I've found for weighing it down is two massive bottles of vodka. Put them in on top of the meat and it will stay below the level of the brine. Leave in a very cool place ( a room that is always freezing cold – most houses have one). Leave it for seven days.
Take the beef out of the brine and rinse it. Roll and tie the meat and put it in a pan with the vegetables, bouquet garni and garlic, adding enough cold water to cover. Bring the water to simmering point, then leave to poach gently – I mean gently – for two and a half to three hours. Cook until the meat is completely tender (check with a skewer).
Serve in slices with pickles, horseradish sauce , English mustard or piccalilli. You can serve it hot (reheat it in the broth in which it has cooked) or cold. It will keep for a week in the refrigerator; wrap it well so it stays moist.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and keep smiling ... 
Bye for now . #peace & love .

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Act of Defiance ????

Don't feel stupid if you are not interested , in what everyone else pretends to be interested in ! I actually did not want to make any reference or create a status or blog about the shocking incident in Peshawar yesterday . But my Facebook news stream has been flooded by photos and articles about the atrocious attack against 132 innocent children . These people are committing violent crimes against their own people , where is the sense in that ? They want to shock the world , they obviously have no sense of countrymen , religious ideals or any human feeling . Their goal is to create headlines , rock the world , and feed of all the press they get . They need to be left to rot and everyone needs to ignore their insane antics . Their whole religion malarkey is extreme in all sense of the word , I don't understand them and don't choose too , they actually have a festival where they beat themselves with knives and swords , what is that all about ??
When they start killing little children , they are completely insane and going a step too far ! I wouldn't know where to begin to put an end to their madness . At least when Hitler had his terror going on , we knew he was the gang leader and when he was overthrown , the world was a better place , and Germans are one of the best people in the world , because they are always trying to prove themselves better , than the man that tarnished their name . Who are you going to catch with these idiots ? I say fight violence with violence or this is never going to end ! Or cut all sanctions to these countries and withdraw all troops and leave them to kill each other , looks like the barbarians that they are , will stop at nothing ! I am tired of all the rubbish going on in this world . I am going to get on with my Christmas festivities and hope God rests those poor children 's souls . Peace & Love is all I have to offer ..

Nobody feel guilty , like I'm pointing a finger at your religion , if you would never do those things , then of course it's not yours ..possibly some demonic people carrying out this !!

Stay peaceful everyone ... A good heart speaks for its self , there is no point to prove . I love everyone ..Stay blessed 
Peace &Love

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Entitlement , the Order of the Day

How often as we run around doing our daily duties ,do we also have the belief "we are confident , positive " Not so much , that is the reason so many self help books exists  , Guru's that flog their material becoming immensely popular and bulking up that bank balance . But more often ,if you just believe you have the power to carry out the task , you will vastly enhance the likelihood of it's success . Though that belief requires a sense of entitlement . You need to see yourself as the right person , in the right place for the right reason being able to achieve the goal .
We all have a sense of entitlement , though not always with a good reason . Often people sit back and think this is going to fall into my lap because my parents are rich ,or I know so and so , or it will happen ,and they are too accustomed to getting things in life. The Universe ( the greater power ) will allow goals ,to become a reality, but always for the right reason . Only when you start pursuing your goals . Sometimes  life is hard for everyone , we all have our obstacles to face . If somebody is wealthy we wonder what could be the reason for their misery . Maybe they have some sort of illness ,that no amount of money can cure !! Maybe they don't have genuine friends , maybe they are just lonely . A poor man could have a lot of friends (all poor ones ) and they never have  money to eat .. There is always something going on in everybody's life ...But saying that I believe Money is always the answer , because like most posts,on Facebook that I see ,  people are saying "they'd rather cry in a big house with food in their belly , a warm fire , heating , then cry in a small shack , with no heat and hunger " that makes alot of sense to me !! I would  always aim to have lots of money, that's always been the goal , to work hard and give my children .Although how hard can one work to achieve these goals ,we pursue ? Wages are substandard , prices of electricity , water , rent , transport , food is all above and beyond . No matter sometimes how hard we try , we are stuck in a little boat making ends meet and not climbing up that mighty ladder quick enough to achieve up and beyond . So another thought struck me , Why is it that people who get terminally ill , fight so hard to continue living ?? Are their lives so mighty good ?? Do they have everything ??? I was talking about this very thing with my very dear friend and I asked , Why are people so afraid to die ? She told me "maybe they love their family and  don't want to die " That was the weakest answer in my opinion , for the simple reason , no matter how much you love your family they always want stuff from you , if your looking after them . If I were to tell my kids ,I love you very much but this year no presents from Santa because Mama loves you so much !! Omg , they would be shocked , because a) they know how much I love them , I always tell them cuddle them up and kiss their rosy cheeks !! Most loving parents do this ,so it's not news for them , but they want gifts and if Santa doesn't bring them anything it's not good enough . So everyone needs money to buy gifts , in this modern day world , everyone expects . What needs to be done is take everything back to the sixties when love was all they ever needed . The internet , technology advancement in everything is the downfall of everything in Society !! I work hard and when my time comes to pass from this world , believe me I am good and ready !! Till that time I am going to make sure I have money and teach my children it's always money that is important !! So making sure I have my Euromillions Ticket firmly in hand today , I will check the results because I believe, I am the right person , it's for the right reason and  my kids and I deserve it . Some factors will always knock our confidence from time to time , even the big and mighty wrestle with this .. But I believe I am bigger than all that causes me too feel small and I trust myself .
I want each person who reads this to trust themselves , good things happen to good people . No matter how hard it is to be good , try it , it feels good to be GOOD :)

