Saturday, January 17, 2015

After Life , Heaven !! Did Alex Malarkey Really Make it Up ??

Another day , another post but a very special subject so close to my heart . Anything relating to God and religious is very special to me . Today I read in all separate posts on the internet, the topic of Alex Malarkey "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven " on Thursday  the publisher's to his bestseller book announced they  were going to pull all the books from the shelves , because he has recanted his claim and said , he made the whole thing up . He did not die , and did not go to heaven .  He was in a coma at age 6 , for 2 months in 2004 , now a teenager , he claims "he made the whole thing up" !!!
I am a bit at a loss , for words , why would he now backtrack ?? As a teenager , is he feeling vulnerable to the amount of questions he must still get about his experience ? He was six years old , perhaps his memories of all that he had experienced , which were all so vivid then ,  is now fading , and he's feeling pressure to remember ?? So the easiest way , for a young person to get off the hook , is to take the easiest way out ??? Go back and say it was not real ??
I for one , have no doubt his first initial vocal claim coming out of the coma , of having been to heaven , is 100% true !! No I have not died and gone to heaven to justify his claim , but I have had , vivid dreams to suggest heaven does exist , and we are passing through an existence of justification for our souls to grow , and reach a higher level of understanding !
But besides , my own beliefs ,  God gives us always more evidence that such an existence ,and dreams are more than a sleeping / waking process of our own thoughts ! No I believe heaven exists because a very dear family friend who saw me grow up, has been around , since I was a child ,and visited my childhood home almost everyday . I loved her dearly , she was almost a grandmother to me . She was equally fond of me as I her . She was the kindest most generous person I have ever seen ,walk this earth . I saw no fault in her , and I am the most judgmental , not so easy to please person . I can see through people and don't take things at face value ! I can tell when people are not who they pretend to be,  and No I , don't shy away from my thoughts . No , Aunty Mac.Donald was the dearest soul I have ever seen . In fact when my children's father proposed to me , after telling my Mum , I went to the lady I looked upto and told her , I also asked her what she thought about it . And it was her answer which swayed me into excepting the proposal .
When , I left and moved away to join my partner , I often returned back to see my parents and our dear family friend . The last occasion I saw her , in 2008 , I was with my sister-in-law ( who I don't have contact with anymore ) and Aunty Mac ,she had a story to tell me !! One which I believe ,I was meant to hear !! She had suffered some serious problems and was in intensive care at a hospital . Her heart went into cardiac arrest and she died on the hospital table , but they started resuscitation on her and did manage to bring her back . This was what she told me ,she felt happen to her , she was suddenly in a very beautiful , hillside with the most picturesque view . she was climbing this enormous hill , Now remember Aunty Mac. Donald was old , and not so fit and active like she was when she was younger . She said she felt young , full of energy , with no pain or discomfort . She climbed up and at the very top was this very young handsome man , with longish brown hair and he told her Rita , you have to go back , it's not your time . She started to protest she wanted to stay she felt young and alive . But he said NO ! , She strongly believed he was Jesus , the son  of God ! The next thing was she remembered ,was being woken up at the hospital . She told me Sabrina , I don't know , why I had to come back , but I'm here today ALIVE !! You Know what , I knew exactly WHY !!! She had to come back , to relay the incident to me .. that was the purpose !! I have absolute trust and faith in her , and Jesus needed her to tell me of this incident !! I believe there is God and we will be reunited with him in our death .. if we lead good holy lives . Sadly Aunty MacDonald did pass away , on the most holy day of all , Jesus's birthday in 2012 . RIP Aunty MacDonald , I love you to the ends of the earth and back ,and I know you are happy in God's Kingdom of heaven and I shall see you again , one day . But here I am for now spreading the word of God .
I hope you all enjoyed reading this . Stay blessed and God does love you all ...ask for forgiveness if you feel your life is out of control , and God hears your prayers !! All my love to each of you ! Have an awesome day .

#Peace & Love

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