Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Farewell Old , Hello New .. 2014 is Almost Done ...

Hello from cold England , I'm snuggled up in my fleece pajamas , bathrobe, and sipping a nice wine , to warm me up . The whole year has rushed passed us ,seriously where did those 365 days go ? One more day and we bid farewell to 2014 and welcome with open arms 2015 .We are always ready to bid goodbye and say hello . Tomorrow at midnight all around the world millions will be singing  "Should auld acquaintances be forgot , and never brought to mind ? "Echoing a sentiment penned a long time ago by Scottish poet Rab Burns . It is a rhetorical question , is it not ? For many these days , it is a symbolical gesture of disconnection to the past . But should we really move on from yesterday and  forget that the past ever happened ? Or should we consciously accept and forgive history as we now embrace the future .
If we really want to know the truth , atleast once in our life we should allow ourselves to doubt everything we ever thought we knew . Our story is never fully told , in 2015 we have a chance to once again, fully embark on our journey . By the time it is at the end ,we should feel like a different person and the world should watch with amazement and have new respect for us . We should embark on an adventure , that eventually facilitates the fulfillment of lifelong aspirations . Don't be bound by limitations , that you once accepted as inevitable . You always have a chance to dream and take the bull by the horns and move forward .
I always remember the words of French Philosopher Rene Descartes , "I think , therefore I am " I paraphrase him "  I intend .. therefore I will " simple but achievable , definitely my motto for 2015 .
Goals , Resolutions we all make a list of them somewhere soon in the first days of 2015 it is a topic to touch upon .
So my friends and other bloggers who read in case I'm so busy and don't have the time to pen a few lines , I wish you a very Happy New Year 2015 . If you party tomorrow night New Year's Eve, be responsible , don't drink and drive . Don't lose control of yourself and always be thoughtful , kind , helpful and gracious . Have a lovely night ! Goodnight and till 2015 . Be Good !
#Peace & Love

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