Monday, December 8, 2014

Comparing leads us Where ???

Good afternoon/evening/night/morning wherever you are in your day, hope your smiling broadly and ready to butcher this Monday , lol ..No not really , do it with all the charisma and charm you have ,to be successful !! Sometimes you do more, with a smile than with a thousand angry words !!
Our obsession with CCD is currently taking over our lives and giving rise to a new syndrome that is putting our self worth , esteem and happiness at risk . No I'm not talking about OCD , that's a whole other thing !
CCD is the Constant Comparison Disorder which has come about , thanks to Social Media flourishing and being in our life 16 hours a day , well I hope you are sleeping the other 8 hours or your causing yourself more harm than good !
Checking Facebook ,  Instagram , Twitter ,etc on the hour is ruining a lot of people's life , by constantly comparing themselves to their friends and getting insecure about what they are achieving in their own lives .
Maybe you have successful friends who have more holidays than yourselves . A big 5 bedroom house , beautiful kitchen . A wardrobe with items from NewLook , Zara , Next and you are hitting the bargin shops . A man who showers them with gifts , cooks for them etc .... Need I go on anymore .. We all know somebody who seems to have it all , and we are festering within ourselves with lack of ability to attain all those things . Hence we feel insecure and even though,  these are close friends of ours , we stop socializing with them because we don't want to feel like an underachiever  . We lose our friends and become isolated .
Stop now , feeling left out in the cold , the best you have is , because you have worked hard to achieve that. Maybe they have more, because they are just lucky . Stop comparing by becoming less obsessive with social media . By all means keep in touch and socialize with your friends , but don't keep checking up their profiles on social media , and comparing. Be thankful for all you have , and God is sure to bless you abundantly with much more .
Rather than envying others ask yourself , Is there something you can learn from their success ?
If you genuinely want something , what somebody else has , remove them from the equation and FOCUS more on your goals !
Another tip would be, to write the most bragging status you could , which is only true to yourself , Don't post it , but appreciate what you have .
We all are abundantly blessed if we look closely at ourselves , we need to find out what it is and focus on our own goals before we compare our lack of material things to others .
I live in a tiny apartment , am single with 3 kids , no other immediate family to help me out , a brother who I have no contact with but I work hard and I find all the positives within myself to go out achieve , conquer and succeed .
Have a wonderful Monday , rest of the week and always look out for stars among the clouds in the night sky .They are there , otherwise buy a telescope ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading this . #peace & love

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