Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Got some feelings ?? Flush it down the toilet !!

Feelings are soft ! There is no place for them in this world . Brutal Reality is the true name of this world . Our existence is governed by how tough we are . Just had a long exhausting stand off with a person who's not even a friend . The fact of the matter , Chickens , I buy the meat I can afford ! If I was to get all philosophical about where the chickens spent their life , I wouldn't be able to feed my children any meat !Organic Eggs you got to be joking , I'm buying battery eggs that 90% of the population eat . Everything is expensive and being human is adjusting to circumstances and being happy and making the most of what you have ! Not falling into debt , living within your means . Some people never learn this .. Learn from our politicians they have no feelings . England is a rich nation , but there is more poverty here than there are rich people ! If you claim to have feelings make sure you have money to live on that sophisticated arse boat . Or else your feelings with a cheap rubber float is going to drown you in a big wave  Feelings don't count .  Ever loved someone ? Had intense feelings for them , thought they had your interests at heart ?  What do they do , they dump your arse , feelings don't count , grow a pair and be tough , ruthless .. I am  !!! But like I told a friend the other day I am trying to bury my ruthless streak ! I detest the word feelings because I live in reality , a harsh cold place .. but whatever floats anyone's boat ,stay blessed , God loves all his soldiers 
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have feelings if you will but save them for your children . They are the only things that have feelings for you 100% without question .
Have an awesome day and be tough , My mum knew I was ! I like to think, Scarlet from "Gone with the wind " that's how I see myself  :)

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