Monday, January 19, 2015

Sharing , What's so Bad about That ??

Blogs and Blogging is very popular in this day and age , people make a profession out of it . It's important that you get a chance to say what's on your mind , and blog on subjects that are important to you . Some talk about fashion , beauty , food , keeping healthy , entertainment , politics , travel and the list can go on ... I like to keep a general blog and have a chance to talk ,about a range of subjects that interest me .
Of course blogging is all about getting your blogs read , by as many people as possible ! To make it popular there are buttons to share it on social media and gain followers, or at least spread the message of your blogs . So I def. enjoy sharing it on my Facebook and Twitter . I am never in the habit of tagging friends , or sharing stuff on other people's wall . But of course Social media is popular with Sharing and don't we all know that sharing is one of the first things we learn from our parents , share your stuff with your siblings , it's always share , share , share !! So now very sometimes I share my blog on my father's Facebook wall , if the topic is relevant and it's an interesting subject ,I share it .... Surely a parent is not going to object ?? Aren't parents supposed to love their children , support their ambitions , promote them , even give them a helping hand in life ?? So I was shocked , when I got a message from my Dad saying don't share to my page !!! I was so upset by it , surely not my Dad ?? I was very hurt , and upset and safe to say I had no desire to cook dinner , it was takeaway Chinese !!
After the hurt passed , I started to think , why would he object ?? Then I came to think Wait , maybe he doesn't want any of his friends to know he has a daughter who writes etc , etc .. He always thought more highly of his son than me . I was generally the more popular one with people , so he used to push me into the background . When of course I married and went away perfect  not to tell anyone I existed !
Normally , a daughter is the father's pet , not so much in my case !! I think I remind him too much of his mother , and look alot like her !! Obviously then he was not too fond of his Mum !!
No his Mum was a free spirit , and had him very young and gave him away,  to her mother to bring up !! His Gran was a very strict Victorian woman , and though my dad loved his gran , I think he wished his Mum ,looked after-ed him and gave him more attention ! He has never , ever spoken of his mother to us and all I ever knew ,was from my Mum . He only ever said her name to me . I wish I knew her birthday , since I love astrology ! He always says he doesn't have any family , when I was smaller I thought my dad was Superman ,lol !! I remember one day I must have been 9 years old and we were out and a dirty drunken bum , was calling out my Dad's name and he went to him and had a few words with him !!! I asked my Mum , who was that ?? I saw the drunk had beautiful blue eyes !! She said that 's your Dad's Brother !! I was gobsmacked !! No I have never ever spoken to his brother , who threw his life away drinking . No , my dad doesn't like family . He also has another brother and sister , who I've never met or seen and No he never ever told us he has a brother or sister , I learnt this from my mother, as well . Now I realise he wants to disown me . It's sad  , and pathetic ! Don't ever do this to family , especially not your children or your brother and sisters or your parents . Love everyone , if you want God to love you .
I write this blog , so that you can learn something from this , to love your family around you , most important . Don't be mean and Don't disown . Chances are you could end up alone and unloved . I love my Dad but I am now feeling very hurt and rejected . Share and pass on the message , loving your family and being there for them is the most important thing in the world .
Wherever you are in your day I hope you are smiling and you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling ..

Peace & Love

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