Tuesday, January 27, 2015

50 Shades , Is It the Dumbest Book ??

Today I had a wonderful day out , with friends which I was eagerly anticipating . Yes I was very tired , never slept long last night ,had a journey to make , but it was a wonderful day and to say the least I am looking forward to hitting the sack tonight , as early as possible .
While I was out , I couldn't help but notice , movie posters all around . Everyone is in blind anticipation over the much awaited ,over hyped " 50 Shades of Grey " , the movie , due out on the 13 th of February , I'll bet every Valentine over that weekend , will fill the movie halls , and make it a blockbuster of the year . Now I'm not judging what turns you on , and your bedroom antics , but this poorly written piece of Literature , full of the dumbest things and the most disturbing relationship between Ana Steele and Christian Grey . Which in my opinion is flat out abusive .
It is the creepiest relationship and frankly that an adult woman  Ana , 1. doesn't have an email address in these modern times ?? Questionable !! I can understand if you don't have a computer or a laptop , you might use , the one at college or a Smartphone , but a 21 year old , not have an email address ? Seriously no one graduates or even enters College without an email address . If you don't have one ,  your college will give you one . And if you don't have one , you are either Amish , elderly or you don't exist
2. Ana Steele has no self esteem : Ana goes beyond basic into 'remedial ' territory . She should have a modicum of self respect for herself , if only for being a living breathing human being . Instead she spends her time wondering if she's good enough for this man , who compares her to his "crackwhore "Mum and controls her every move , hhmm very empowering !!
3. Ana Steele has never had an orgasm : Let's be clear , this has nothing to do with being a virgin . Everyone knows you don't need a man to have an orgasm !
4. Christian Grey wanted to take advantage of a drunk Ana : When Ana drunk dials Christian Grey , he turns up at the bar ,is a jerk to her mate . Scolds her for acting like a young 20 something ..then tells her he wants to have sex with her , while she's too wasted to give consent .Yeah nothing sketchy about that  ( if you're a rapist )
5. Christian Grey is basically a stalker . He turns up at her work ,even though there are plenty of hardware stores he can access at any time . He continues popping up all the time , right through the book , even though she insists he leave her alone . That's not romantic , that's psychotic !
6 . Ana doesn't have a lawyer to look over the contract :  basically she didn't have a second set of eyes reading through the print , she went in blind and with a real handicap . Also to reiterate , she's a college graduate without an email address .I'm willing to bet she didn't understand all of the stipulations and risks involved with this .
7. Ana Loves all of Christian's super -creepy gifts : Sure there's nothing creepy , about a Blackberry ,or a laptop but if someone is giving it to you , with the sole purpose of controlling , tracking and manipulating you ( showing up at your house if you don't text him back fast enough ).. very dumb !
8. Christian tries controlling Ana's diet : Remember when he tells her she needs to eat 3 meals a day . Because there's no other way for her to find information ,other than from his mouth .. and when he makes her order Steak at the restaurant . first of all he shouldn't have to force her to eat Steak , Steak is fu*king wonderful .
9. It's remarkable that someone as basic and useless as Ana is able to find a job and keep it ,at a publishing house , a growing sign of her independence and confidence . What does Christian do , he buys the Company and becomes her Boss without her knowledge . Hot .. so not !!
10 . Christian arrives uninvited at Ana's Mum's place :  No normal man wants to spend extra time at his mother-in-law's place . Yeah not even your Mum , no matter how great she is !!
11 . When taken correctly birth control pills work : Ana had a blackberry ,she could have set an alarm for it , I'm not buying the whole pregnancy thing .
12 . Seriously no one ever says "jeez "so much . Even toddlers have a more sophisticated vocabulary .
13. Ana's brain literally does not function properly : Early in the book when Christian first visits Ana at Clayton's she muse's " from a very tiny , under-used part of my brain - probably located at the base of my medulla oblongata where my subconscious dwells - comes the thought , he's here to see you !" That is not what your medulla oblongata does . Your medulla oblongata handles boring stuff like breathing controlling body temperature regulation and your heartbeat . Your "subconscious "doesn't " dwell " there , and if it does , well, then it explains , why you all think this 50 Shades is quality writing .

So when you decide to order or not , advance tickets , to 50 Shades , remember why it  is the Dumbest , most disturbing book written . And the most un-settling thing is the relationship with Ana and herself or her brain atleast ,lol ..

Hope you enjoyed reading this , have a wonderful day and keep smiling .

#Peace & Love

1 comment:

  1. lol

    Thats good, not gonna even attempt to by a cinema ticket till i see what other people think of it....

    -James (CMB)
