Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Feelings Matter , Remember Karma and All that !!!

So I wrote my entire blog and deleted it , a topic which is best left alone in all of these sensitive times .. So I'm now thinking , what's the next best thing to blog about ...
Hhhmmm , maybe some time travel , into the the past when I was a little girl almost ten in a couple of months , just like my little boy is now ! I was so excited ,because my favourite Aunt was going to get married . A few of my other relatives had got married , but nobody had asked me to be a flower girl at their weddings . So I was feeling really special indeed .Imagine my disappointment when my Dad who was the only one who worked ( Mum stayed home and looked aftered the house and was the best Mum  ever !! ) and we didn't have much money , enough to live and be happy . So Dad says Sabrina , I can't afford the flower girl"s dress so you can't be the flower girl , but I shall ask if your Aunt the bride , will buy you the dress , I would be very happy for you to be part of it . Yes my Aunt worked , and her husband to be worked and she was the Aunt who always came by our house  on Saturdays ,lol for buying trips to the city , nice clothes at the tailors , taxi rides , money to spend... all of which we couldn't afford then :( 
But I was very disappointed , my Aunt refused , and said she could not afford to get me the  dress . I being a child cried and was very upset , I remember it to this day ... Now as a grown woman , with children could not bear to see my kids disappointed  , breaks my heart . My Dad was also very upset , my Aunt could not buy the dress for me , but when he ( my Dad ) married my Mum , he bought all her brothers and my Aunt wedding outfits for their marriage . Good deeds should be returned , I am a firm believer .
I still loved my Aunt , regardless , she was my mother's younger sister and my mother loved her , she never ever uttered a bad word about her sister , so that was that . No one made me flower girl , or bridesmaid till I was 18 and my mother's youngest brother got married and lo and behold he asked me to be bridesmaid which I accepted and had a wonderful day at my Uncle and his beautiful wife's special day . It was a lovely wedding and I talk about it with my kids , till today . I was bridesmaid one more time for a friend and that was it . yes I love weddings , and yes when I was a child it was happening all around but nobody made me a part of it .. yes it's very disappointing to a young girl  . 
Must be something about weddings and me , very strange , because when my brother got married and I was supposed to be maid of honour , I flew home travelling 10 hours by plane for the wedding , but I felt strangely left out , nobody spoke to me about the wedding , nobody told me anything , I felt like a spare part a stranger in the middle of wedding prep . So I went to my fav. Aunt's house and had a chat with her , and said I feel very uncomfortable and not happy about being left out !! She advised me to go speak to my brother about how I felt . I did like she said , and my brother said Don't be part of the wedding then if you don't want to be , lol ...brushed aside !! So I decided not to be maid of honour . He asked my Aunt to take my place and she did , and she never looked at me at the wedding and never spoke to me again .. Yes people do the strangest things .. I felt very hurt and it was painful ..People don't realise the pain they cause . Try to live a better life if your are looking for good karma and happiness .
Today all this feeling surfaced because quite by chance I saw a photo on FB and recognised my Gran but the other person was so changed , I asked is that my Aunt , turns out she's been very ill for a long long time .. I didn't know how I should respond , so I just said   Oooohhhh !! 
I shall end my blog , sending each one of you who reads this , all my blessings .. Try and be good so there are only good stories about you to be passed down generations , it's really not hard .. don't break anyone's heart , listen more closely and be a joy , blessings always come back . God never forgets good deeds you do , I promise !!
Have an awesome day and I hoped you enjoyed reading this and got the moral of the piece .Stay blessed !!

#Peace & Love 

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