Bye for now , and stay blessed . #peace & love

Monday, December 15, 2014

Shopping for Fragrances :)

Christmas is so close now , I can smell it in the air , hint , the mulled wine , baking of the Christmas cake , making Brussels sprouts for dinner , the Christmas crackers my children pull every night before dinner . Yes I love Christmas and No I'm not made of money ,so as much as I love all the exclusive stuff , I know I'm always looking for a great bargain .
Again ,No I am not Gwyneth Paltrow and I'm not running Goop trying to get you to buy 1400 pound diamond ear jackets :) or a 50 pound  under-wire white T/Shirt bra or a Griddle pan costing 143 pounds because any old pan won't do :)
I have put together a list of 6 of my top fragrances , which I'm sure you would love to try !!
Now here's the twist  , No they are not the high end Estee Lauder , or Lancome 's pricey buys but Fragrances that smell almost similar to these designer ones and have been packaged just as good .
So if you are travelling to the UK this year make sure you sample and buy these , they are absolutely worth their price .

1. Mark's & Spencer's " True Red " it costs 12.50 and smells exactly like Hugo Boss's " Deep Red ", which costs 25.00

2. A firm favourite of mine from Mark's & Spencer " Butterfly " , this costs 12.50 and smells exactly like Marc Jacobs " Daisy " , which costs 34.02

3. Another one which I use daily is from Next " Just Pink " which costs a very reasonable 8.00 pounds and smells exactly like Ralph Lauren's "Romance " which costs a hefty 38.00 pounds .

4. Zara"s " Rose " costs just 7.99 and is an absolute bargin , smells exactly like Dior's "J'adore " which retails at 46.50 in the shops

5. This from River Island called "London "is absolutely gorgeous it retails at 12.00 pounds in the shop and smells exactly like Miss Dior "s "Cherie " which is to buy for 46.50 at any perfumer .

6. My last recommendation is from Next  called " Gold "  it is a bit more pricey at 14.00 pounds but is too die for :) .. I've asked Santa to put it in my Stocking this year ... It smells just like Yves Saint Laurent "s "Cinema "which costs 42.50 at the shops .

Hope you found these few tips helpful , with your Christmas shopping ..make someone special smile while not breaking the bank . Happy Shopping :)

#peace &love

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Queen Fabiola , anyone ???

Happy Sunday :) A day for reminiscing and thinking about all that happened in the last week . Was there anything that happened in the world , or maybe in your own life that struck you , touched a cord or made you happy , sad etc ?
This past week on Friday , was the burial of a Queen . Maybe you heard about it , maybe not !!! But Queen Fabiola of Belgium passed away the friday before,  and was laid to rest this last friday . Perhaps you have never heard of her but former Queen Fabiola of Belgium was a wonderful person and very loved by her countrymen . She ruled alongside her husband King Badouin  for 33 years and was a caring genuine , fashionable monarch , who left a lasting impression on all of Belgium .
What struck me most , was how loved ,she was by everyone . Every Royal Family from around the world sent a representative from their family to pay their respects at the funeral . But our Royal Family sent no one . Apparently nobody was available and the British Ambassador to Belgium Alison Rose, represented our Country . Why could NO One from the Royal family attend ??? Surely Prince Andrew , Edward or one of the lesser Royals could have gone ? Our country has a tendency , to always behave a bit funnily, when someone dies !! For fun events ,someone is always available to attend . It fills me with sadness that death is somehow overlooked as gone and forgotten . Surely Not !!!
Queen Fabiola was a Spanish girl from an aristocratic family born in 1928,  the sixth of seven children . After finishing school she trained as a military nurse and turned down many Spanish aristocratic suitors because she thought they were not "sufficiently serious " That all changed when the young Belgian Prince Badouin came looking for a wife . They were introduced by a mutual friend and fell madly in love , in 1960 they tied the knot and she wore on a beautiful fur trimmed gown by Balenciaga  :) Despite some early problems with Badouin"s step mother Princess Lillien the couple proved very popular with the Belgian people .
Queen Fabiola was dedicated and a loyal subject in Belgium but she could not produce an heir . She and Badouin had a very loving marriage . She did fall pregnant , five times but each time with heartbreak she lost each child . Both King and Queen were very sad , but they dedicated themselves to their people and gave their love forward . When King Badouin passed away in July 1993 with no heir , the throne was passed to Albert , King Badouin 's younger brother . Queen Fabiola retreated from society so as not to overshadow Albert's wife , the new Queen Paola . Fabiola remained well loved and was particularly close to her nephew Phillipe who is now the new King of Belgium .
As I looked at the photos of the funeral ,I couldn't help but notice how Prince Gabriel  , King Phillipe"s young son cried as the coffin passed . Queen Mathilde rubbed tears from her own eyes as she comforted her son . Queen Fabiola was loved . Although she herself had no children she was not short of passing on her love to the others in her family . My own brother and wife remain childless , but they do not acknowledge my children and refuse to be a part of my life !! Some people could learn from others , as high profile as she was , humbleness was not forgotten and God remembers those . I wonder how many would cry for my brother or his wife at their funeral ???
Humbleness and kindness are everlasting , these gifts born in our soul are never forgotten, I want to thank a very dear friend Richard who helped me when it was needed and my brother refused . God never forgets kindness . Help when you can . Stay blessed always . Love from my home to yours .... Merry Christmas xxx
#peace & love

