Monday, January 5, 2015

Sensitive Subject - Rape !!

Hi Everyone , hope you all had a great Monday .. It's back to the grind after Christmas and New Year's , Kids returned to school so I was terribly busy as usual ! A New Year but the news is all old , all the problems in the world continue . Today all over the news reports , Loose Women the topic of Ched Evans continues .. I don't know how many people know about that story but the subject of Rape is as old as the hills .
Women have suffered rape since before the middle ages , but that's when we can read and know things like that took place . Of course it's always blamed on the woman who" supposedly lured " the man , lol !!  This Ched situation - he was convicted of Rape , served half his sentence in jail , 2 and a half years . Everyone is up in arms for the simple reason he was a footballer ! We all know how pampered they are and the sinful amounts of money they earn . So how could he expect to come out of jail and start playing Club football again . These footballers are role models for our children . We don't want to have a convicted rapist earning bags of cash with a tainted reputation .
I personally feel , he got a sentence handed down to him of five years . When those five years are up , he could play if anyone wanted him , but not at home in England or the UK . He should go abroad . Secondly he needs to get off his high horse and  beg for forgiveness . He still to this day has not said sorry about the incident and sincerely apologised to his victim . Any person trying to rebuild their life , should go about it the right way . Since he is a public person and is featured all over the news he needs to come out and give a statement about how sorry he is for what transpired and ask people to forgive his lack of judgement and taking advantage of the girl who threw herself at him because he was a footballer . No she didn't want sex just a flirtation maybe ? Perhaps she had dreams he would become her boyfriend . He thought otherwise and he needs to start taking responsibility and say SORRY !!
It's a cheap word , people use it so easily nowadays and is seldom meant . I hate the word myself but Ched Evans needs to start saying it , Sorry !!
I know people might blame the girl , but there are alot of girls ,who dress up every weekend and  go clubbing in the hopes of meeting a rich footballer or a very rich man . That is not going to stop . Every woman wants to be well off in this modern culture . Yes we all work hard but it hardly pays off , the girls think a rich footballer is a quick meal ticket . Yes I dream of a very rich man , to take care of me and then with no worries I can write all those novels I have up in my head . But a rich man is hard to find if your a single mother with 3 kids . hopefully one day I will get lucky ;)
Back to the topic of Rape , it is a horrible thing to experience , demeaning , violent and leaves you feeling vulnerable . Hard to recover from . It is not Sex or lovemaking . It is a violent domination to suit one person's needs . The victim feels pain and no pleasure . It is something that should not be occurring in this advanced time . There are plenty of girls looking for relationships , so if your looking for sex find it with one person who you can commit too . Don't violate anyone !! Show respect and you gain respect . It's a 2 way street !!
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog , don't feel afraid to speak out about rape . All my blessings have an awesome day . Keep smiling . xx

#Peace & Love .

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