Friday, December 5, 2014

Hospital Maternity Ward Or A Prison Unit ??

Hello everyone from all corners of the globe , I see , I  have views in Russia , Spain , France and Germany .. I am very happy my writings are getting read by more and more people . I love you all out there in this big world we inhabitate , and we can all feel connected with writings on a blog .
Today it's been all over the news here in England when a young mother Charlotte Bevan , walked out of a hospital maternity ward with her 4 day old baby girl and went missing ! Everyone was concerned and a search was conducted . Sadly her body and the baby's was found close by at the bottom of a gorge ! She was suffering from depression . All reports suggest that the hospital should not have allowed her to leave the building with her baby not wearing a coat and just hospital slippers . But they seem to forget it was a hospital and not a prison , a mother can walk about with her baby and leave if she wants . It's very , very sad for both herself and the little baby girl . Maybe if she was severely depressed , she should have given birth in a secure unit . Appropriately too she should have also spoken with her mother and partner if she was having trouble coping .
Most women after giving birth suffer from some kind of depression , mostly it is the trauma of the birth ( giving birth people forget is a mammoth task ) Not to forget the body has created a whole human being , legs , arms , organs brain etc . So it is exhausted ( the mother ) She has raging hormones the body is adapting and trying to recover from this whole process ! Mothers need complete rest and relaxation . I have a lot of friends in India and I know it is custom when the girl has given birth she returns to her parents home for 40 days to have her mother , care for her grandchild . She also spoils and pampers her daughter who has made her a grandmother . I simply adore this custom . It is beneficial to the young woman , who doesn't have to wake up all night and has the opportunity to get ample rest, and lots of adoration from her entire family for producing a child and keeping the next generation alive .
Why don't we have this here . People think the 6 week check -up at the hospital is all about being ready for sex ..but No it's about your all round health and recovery . We should not have any added pressure of the baby for 6 weeks , husbands can't be around, because duty of work calls just a few days leave is all they get unfortunately . This is an outdated ,old fashioned system which puts pressure on women to hold the fort immediately .
I remember giving birth to my children I never had the luxury of my parents being near , NO they lived in an entirely different country . I was together with my partner then , so his support was all I had but after a week's leave he returned to work . Out of experience I talk ,it was hard for me to do it alone . Although I must say he helped me enormously with night feeds , or frankly speaking I could not have coped .
Raising a family with all the responsibilities is not an easy task . To every woman who has a baby ,look on her as a superwoman , there is alot more to being a woman than a man !
I don't know why women are called the weaker sex , and a woman is always trying to compete with a man . I never compete with a man , I know I am superior !
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an amazing day and more power to the woman :)
Bye !! #peace&love

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