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Selection of Wine's for Christmas .

Good Afternoon everyone , the sun peeps out of the skies and even though it's 2C it's pleasant ! Are you all busy getting ready for Christmas ? My list is prepared but I generally rush around starting the 15th . So as I continue to let my list of Christmas,  must have's grow , I want to share a wine list which perhaps you would find really handy when you decide to choose your drinks for over the festive season .
They are all available from the budget supermarket ALDI , but by no means cheap rubbish . Some are a bit pricey but are absolutely delicious and a must buy for people who watch their budgets but can afford to splash out a bit :)
1. I would begin with one of my absolute favourites . MOSEL RIESLING  Auslese 2013 . This costs 9.99 and it's from Germany's best known region . This has delicate tangerine and lime flavours . It's sweetness is delicately balanced by intense mouth-puckering acidity . Delicious with desserts or salty cheeses or like me to just sip all evening .

2. I would choose the HENRI de LORGERE SANCERRE 2013 . This also costs 9.99 with crisp classic mineral and lime notes which you'd expect from the Loire Valley . This French wine with it's mineral notes of Sancerre with it's chalky soil is a perfect match with  most fish and goat's cheese.  Think your cheese platter accompaniment .

3.I would choose an Australian wine CHARDONNAY 2014 LIMESTONE COAST . This costs just 5.99 , but with it's un-oaked , dry ,and full honeysuckle ,white peach and mouth-watering pineapple it's rich and full balanced and perfect to go with any feast of pork or roasted chicken .

4. A very good fourth is from New Zealand FREEMAN'S BAY PINOT GRIS 2014 this with it's tempting aromas of honeysuckle ,mango and flavours of ripe melon ,pear and spice is perfect to partner spicy Asian dishes like Curries . It cost's a reasonable 5.69 .

5. Back again to France for another good white wine  is the DOMAINE LECESTRE CHABLIS 2013 . It costs 8.99 it comes from the Burgundy Valley in North East France and made from the Chardonnay grapes . It's pale lemon green in colour , apple and white flower aromas with zesty citrus and mineral notes . Goes perfectly with Lobster tails , Salmon , Scallops , Shell fish ,Goats Cheese , Brie and Pork .

6. Moving on to Red wine and a particular favourite of mine is the French COMTE de MONTENAY CHATEAUNEUF-du-PAPE 2013 this costs 10.99 comes from Southern Rhone with it's warm climate this wine is full-bodied rich and spicy . A silky mouthfeel and is packed with ripe red and black fruits . Perfect to go with Game meat and Red Meat . Enjoy .

7. A brilliant Red from Italy has to be the TERRA Dei FOSCHI BRUNELLO Di MONTALCINO 2009 . It costs a hefty 16.49 but is so worth it .from Tuscany this is the very heartland of Italy's food and wine culture . This is a rich example of Brunello , dark berry fruit flavours which are harmoniously overlain by clearly defined, finely textured ripe tannins . Perfect with Red meat ,Lasagne , and Hard Cheese .

8. Lastly but the absolute best ,for a gift or just to indulge at the Christmas period a marvelous buy from Canada at 24.99 it is pricey , but a treat called-  TRIUS VIDAL BLANC 2013 Canadian ICE WINE . It's a Dessert wine . The  Grapes for this precious wine were picked on December 16th 2013 at 8pm in temperatures of -15 C. After harvesting , the grapes were pressed and the pure nectar that escaped were used to create this Ice wine . With it's aromas of Vanilla bean and warm spice , notes of apricot and honey this is a treat and delicious to be served along side a pear tart , mature cheeses or with a spicy Thai salad . A Must Try .

Hope you found this helpful and settle on something delicious from these absolutely top quality wines . Make your Christmas special . Merry Christmas all xx
#peace & love .

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Healthy Avocados !

Hello everybody , I'm sitting eating my very healthy snack , an Avocado for lunch !! How many of you think an avocado is a great choice to have ??
I will give five great nutritional reasons why you should choose the Avocado !

1.A Nutrient Dense Fruit : Nutrient dense fruit are those that provide a substantial amount of vitamins , minerals and other nutrients with relatively few calories .One fifth of a medium avocado has 50 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals , including fiber , potassium , Vitamin E , B vitamins and folic acid making it a great choice . They also act as "nutrient booster " by enabling the body to absorb , more fat soluble nutrients , such as alpha and beta carotene and lutein  , in foods that are eaten with this fruit .

