Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cherished Memories !!

Happy Sunday !!!

I hope you all had a peaceful , restful day with time for reflection and meditation . I had an awesome day , combined with lots of Soul Calibur with my little girl ! She's always Lizardman and I'm Talim or Ivy ! Yes I did manage to get some keep-fit ,kick-arse exercise and rounded it off with some meditation !
Today I focused on how far life has brought me , how happy and fulfilled I am after a very long time . I worked on my goals , focused my energies on the things I wanted for myself and my children and I feel I have achieved more than I could have imagined .
I also went through , alot of poems I had written a couple of years ago and among them , I found this one , I wrote for my Mum Joan , on the day of her 4 th death anniversary in August 2012 . I will  put it here for you all to read and enjoy .

Mum -- Joan

The world goes around , the days pass by .
Gentle rivers flow , a new flower grows
New life's born , someone's life is shut down
The years pass by , memories live on .
Four years today ,passed by in a flash
My dearest Mum was no more , Gone !
It happened over -night
so quick you had to go.
Miss you Mum , my words can't express , the loss I feel , has to be surpressed !
No one I could talk to , like I did Mum !
Who comforted and spoke , for hours on end , no matter how long ,you never did mind .
You watch over me , I know you still do ,
My dear loving Mum , I know Heaven has you .
An Angel with wings , there's no one like you
Your sweet gentle face , always brings me a smile .
When I look down I see , my hands look like yours ,remarkable for me .
I never did get , the older I'd be
I'd see my reflection and swear it could be ,
glimpses of you , in every part of me .
You never really left me , I find comfort in you .
In every rain drop that falls , is a kiss from you .
My sweet loving Mum , I want to be ,
reminded of you , in the birds that I see .
Your free gentle spirit and outspoken mind .
I Love YOU so much , O Mother of MINE

We all cherish wonderful memories of our Mum 's and no matter how many years pass by we still think about the woman , who carried us around in her arms , hugged us kissed us wiped away our tears , fed us our meals and above all , put us first , beyond her own needs . that wonderful creature , God has blessed each one of us with is called Mum in every country of this world in all languages . If you are fortunate to still have your Mum . Just call her and say I love you . The last thing I told my Mum , was I love you ,which always brings me comfort and joy . She had phoned to wish my youngest child  ,Happy first birthday . And at the end I said Love you Mum will call soon , and six days later , before I could call , she passed away . 

Have a lovely day and week ahead . Keep smiling , and love everybody . From me to you stay blessed .

#Peace & Love 

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