Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year Resolutions !!

Hello from a cold and very windy Britain . As I sit here at my computer I can hear the wind rustling the trees , its shaking the windows and I swear the building and the walls are creaking ! Fierce winds and alot of rain is the weather report from here :)
It's the 8th of January well almost the 9th because, it's little past midnight , so have we all made our new year resolutions ? And more importantly have we stuck to them or plan on ditching them soon ?
New Year resolutions are a very good way to begin the year because we make a list of goals we set ourselves and often it's about how we would actually like to see ourselves as opposed to how we are .
A few interesting conversations I've had with friends as well as some other people who have expressed  their  new year goals to me. Some mentioned they absolutely detest the amount of time they spend on social media and planed on stopping it . Others expressed the wish to de-friend a whole lot of people who they have little contact with . While I noticed 2 people on my list of friends suddenly decided I should not be able to view their wall or posts !! It left me in a quandary as to now , how should I react to them , let it be or restrict their view on my posts ? Tit for tat and all that ,lol ..although I'm not that kind of person .
Yet another person obviously decided that dumping me on my birthday last year after being good  "friends " was not bad enough , but after 8 months of keeping up with following me on twitter , his new resolution was I'm going to unfollow her . Yeah , yeah he's in the States but  if that's a relief or what , lol ..because I can never unfollow somebody I like , no matter how much they have hurt me :)
Back to resolutions some decided they must save money , at least a pound a day .. which I thought sounded like an excellent idea . HHmm it's my goal too but I don't know if it's going  to happen , I've put in so far 3 pounds !!Too , many bills and too many hungry mouths , 3 kids who are always hungry and those muffins at Asda are very tasty and cost a pound :) not talking about school trips this time of year, which give unexpected costs . My little one just went to the Mining Museum which was so much fun she said .. she went down a shaft and brought back 2 lumps of coal .. It cost 6 pounds but she had such a great time and a memorable day !!
A very good resolution which had me inspired was that of Mark Zuckerberg . He plans on reading a book every fortnight ! Now I wish I could do that , but I'm planing on reading a book a month and I plan to keep it up for the whole year .
A few other friends are keen on finding the right person , but however are not keen on parting with any cash to go through a dating agency , hint , hint mine .. Well they are unlikely to be able to come across new people if all they hang out with are the same crowd and go to the same places . yes they are very picky and often remain single like myself lol , through choice . We know what we want and won't settle for less . That's the vibe with all 30/ 40 something people , it's true ! Oh yes ,another thought , if you were keen to find a new partner by putting your work up as walkers and grazers on FB , will never find you anyone and people find that disgusting no matter how funny it is !!
Back to my last goal of this year is to be friends with somebody who I have been attracted to for a while , he is amazingly handsome , great sense of humour with a taste for everything I like . Yes he's a little out of my league lol or maybe I'm just too backward to come forward but whatever I like him , shame he's in the USA and I'm not daring enough to send him a friend request on FB . Normally I'm not shy , it must be because , I fancy him loads :) So I'm going to work on that in the next 12 months :)))
Well , hoped you enjoyed reading this  blog . Got any tips for your new year resolution  , from this ?? It's never too late to begin ! Have a wonderful today / tomorrow . Leave a comment if you want . Till next time stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

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