2. Contains Good Fats : When used instead of other fats , avocado can be a satisfying  addition to a calorie reduced diet .

3. A Popular Choice : Avocados are included in some of the leading world nutrition organizations . Nowadays there are more and more great recipe's available to vary the way you eat your avocado .

4. Great for Babies and Kids : The avocado's creamy consistency makes it a great first food for babies with beneficial nutritional properties .

5. Naturally Sodium and Cholesterol Free : Besides being sodium and cholesterol free , fresh avocado's contain mono and polyunsaturated fats . Making this an incredibly good eating choice .

Hope you remember to shop this week for avocados and supplement your diet with an incredible , nutritional fruit . Enjoy eating  and have a good day .

Bye for now , #peace & love .

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Marriage & Virginity do they go Hand in Hand ...hhmmm

Hello from a cold , rainy , windy and very stormy England . I am sipping my hot chocolate and keeping warm . Rain always perks me up , I just love it ,when the heavens open and we are showered with rain . Rain is essential for crops , nature and time to get cosy indoors . Snow might be upon us and sleet & hail but all that means Christmas is getting near . Wrap up warm and Remember somebody loves you , drive safe !
Okay so I'm not blogging to talk about the weather ,in most European countries , the conversion opener has to be about the weather . Everyone is most comfortable talking weather and since it affects us, that's the  easiest convo. to bond over !!
Today I want to talk about marriage , virginity and reality . Once again I heard on the news, more talk about marriage , but this time relating to same sex marriage ! I have always wondered about this talked about subject , No not same sex marriage , just marriage in general . Why do people feel so obligated to marry ? I can understand when a person's very religious , they might feel the need .  But with more and more people embracing Atheism why is marriage so necessary ? I remember Brad Pitt , George Clooney so against the idea of marriage , but they caved in !! It was the pressure of the kids in Brad/ Angelina's case and society in George's . Oh maybe it was his vast fortune that he was considering . Wealth can make people tie the knot to keep their assets safe . Divorce is immanent and nobody wants to end up in the divorce courts with half their wealth going to somebody they now hate ,lol ..
Marriage , is just a piece of paper . It does not actually state on it I promise I'm going to stay with you forever . Why would anyone want to do that ? Especially as a divorce then can cost alot of money . When your in the middle class bracket  it can work out expensive . I would rather two people decided to love each other unconditionally , always work hard at the relationship and build a happy home as equals without the burden of marriage . If you feel the blinding need to have a white dress and a party to show your together , just do that , without something legally binding . People who marry in today's society have a very high divorce rate , something like 70 % . This mostly comes around when 2 people don't have anything,  anymore in common as they grow older and fail to want to work things out , so they divorce and look for somebody else to meet their needs . I think gay people who are looking to get married , simply want  marriage because it exists and they want to be part of it .  I 100% support their need . If others are allowed to marry why not them ? Every partnership is sacred and who is society to look down on anyone . A choice of partner male /female is only for an individual to decide who they want to be with . I love every kind of person , because they are a person first and most important . Marriage is a society invented thing in the old days . Nowadays things have become so modern , does anybody know anything anymore about the old days ??
Marriage and Virginity generally also went together in the old days , but that was mostly in  certain cultures practiced . People all over western society after the 60's had a more liberal view . So why do some people , still want to pretend they were a virgin when they tied the knot ,  when they were not ? Surely  people are not bluffing their partners wherever they are in the world , to a false fact . Why is it so important to be a virgin , it baffles me . If they decided to sleep with someone , it had to be because they really wanted to , because they had deep feelings for that person . Girls don't take sleeping with anyone lightly , so why would you want to deny the person existed ? But saying that ,people like that exist ! Fact !! I fell out with a relative because of such an issue . It all started when I had separated with the father of my children and separations are not easy , so there was a lot of bad feelings and hurt and anger on both our parts, so ofcourse when my dear cousin who was fond of my husband said one Easter ,do give my Easter greetings to him . Now why on earth would you tell me to do that , because I am upset with him , angry he's hurt me , I'm putting him in the past and moving on .. So I told her just that , please don't ever ask me to pass on wishes , do it yourself ... I don't ask you to give Easter wishes to so and so an old B/F of her's . Oh she said that's different he was a B/F , this was your partner !! Really I said , I don't see a difference you had a relationship with this person for a couple of years you slept with him , it's the same thing .. She suddenly became so enraged slept with him ??? What are you talking about ... You are a gossip , you spread lies about me ??? I was stunned !!!! Just the thought that I brought up sleeping with someone got her seething !! Was she afraid , I would slip up in front of her husband ?? Did she fool her husband she was a Virgin ?? So I lost my cousin's friendship that day !!She doesn't want to know me ,Virginity was very important to her apparently . No I've never mentioned this about her to anyone ,she was acting so guilty , I didn't know what to think . I was Gobsmacked !! Except that Virginity apparently is important to men who marry women . Hmm in some instances society is still in the dark ages .
Saying all that No I was not a Virgin when I married , and when my husband, to be asked me after he proposed and I accepted . I told him the truth , No I'm not and Why are you asking ? Is it important and he told me it was not important . Well at least that was a tick in his credit !!!
Okay time to stop writing ,and get ready to go pick my kids up from school .
Enjoy your evening and think less about lying , and leading a more truthful life ... Maybe blessings will come your way !!
Bye for now and be good don't do  anything I wouldn't do :)
# peace & love .

