Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Entitlement , the Order of the Day

How often as we run around doing our daily duties ,do we also have the belief "we are confident , positive " Not so much , that is the reason so many self help books exists  , Guru's that flog their material becoming immensely popular and bulking up that bank balance . But more often ,if you just believe you have the power to carry out the task , you will vastly enhance the likelihood of it's success . Though that belief requires a sense of entitlement . You need to see yourself as the right person , in the right place for the right reason being able to achieve the goal .
We all have a sense of entitlement , though not always with a good reason . Often people sit back and think this is going to fall into my lap because my parents are rich ,or I know so and so , or it will happen ,and they are too accustomed to getting things in life. The Universe ( the greater power ) will allow goals ,to become a reality, but always for the right reason . Only when you start pursuing your goals . Sometimes  life is hard for everyone , we all have our obstacles to face . If somebody is wealthy we wonder what could be the reason for their misery . Maybe they have some sort of illness ,that no amount of money can cure !! Maybe they don't have genuine friends , maybe they are just lonely . A poor man could have a lot of friends (all poor ones ) and they never have  money to eat .. There is always something going on in everybody's life ...But saying that I believe Money is always the answer , because like most posts,on Facebook that I see ,  people are saying "they'd rather cry in a big house with food in their belly , a warm fire , heating , then cry in a small shack , with no heat and hunger " that makes alot of sense to me !! I would  always aim to have lots of money, that's always been the goal , to work hard and give my children .Although how hard can one work to achieve these goals ,we pursue ? Wages are substandard , prices of electricity , water , rent , transport , food is all above and beyond . No matter sometimes how hard we try , we are stuck in a little boat making ends meet and not climbing up that mighty ladder quick enough to achieve up and beyond . So another thought struck me , Why is it that people who get terminally ill , fight so hard to continue living ?? Are their lives so mighty good ?? Do they have everything ??? I was talking about this very thing with my very dear friend and I asked , Why are people so afraid to die ? She told me "maybe they love their family and  don't want to die " That was the weakest answer in my opinion , for the simple reason , no matter how much you love your family they always want stuff from you , if your looking after them . If I were to tell my kids ,I love you very much but this year no presents from Santa because Mama loves you so much !! Omg , they would be shocked , because a) they know how much I love them , I always tell them cuddle them up and kiss their rosy cheeks !! Most loving parents do this ,so it's not news for them , but they want gifts and if Santa doesn't bring them anything it's not good enough . So everyone needs money to buy gifts , in this modern day world , everyone expects . What needs to be done is take everything back to the sixties when love was all they ever needed . The internet , technology advancement in everything is the downfall of everything in Society !! I work hard and when my time comes to pass from this world , believe me I am good and ready !! Till that time I am going to make sure I have money and teach my children it's always money that is important !! So making sure I have my Euromillions Ticket firmly in hand today , I will check the results because I believe, I am the right person , it's for the right reason and  my kids and I deserve it . Some factors will always knock our confidence from time to time , even the big and mighty wrestle with this .. But I believe I am bigger than all that causes me too feel small and I trust myself .
I want each person who reads this to trust themselves , good things happen to good people . No matter how hard it is to be good , try it , it feels good to be GOOD :)

Bye for now , and stay blessed . #peace & love

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