Sunday, December 28, 2014

Steak Sandwich to Balance all the Christmas Hearty Food :)

Good Evening England .. and the rest of the world, wherever you are in your day , I hope it's a good one and your smiling from ear to ear ! So Christmas day , Boxing day and a few more days have passed , how soon time does fly . I hope the festive days brought you much joy , good presents , family togetherness and peace in your heart ! For me it was joyous , with a beautiful Church service , Carols , mulled wine ,Christmas cake , gifts , scrumptious dinner , the Queen's speech ( which I never MISS !! ) and the other wonderful TV programmes to keep one so happy it's obscene .. well Eastenders makes sure they have some heavy subject on, and some drama to end all dramas to dent all that unending joy of the day ! But nevetheless Eastenders had such a gripping episode it was more than just good !! So it was a happy old, contented me who went to bed on Christmas day with a smile on my face  :)

Okay so today you must be tired from all those busy days , meeting up with friends , cooking for 21 people , shopping on boxing day .. hhhmm tiring for everyone , I'm sure .  You def . don't want to cook again !! But we all need to eat , and we all like good food cooked super quick . So I whipped up this and it went down so well , everyone wanted seconds and thirds but everyone was not so lucky . The Ribeye Steak Sandwich , really delicious .

My Quick Recipe for the Steak Sandwich :

Slices of Bread ,or a Baguette
Ribeye Steak , cut in slices
Red Bell Peppers or Paprika ( whatever you call it )
Cheese slices ( Optional )

Cut your mushrooms , peppers ,onions put them on a grill pan and season with salt and pepper . Once they have softened add a little bit of sugar to caramelize it . When it's done in a few minutes get it off the heat .
Get your steak on and grill it for 3/4 mins on each side . season it with salt and pepper .
Get your bread , sprinkle it with some Olive Oil and put it on the grill . Toast it on each side and take it off once it looks a bit done .
Put your steak on the bread , you could add the cheese at this point , then add your grilled vegetables . Cover it with another slice of bread and cut it in half . Your Steak Sandwich is ready to eat ! Enjoy .. It's one of my favourite things .

Have a wonderful day and Enjoy whatever you set your heart on doing . Till next time , Keep smiling .. Bye for now .
#Peace & Love

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