Saturday, December 6, 2014

Stuck :)

Hello my dear people , all over the world !! It's Saturday and maybe I should have an off day and lay back and not write anything , but it's the weekend and I know lots of people kick back get out that laptop and browse for hours . Catching up on lots of things, some important stuff , and sometimes things just light and fluffy . So I should pen some thoughts , and maybe I'll take that rest on Sunday ;)
Should it be something about Health , General , Food , Music ,Fitness ?? I always sit down at the computer and as I get my page ready to do , I know immediately what I should write about , that day . Today alot of different things crossed my mind  as it's Saturday , there's nothing pressing on the agenda , so in other words I could think alot . I'm still not certain what topic to choose . Of course I don't want to keep this so long that half way through you are bored .
But with Christmas around the corner , I thought lets make a list of some real nice gifts to give . Ideas are always good because let me see in the case of getting a man , a gift it can prove , very difficult !
Then I thought , maybe I  should blog about something more personal , like having a lovely friendship with your cousin ( a girl , NO,NO , NOT kissing cousins ,lol ) and then you fall out and have crazy words all because of a little topic of Virginity ! I love my cousin very much and hate that we've fallen out .. But how important is the topic of Virginity ? Would people go so far as to lie about their Virginity ! I have to talk about that soon , and No I would never lie about my virginity , and have always been honest and forthright about it . I live in the West , I grew being Western so no big deal . Although saying that , I am not loose ,lol .. You could count everyone I've slept with on one hand !!!
The other topic I thought about , was 5 kinds of food that make you feel good eating it and loads better afterwards .
Oh and last but not least Kendra , I am a big fan of Kendra . She has just been in Jungle on" I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here " and everyone was very critical of her here in the UK ,  personally I felt really bad for her . I love Kendra , and YES she has a potty mouth , but so do a lot of Brits , I am shocked that they feel shocked at her !! Yes and her choices ,in life , I have watched her on telly through all the series of "Girls in the Playboy Mansion "and "Kendra "so I understand her a whole lot better and I think she's wholesome , lovable and a great person ! I was happy she choose to do the ITV show and she was pretty much herself . She kept it real , Girls do scream at cockroaches :) Yes she loves Cock not the Roaches ,lol She said that not me ,haha ! Love her humour .
Okay so many subjects , but my blog space is about covered now , lol .. So I'll leave all my thoughts for the time being , and write about each one soon .. If you would like me too !!!
Hope you enjoyed reading this , Continue to enjoy , relax and have fun  and don't forget to always be thankful for everything you have !
Bye for now ... #peace & love


  1. Just wrote a long comment and it simply disappeared. I remarked that you had offered us a sort of fruit-salad. Plenty of interesting ingredients: Cousins? I have some in the US and Ireland. Plenty of distance between us and no enmity. Virginity? I guess I am committed to it for life. It has its beauties and challenges. No regrets. Kendra? Never heard of this person. Humour? Of course. It lubricates the world. Let's have plenty of it. You have made a big contribution in this area. Finally thankfulness? Yes, the more the better for our sad world. And on that note I leave you - thankful for you. Stay blessed.

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely comment . I am blessed to have so many wonderful people reading my blog and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart . #happysunday