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Four Lows to Break Out Off !!

Hello and happy Tuesday , wherever you are in your day take time to meditate and keep those fingers and toes toasty warm ! It's so cold here in England , and the rest of the week promises to be even colder !!
Challenges , Dips and Lows it's not what life throws at us , it's how we handle it , that can make us stronger and happier .
We are so used to routine , that change can make us feel soul destroyed , but this always brings opportunities and confidence .
Four lows every Girl has faced at some point , but these blips turn us around and make us stronger people !

1. Falling out with a Friend : Fights don't happen because somebody is a mean person . These erupt because something has been brewing for a while between two people . See the opportunity to have a frank discussion about the friendship . Get out what you have been quiet about , any unresolved feelings ,resentment or hurt . It's never about one person being right or wrong . It's about having a moment where you can both be open , relieving tensions and moving on happier and stress free !

2. Feeling Overwhelmed at Work : When you're at breaking point , make it a point to talk to a manager . Things don't get better if your drowning . instead of focusing on I can't do this , always go in armed with positive options . The "I Can"  is the the key ! The more detail you can give on what you can achieve is always helpful . Set yourself a time limit to leave work , and leave work related stuff at work , home time is home time . Remember always to take your annual leave , don't carry it on for the next year . You and a healthy mind is what is important . make time for family because they are most important in your life . Work can have you replaced , but when you die , no one can replace you in your family . You will always be remembered and cried for at your funeral , a work boss will not be crying for you !!

Missing Out On a Promotion : It hurt's and is frustrating . But missing out teaches you one thing , that can have your career soaring , and that's your currant  shortfall ! Tell your Boss and respect their judgement , but state your ambitious and say you want to fill that skills gap ! Know what your lacking and remedy it ,so you can be a step closer to nailing the next opportunity .

Being Dumped : There is no glossing over the initial pain . But once the news has sunk in , don't ruminate . It will crush you .Do not focus on one goal ,I want a partner ! But on the more grown person you want to be . Get out there , do the hobby you always wanted to do . Meet new people . Don't think they won't like me !  Thinking too much can make you anxious . Become a doer . Nothing is more confidence boosting , than acting strongly and doing it Solo :)

Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day . Follow me , give me comments and stay Cool , oh yes keep warm too .
Bye for now ... #peace & love .

Monday, December 8, 2014

Comparing leads us Where ???

Good afternoon/evening/night/morning wherever you are in your day, hope your smiling broadly and ready to butcher this Monday , lol ..No not really , do it with all the charisma and charm you have ,to be successful !! Sometimes you do more, with a smile than with a thousand angry words !!
Our obsession with CCD is currently taking over our lives and giving rise to a new syndrome that is putting our self worth , esteem and happiness at risk . No I'm not talking about OCD , that's a whole other thing !
CCD is the Constant Comparison Disorder which has come about , thanks to Social Media flourishing and being in our life 16 hours a day , well I hope you are sleeping the other 8 hours or your causing yourself more harm than good !
Checking Facebook ,  Instagram , Twitter ,etc on the hour is ruining a lot of people's life , by constantly comparing themselves to their friends and getting insecure about what they are achieving in their own lives .
Maybe you have successful friends who have more holidays than yourselves . A big 5 bedroom house , beautiful kitchen . A wardrobe with items from NewLook , Zara , Next and you are hitting the bargin shops . A man who showers them with gifts , cooks for them etc .... Need I go on anymore .. We all know somebody who seems to have it all , and we are festering within ourselves with lack of ability to attain all those things . Hence we feel insecure and even though,  these are close friends of ours , we stop socializing with them because we don't want to feel like an underachiever  . We lose our friends and become isolated .
Stop now , feeling left out in the cold , the best you have is , because you have worked hard to achieve that. Maybe they have more, because they are just lucky . Stop comparing by becoming less obsessive with social media . By all means keep in touch and socialize with your friends , but don't keep checking up their profiles on social media , and comparing. Be thankful for all you have , and God is sure to bless you abundantly with much more .
Rather than envying others ask yourself , Is there something you can learn from their success ?
If you genuinely want something , what somebody else has , remove them from the equation and FOCUS more on your goals !
Another tip would be, to write the most bragging status you could , which is only true to yourself , Don't post it , but appreciate what you have .
We all are abundantly blessed if we look closely at ourselves , we need to find out what it is and focus on our own goals before we compare our lack of material things to others .
I live in a tiny apartment , am single with 3 kids , no other immediate family to help me out , a brother who I have no contact with but I work hard and I find all the positives within myself to go out achieve , conquer and succeed .
Have a wonderful Monday , rest of the week and always look out for stars among the clouds in the night sky .They are there , otherwise buy a telescope ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading this . #peace & love

