Monday, December 29, 2014

A Catalyst that Changes your Life's Path , Good or Bad ???

Hi everyone who religiously follow my blog .. I am deeply honoured that you like my writing and read my thoughts for that day . I know I have new people all the time reading from as far away as Mexico and Switzerland . India still seems to draw in 2/3 shameful .. what do those people do there ?? Guess they have stopped reading for a high flying , fast track lifestyle , presumably .. But thank you very much everyone else who does read the blog  . Please do feel free to comment if there is a particular topic you would like me to write about .I know most of the time my views don't follow convention and I am pretty open minded , sometimes wacky in my thoughts but always religious in my open minded beliefs .
Today was a thoroughly different day there were dips .. it went from a little excited high to a low to a high and a low .. But I am always sailing through it all ... The reason being I always keep my boat anchored securely close to shore so no matter how rough the waves are going to be , I know I am going nowhere !! We all need to have that secure spot within ourselves to conquer all that comes along in life ..
So shall I begin on that morning feeling ... I happened to find an old b/f on fb who I have not heard from in years approximately 26 yrs .. yeah that's a freeking long time .. So I sent him a friend request and he accepted .. well I don't know if he exactly remembered me ( it was a very short friendship !) but I enjoyed chatting for a bit and finding out how life had turned out for him !! He without knowing had been the Catalyst which had turned my whole life around when we met all those 26/27 years ago . I am today here,  because had I not split with my then b/f to start dating him , life would have been totally different for me !!!
Are we all smart enough to  realise what turns our life around at what point to take us on a complete different journey on our life path ?? Not many people have that perception but maybe we need to take better notice of things .. Not that I'm saying he ruined what would have been ,lol No !! I believe this , because whatever happens always happens for a reason , it teaches us valuable lessons , always .
My life was lovely I had a great boyfriend , he was tall handsome , with the most gorgeous eyes you could ever see , they changed colour and I was fascinated with them , my Mum often said Elizabeth Taylor had those eyes that changed colour ! But because he lived very far away , we only ever saw each other 3/4 times a year , and that made me unhappy . I being young ,had girlfriends whose boyfriends were taking them out all the time , I wanted a b/f close by , who could spend plenty of time with me . Now my B/f was a great , honest , loyal guy who I knew for forever , and had we stayed together , he would have married me and we would have been living in Aussie .. But I broke up with him , for this" other guy "also handsome and very close to looking like Sting ..I was so charmed .. But it didn't last !! Barely 2/3 months later , he moved away to another city and we lost touch , while he lived a fast busy life .. I lost the b/f who I knew for so long for this little romance and nothing could get my old b/f back he was hurt and unforgiving .. So my life changed completely .. I had another relationship which turned sour , after years together .. I eventually married a very controlling man had my 3 gorgeous children split up with him , and now I'm a single mother ..working hard to bring up my kids on my own .. Not an easy task but accomplishing it everyday !!
Then the dip of the day .. how many times do we get hurt as parents by our children but we ignore it .. Because they are our children and we love them so much .. Well we had all decided ,to go for a day out , tomorrow . Suddenly this morning I decided I wouldn't go with them tomorrow , they could just go with a relative of mine . But I in the evening changed my mind and said Oh what the hell, "I am going with them " I'm sure they will love having me " Mum " tag  along .. To my dismay my eldest child says No don't come , you don't care for that shopping Mall it's okay stay home .. I have never been so hurt in my life .. My Mum is no more and I would never in my life have told her , what my child told me ..I always wanted her to come everywhere with me .. I would give anything to have her come along with me .. Oh did I cry , yes as old as I am I cried , thinking OMG , my child doesn't want me .. But she saw she hurt me and apologised but it's okay I am going and I forgive , it's part of being a parent . So my day was up and down ..How was yours ??
Well whatever time it is now in yours make the most of it and give thanks for another day passed . Keep smiling , till tomorrow , stay blessed :)
#Peace & Love

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