Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Act of Defiance ????

Don't feel stupid if you are not interested , in what everyone else pretends to be interested in ! I actually did not want to make any reference or create a status or blog about the shocking incident in Peshawar yesterday . But my Facebook news stream has been flooded by photos and articles about the atrocious attack against 132 innocent children . These people are committing violent crimes against their own people , where is the sense in that ? They want to shock the world , they obviously have no sense of countrymen , religious ideals or any human feeling . Their goal is to create headlines , rock the world , and feed of all the press they get . They need to be left to rot and everyone needs to ignore their insane antics . Their whole religion malarkey is extreme in all sense of the word , I don't understand them and don't choose too , they actually have a festival where they beat themselves with knives and swords , what is that all about ??
When they start killing little children , they are completely insane and going a step too far ! I wouldn't know where to begin to put an end to their madness . At least when Hitler had his terror going on , we knew he was the gang leader and when he was overthrown , the world was a better place , and Germans are one of the best people in the world , because they are always trying to prove themselves better , than the man that tarnished their name . Who are you going to catch with these idiots ? I say fight violence with violence or this is never going to end ! Or cut all sanctions to these countries and withdraw all troops and leave them to kill each other , looks like the barbarians that they are , will stop at nothing ! I am tired of all the rubbish going on in this world . I am going to get on with my Christmas festivities and hope God rests those poor children 's souls . Peace & Love is all I have to offer ..

Nobody feel guilty , like I'm pointing a finger at your religion , if you would never do those things , then of course it's not yours ..possibly some demonic people carrying out this !!

Stay peaceful everyone ... A good heart speaks for its self , there is no point to prove . I love everyone ..Stay blessed 
Peace &Love

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