Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Four Lows to Break Out Off !!

Hello and happy Tuesday , wherever you are in your day take time to meditate and keep those fingers and toes toasty warm ! It's so cold here in England , and the rest of the week promises to be even colder !!
Challenges , Dips and Lows it's not what life throws at us , it's how we handle it , that can make us stronger and happier .
We are so used to routine , that change can make us feel soul destroyed , but this always brings opportunities and confidence .
Four lows every Girl has faced at some point , but these blips turn us around and make us stronger people !

1. Falling out with a Friend : Fights don't happen because somebody is a mean person . These erupt because something has been brewing for a while between two people . See the opportunity to have a frank discussion about the friendship . Get out what you have been quiet about , any unresolved feelings ,resentment or hurt . It's never about one person being right or wrong . It's about having a moment where you can both be open , relieving tensions and moving on happier and stress free !

2. Feeling Overwhelmed at Work : When you're at breaking point , make it a point to talk to a manager . Things don't get better if your drowning . instead of focusing on I can't do this , always go in armed with positive options . The "I Can"  is the the key ! The more detail you can give on what you can achieve is always helpful . Set yourself a time limit to leave work , and leave work related stuff at work , home time is home time . Remember always to take your annual leave , don't carry it on for the next year . You and a healthy mind is what is important . make time for family because they are most important in your life . Work can have you replaced , but when you die , no one can replace you in your family . You will always be remembered and cried for at your funeral , a work boss will not be crying for you !!

Missing Out On a Promotion : It hurt's and is frustrating . But missing out teaches you one thing , that can have your career soaring , and that's your currant  shortfall ! Tell your Boss and respect their judgement , but state your ambitious and say you want to fill that skills gap ! Know what your lacking and remedy it ,so you can be a step closer to nailing the next opportunity .

Being Dumped : There is no glossing over the initial pain . But once the news has sunk in , don't ruminate . It will crush you .Do not focus on one goal ,I want a partner ! But on the more grown person you want to be . Get out there , do the hobby you always wanted to do . Meet new people . Don't think they won't like me !  Thinking too much can make you anxious . Become a doer . Nothing is more confidence boosting , than acting strongly and doing it Solo :)

Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day . Follow me , give me comments and stay Cool , oh yes keep warm too .
Bye for now ... #peace & love .


  1. Hi Sabrina, from a pleasant and warm Pune. Thanks for the post. I rejoice in the wisdom you have picked up along the way, especially from the painful experiences. I send an angel with a blessing to soothe whatever residual pain is still there after the four that you mention. I guess a mother will always focus her energies on her kids. I wish you well in this lovely exercise. My Mum did it for 8 of us and I will always be grateful. She smiles on us now from heaven.

  2. Thank you so much , all blessings are warm and fills my heart with joy . I in return would like to distribute these warm blessings on each person reading this and let the warmth cover us like a blanket . Thanks for writing , your Mum ,my Mum and all the rest of the Mums missed this Christmas will watch over our festivities and be with us in Spirit :)
