Friday, January 2, 2015

Besotted with EastEnders? My theory on "Who Killed Lucy?" - And a happy new year

Hi Everyone ,
Happy New Year 2015 !!!
It's already Day 2 of January and I hope all the Partying and hangover of New Year's Eve has worn off and you are buzzing with enthusiasm to start this New Year with Goals , Resolutions and Determination !! I know a fair number of my friends have resolved to stay of Social Media Sites ..How long those kind of resolutions last , I wonder !!! Makes sense to say I'm cutting back on the hours I spend on it and determinedly keep it  .. to me that sounds like more of a Plan :)
But whatever your Choice , it's always a good point to focus on and work towards achieving the result !!
I am not going to talk today on Resolutions , that was not the focus of this blog , lol .. You do see how easy it is to get side tracked and lose focus on the point of this article !
No , the reason I'm writing this blog ,  because the subject has been the focus of my entire 2014 well from Good Friday 2014 !! Well it's not only me but more than half of the entire UK , has focused on this !! Well you see if you are an avid Soap fan , YOU would know what I'm talking about !!
I love EastEnders and a main character got Murdered on Good Friday 2014 . Soap-land  has dragged out the entire plot over the whole year , and nobody can stop talking about it and WHO murdered LUCY BEALE ??? It was run through the New Years Special for an hour and it still continues , Who done-it ??  !!!! Everybody is getting tired by now and wants to know .. The Big Bosses of Eastenders have revealed that everyone will find out on the 19 th of February at the 30 th Anniversary celebrations of the show .
Okay so everyone has a theory Abi seems to be front runner at the Bookies as well , then its Lauren , Ian , Jane , Denise ....
I can't contain myself any longer , because like all dedicated soap fans I have my own theory and it's not any of what all these people think !!! But then, I am very intelligent , smart and super sharp on plots ... I don't for one minute think I'm wrong , Yeah pretty big headed ( but I'm Aries and have a high opinion of myself !!)  If it's not who I think it is then the Script writers are pretty shit and I should be hired ;) Because it all seems to add up to my theory and the script writers have promised it will be unexpected and would suddenly make sense .. So Here I go on my theory ...
Everyone who thinks it's Denise , Yes she has gone off the rails and very well her character has been built up and played by the actress . But all the symptoms that she is displaying are not that of a killer pretending to be innocent !!! No she is showing classic symptoms of  GUILT !! She knows who the KILLER  IS , and it's eating her up and destroying her , and she is playing out this by hitting the bottle , being physically abusive to Patrick , stealing from the minute Mart and you guys , know all the stuff she's been up too .
The Killer is in fact her Daughter LIBBY FOX !!! Remember HER ???  She left the series in April 2010 , but suddenly appeared back on EastEnders on April 18 th 2014 Good Friday , the day Lucy died !! And she again made 2 more appearances on the 20th of May and the 22nd of May 2014 !!
She kept hearing about her mother's unhappiness with Ian , and kept urging her to leave Ian !! She was also not a fan of Lucy , way back a boyfriend of her's ( Libby ) had been getting sex and was involved with Lucy .. Libby dumped her B/f then ... Libby also had a violent Dad who committed murder in Eastenders , so the genes are there .. I reckon she came back to Walford that day , her mother Denise had visited her in Oxford . She returned with her mother , trying to get her to dump Ian ,and got into some kind of verbal altercation with Lucy over Ian .. pushed her and Lucy who had already hit her head previously , falling against Max's table , had already a concussion , probably collapsed and died , Libby panicked got her Mother's help to put the body in the woods . In their hurry they left behind Lucy phone and purse which Ben & Jay stumbled upon and took and later buried in the allotment  .
The New Year's day episode , had a big clue !! Remember when Emma was to meet the killer at the Park , she told the Cafe Chap ,please stay open for 5 more minutes because the person I'm meeting might be hungry !! That proves the killer had to come from FAR !!! Libby stays in Oxford !! Also she Emma was sending text messages to the killer , don't you think if it was a person on the Square she could have just confronted them and they could have shot the scene from an angle NOT revealing the killer !! No my theory is Good !! You GO Figure !!
So I had to write my theory , felt compelled ... I will still be absorbed with this till the 19 th of February , had to blog about it !!! Now you know what I'm thinking about ,lol .. everyday , as I relax to watch my FAVOURITE SOAP , EASTENDERS  .
Have a fabulous year , if you like Eastenders I know you are also as absorbed as ME , so happy watching !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this , and I wonder how many views this will get ??? Curious ,lol ..
Till next time , keep smiling :)
#Peace & Love

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