Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Impressing anyone ??

Good Afternoon my friends and fellow bloggers , I was just thinking how often in our life do we do something just in order to impress someone ! Actually everyone consciously or subconsciously do everything in our lives,with the agenda of impressing our fellow members of society !
I was reading up today and Madonna"s photos in the press made me wonder . She's an aging woman of 56 , obviously a bit older and famous enough , not too be bothered with impressing any of those fans . But she has been photographed showing off her body, and going topless in a recent interview !
We all have a need to impress,  it starts off as babies , where we seek our parents attention , Children need adoration and seek it ,we get it constantly by impressing them . They love it when we draw them a fabulous picture . How proud they become of us . Especially when we have great talents , our mothers never grow tired of praising us to their friends .
I miss my Mum , as old as I got she never tired of saying oh my Sabrina has done this , or that she's written poetry that has been published . Yes you only ever get praise from your Mum and I miss that . Lots of others miss their parents praise so they seek it doing other things . I still have this yearning to impress , most of the time it's my children who I look out to impress , but NO they get embarrassed , lol .. So I just achieve in a quiet way and I'm sure they are proud of Mum , without saying it !!!
How often do people think its okay to cross boundaries in order to impress someone .
Madonna ,probably is at a point where she still needs to prove she's sexy , got it and very desirable so she's taken out her boobs to impress everyone .
I must say being a child of the 80's Music, movies everything of that era was my thing . Madonna was my heroine , I idolized her , just like my Mum adored Cliff Richard and Elvis Presley !! So I loved everything Madonna did . Today should  I be a bit embarrassed by her ?? I don't know . I think she has a great body , and still has all her boldness that impressed me years ago . No I love it , Go Maddy !! But since all this has impressed me , you know what I'm thinking when I come to the grand old age of 56 , that's what I want to do , have a great body and pose for awesome photos ,lol ...
We get inspired and that's what we need to do , with the world going completely out of control . Take a step back and try and live our life differently . Or else gradually we are going to lose control of our whole life , children , homes, sanity, food , alcohol , financial situations , religion everything and that's a recipe for disaster !
I'm glad I'm getting old , I would not want to be a child in this modern day society . I was one of the last of my generation to have my childhood photos recorded on those old Kodak cameras . Now it's all on the phone , lab tops etc .. Prof. Stephan Hawking today mentioned humanity will be taken over by AI intelligence and I don't doubt it . In 20 years Robots will be doing our jobs ,I'm sure !! Wonder how happy humanity will be ??
I will be around to see it , but from my easy chair , smoking a cigarette with a glass of wine in hand and hopefully with a relaxed mind :) # nomoneyworries lol
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Bye for now and have an awesome day :)  #peace&love 

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