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Stuck :)

Hello my dear people , all over the world !! It's Saturday and maybe I should have an off day and lay back and not write anything , but it's the weekend and I know lots of people kick back get out that laptop and browse for hours . Catching up on lots of things, some important stuff , and sometimes things just light and fluffy . So I should pen some thoughts , and maybe I'll take that rest on Sunday ;)
Should it be something about Health , General , Food , Music ,Fitness ?? I always sit down at the computer and as I get my page ready to do , I know immediately what I should write about , that day . Today alot of different things crossed my mind  as it's Saturday , there's nothing pressing on the agenda , so in other words I could think alot . I'm still not certain what topic to choose . Of course I don't want to keep this so long that half way through you are bored .
But with Christmas around the corner , I thought lets make a list of some real nice gifts to give . Ideas are always good because let me see in the case of getting a man , a gift it can prove , very difficult !
Then I thought , maybe I  should blog about something more personal , like having a lovely friendship with your cousin ( a girl , NO,NO , NOT kissing cousins ,lol ) and then you fall out and have crazy words all because of a little topic of Virginity ! I love my cousin very much and hate that we've fallen out .. But how important is the topic of Virginity ? Would people go so far as to lie about their Virginity ! I have to talk about that soon , and No I would never lie about my virginity , and have always been honest and forthright about it . I live in the West , I grew being Western so no big deal . Although saying that , I am not loose ,lol .. You could count everyone I've slept with on one hand !!!
The other topic I thought about , was 5 kinds of food that make you feel good eating it and loads better afterwards .
Oh and last but not least Kendra , I am a big fan of Kendra . She has just been in Jungle on" I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here " and everyone was very critical of her here in the UK ,  personally I felt really bad for her . I love Kendra , and YES she has a potty mouth , but so do a lot of Brits , I am shocked that they feel shocked at her !! Yes and her choices ,in life , I have watched her on telly through all the series of "Girls in the Playboy Mansion "and "Kendra "so I understand her a whole lot better and I think she's wholesome , lovable and a great person ! I was happy she choose to do the ITV show and she was pretty much herself . She kept it real , Girls do scream at cockroaches :) Yes she loves Cock not the Roaches ,lol She said that not me ,haha ! Love her humour .
Okay so many subjects , but my blog space is about covered now , lol .. So I'll leave all my thoughts for the time being , and write about each one soon .. If you would like me too !!!
Hope you enjoyed reading this , Continue to enjoy , relax and have fun  and don't forget to always be thankful for everything you have !
Bye for now ... #peace & love

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hospital Maternity Ward Or A Prison Unit ??

Hello everyone from all corners of the globe , I see , I  have views in Russia , Spain , France and Germany .. I am very happy my writings are getting read by more and more people . I love you all out there in this big world we inhabitate , and we can all feel connected with writings on a blog .
Today it's been all over the news here in England when a young mother Charlotte Bevan , walked out of a hospital maternity ward with her 4 day old baby girl and went missing ! Everyone was concerned and a search was conducted . Sadly her body and the baby's was found close by at the bottom of a gorge ! She was suffering from depression . All reports suggest that the hospital should not have allowed her to leave the building with her baby not wearing a coat and just hospital slippers . But they seem to forget it was a hospital and not a prison , a mother can walk about with her baby and leave if she wants . It's very , very sad for both herself and the little baby girl . Maybe if she was severely depressed , she should have given birth in a secure unit . Appropriately too she should have also spoken with her mother and partner if she was having trouble coping .
Most women after giving birth suffer from some kind of depression , mostly it is the trauma of the birth ( giving birth people forget is a mammoth task ) Not to forget the body has created a whole human being , legs , arms , organs brain etc . So it is exhausted ( the mother ) She has raging hormones the body is adapting and trying to recover from this whole process ! Mothers need complete rest and relaxation . I have a lot of friends in India and I know it is custom when the girl has given birth she returns to her parents home for 40 days to have her mother , care for her grandchild . She also spoils and pampers her daughter who has made her a grandmother . I simply adore this custom . It is beneficial to the young woman , who doesn't have to wake up all night and has the opportunity to get ample rest, and lots of adoration from her entire family for producing a child and keeping the next generation alive .
Why don't we have this here . People think the 6 week check -up at the hospital is all about being ready for sex ..but No it's about your all round health and recovery . We should not have any added pressure of the baby for 6 weeks , husbands can't be around, because duty of work calls just a few days leave is all they get unfortunately . This is an outdated ,old fashioned system which puts pressure on women to hold the fort immediately .
I remember giving birth to my children I never had the luxury of my parents being near , NO they lived in an entirely different country . I was together with my partner then , so his support was all I had but after a week's leave he returned to work . Out of experience I talk ,it was hard for me to do it alone . Although I must say he helped me enormously with night feeds , or frankly speaking I could not have coped .
Raising a family with all the responsibilities is not an easy task . To every woman who has a baby ,look on her as a superwoman , there is alot more to being a woman than a man !
I don't know why women are called the weaker sex , and a woman is always trying to compete with a man . I never compete with a man , I know I am superior !
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an amazing day and more power to the woman :)
Bye !! #peace&love

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I Got Cooking , Chicken Marsala was on the Menu !

Hi everyone , today in England it was a bitter cold day . The wind felt icy and temperatures were down to 2 C. I was so cold , maybe because it's also this runny nose and common cold that I have, which is making me shiver more ! Anyways got all the daily tasks done . Kids were off to school , fetched on time ! House was completely dust busted , I have a freaking dust allergy , my son's inherited it from me as well . So it was busy all day ...
Then there was the thought what's going to be on the menu for dinner tonight ! I'm sure it's something we all ponder during the course of the day ., unless we are lucky enough to live at Mum's house and she gets all the food done and served . Lucky buggers you all :)
Anyways , my kids love Italian . We all do , but we often think Italian means  pasta and pizza , but this is so not true ! A few years back I had the most amazing holiday in Italy ,  there I discovered a dish called Chicken Marsala , at a local's house . It was so delicious I had to get the recipe and make it for the kids back home . They love it so much , it's a happy staple of ours .Moreover in the winter , it's rich , hearty and very satisfying !
I have adapted this recipe to the way I like to cook it . My kids love it . It's not an authentic one from Italy , but really , really yummy and you should try it . I thought I would share it on my blog with you all !

Chicken Marsala

Serves: 4
  • 12 medium white mushrooms, cleaned and thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup sunflower oil
  • 8 thin slices chicken 
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1/3 cup sweet Marsala wine
  • 1/2 cup beef broth
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup chopped bacon
  • 3 pods of garlic

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil, add the mushrooms, blanch for 2 minutes, drain, and reserve.
Heat the sunflower oil in a large skillet over medium-high flame and sauté the chicken cutlets until browned on both sides, about 6 minutes total. Remove the chicken, cover lightly with aluminum foil, and keep warm. Reduce the heat to medium and sauté the onion for 2 to 3 minutes, or until soft. Add the garlic saute for another 2 minutes
Add the blanched mushrooms and bacon ,continue to cook and stir for 3 minutes, or until mushrooms have browned.
Return the chicken to the skillet and add the wine, 1/3 cup of the beef broth, basil, butter,  and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, adding more broth if necessary. 
Garnish with a whole load more chopped basil and serve with rice or potatoes it is delicious !

You could slice the garlic up or keep it whole and remove it when cooked !

Hope you enjoy cooking this up in the weekend ! Don't forget to leave a comment , if you enjoyed it . Happy eating :)

Bye for now . #peace&love

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

4 Ways to Eat Healthier and Cleaner .

Good evening my lovely people . Hope you had a fantastic ,energizing day and you now are relaxed and ready to enjoy reading this blog . I'm just going to give you 4 easy ways which could help you, eat healthier and cleaner .
Being healthy is not all about cutting out calories and losing weight . By getting cleaner you could feel more energised and get fitter .

Here's how you could do it :

1 .Stop with Processed Food : One of the easiest ways is , to get rid of the processed food altogether .That means all those ready made meals you eat . Go for healthy options like cooking vegetables from scratch . Occasionally an indulgence is fine but cleaning up your daily diet ensures better health and weight loss . Use in cooking natural whole foods with names you can pronounce !

2 .Eat More Produce , Fruit and Vegetables : If you are not sure how to snack , always go for produce rich in fiber like fresh fruit and veggies which will keep you fuller longer . Just like we have to retrain our bodies to stop craving the salt and sugar , soon you will find your body begging for all the produce once you start eating it consistently .  These are cravings we should welcome with open arms .

3 .Skip the Added Sugars : If your taste buds have been overloaded with sugar in the past , it's high time to clean things up . Natural sugars from fruit is what your looking for on a clean eating plan , the white sugars that go into baked goods is what your looking to avoid . If you are a dessert junkie , don't indulge everyday go for a smaller portion not more than twice a week .

4 .Cut The Salt : Learning to relish the natural flavours of what your eating is a big step in cleaning up your eating habits . Salt manages to sneak it's way into a lot of packaged food ,as well as bread , cottage cheese and cereal . Cut down on your salt consumption and it naturally cuts down any bloating in your body , as well as any risk for cardiovascular diseases , strokes and other illnesses .

Get started soon , don't wait for next week ,next year ! Now is always a good time .
Get healthier and live longer . Bye for now and till the next blog # peace & love .

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Got some feelings ?? Flush it down the toilet !!

Feelings are soft ! There is no place for them in this world . Brutal Reality is the true name of this world . Our existence is governed by how tough we are . Just had a long exhausting stand off with a person who's not even a friend . The fact of the matter , Chickens , I buy the meat I can afford ! If I was to get all philosophical about where the chickens spent their life , I wouldn't be able to feed my children any meat !Organic Eggs you got to be joking , I'm buying battery eggs that 90% of the population eat . Everything is expensive and being human is adjusting to circumstances and being happy and making the most of what you have ! Not falling into debt , living within your means . Some people never learn this .. Learn from our politicians they have no feelings . England is a rich nation , but there is more poverty here than there are rich people ! If you claim to have feelings make sure you have money to live on that sophisticated arse boat . Or else your feelings with a cheap rubber float is going to drown you in a big wave  Feelings don't count .  Ever loved someone ? Had intense feelings for them , thought they had your interests at heart ?  What do they do , they dump your arse , feelings don't count , grow a pair and be tough , ruthless .. I am  !!! But like I told a friend the other day I am trying to bury my ruthless streak ! I detest the word feelings because I live in reality , a harsh cold place .. but whatever floats anyone's boat ,stay blessed , God loves all his soldiers 
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have feelings if you will but save them for your children . They are the only things that have feelings for you 100% without question .
Have an awesome day and be tough , My mum knew I was ! I like to think, Scarlet from "Gone with the wind " that's how I see myself  :)

Impressing anyone ??

Good Afternoon my friends and fellow bloggers , I was just thinking how often in our life do we do something just in order to impress someone ! Actually everyone consciously or subconsciously do everything in our lives,with the agenda of impressing our fellow members of society !
I was reading up today and Madonna"s photos in the press made me wonder . She's an aging woman of 56 , obviously a bit older and famous enough , not too be bothered with impressing any of those fans . But she has been photographed showing off her body, and going topless in a recent interview !
We all have a need to impress,  it starts off as babies , where we seek our parents attention , Children need adoration and seek it ,we get it constantly by impressing them . They love it when we draw them a fabulous picture . How proud they become of us . Especially when we have great talents , our mothers never grow tired of praising us to their friends .
I miss my Mum , as old as I got she never tired of saying oh my Sabrina has done this , or that she's written poetry that has been published . Yes you only ever get praise from your Mum and I miss that . Lots of others miss their parents praise so they seek it doing other things . I still have this yearning to impress , most of the time it's my children who I look out to impress , but NO they get embarrassed , lol .. So I just achieve in a quiet way and I'm sure they are proud of Mum , without saying it !!!
How often do people think its okay to cross boundaries in order to impress someone .
Madonna ,probably is at a point where she still needs to prove she's sexy , got it and very desirable so she's taken out her boobs to impress everyone .
I must say being a child of the 80's Music, movies everything of that era was my thing . Madonna was my heroine , I idolized her , just like my Mum adored Cliff Richard and Elvis Presley !! So I loved everything Madonna did . Today should  I be a bit embarrassed by her ?? I don't know . I think she has a great body , and still has all her boldness that impressed me years ago . No I love it , Go Maddy !! But since all this has impressed me , you know what I'm thinking when I come to the grand old age of 56 , that's what I want to do , have a great body and pose for awesome photos ,lol ...
We get inspired and that's what we need to do , with the world going completely out of control . Take a step back and try and live our life differently . Or else gradually we are going to lose control of our whole life , children , homes, sanity, food , alcohol , financial situations , religion everything and that's a recipe for disaster !
I'm glad I'm getting old , I would not want to be a child in this modern day society . I was one of the last of my generation to have my childhood photos recorded on those old Kodak cameras . Now it's all on the phone , lab tops etc .. Prof. Stephan Hawking today mentioned humanity will be taken over by AI intelligence and I don't doubt it . In 20 years Robots will be doing our jobs ,I'm sure !! Wonder how happy humanity will be ??
I will be around to see it , but from my easy chair , smoking a cigarette with a glass of wine in hand and hopefully with a relaxed mind :) # nomoneyworries lol
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Bye for now and have an awesome day :)  #peace&love 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Beauty Best Friend , OIL !!!

Hello everybody , wherever you are in your day hope you"re smiling a big toothy grin .
With winter upon us OUR new Beauty best friend is OIL !
Stay away from all things greasy , don't they say ? Wrong !! Oil is perfect for your hair , Skin  and nails .
Here's why it's so perfect for you !

Skin : We have always been told to keep oil away from oily skin and breakouts . Skin's natural oil is sticky and attracts dirt . Cleansing oils , ironically loosens the stickiness , so make up and debris slide off more thoroughly . The result ? A cleaner skin surface .
For Dry Skin : It doubles as a moisturiser , leaving skin super plumped and radiant .

Hair : Oil is proven to protect hair , but it can also leave it limp and greasy . Lightweight hair oils hydrate fine hair without weighing it down . "Moroccan Oil "is a super example . leaving your hair super shiny and hydrated .

Nails : Cuticles can feel dry and hard in winter . The best remedy , you guessed it Oil ! hand creams hydrate the surface , but oil penetrates deeper and helps to soften and moisturise the whole area around the nail .

Body : Body oils are the perfect cure for dry , dull skin . In winter "a combination of cold air and central heating can cause a scaly dehydrated surface " Use oil to lock in moisture and illuminate skin . Use Garnier"s Ultimate Beauty Oil it's the perfect thing to soften your skin . The blend of argan , macadamia ,almond and rose oil leaves your body satiny soft .

Hope you enjoyed reading this simple tips to keep your skin looking good in winter . A simple Baby oil used everyday also does wonders for the skin , in case you want to keep on a budget !
Have a great day and keep smiling  :)
Bye ... # peace & love