Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pope Francis Also Had , His Say !!!

I was just reading today our lovely Pope Francis's interview about the Paris attacks . I was quite surprised to read that he thought in the freedom of expression , there are limits , and if someone he knew for example said something about his mother , he would punch them :)
But I had forgotten our sweet Pope grew up in South America , a tough country and to survive most often the fittest wins . No , our Pope knows , how  to fight his battles and to be Politically correct as well . He is the head of a state , Vatican City .
Okay ,so long ago I decided I could be tough with words but I would never punch or hurt somebody , everybody is twice my size lol and although I'm super fit , I am skinny and petite . Above all I believe words pack a harder punch and the " pen is mightier than the sword " my father always used that line :) and I love it !! That's all , well and good , provided people still read to get that punch you want delivered .
Pope Francis also said when asked if he felt vulnerable to an assassination attempt . He replied with I am in God's hands and he asked God to spare him a painful death . He is very timid and and not courageous when confronted with pain . Such an honest humble person , he always touches my heart when he speaks .
My prayer to the Lord has always been about the same as Pope Francis ,let it be quick and painless . I am never afraid to talk about death , it is inevitable and with being religious it is just a bridge to the Kingdom of Heaven .
Freedom of speech , when done in Cartoon form and used in a free country and accepted by the ruling Government , is exactly that  , Free without boundaries..and a punch is very different from taking it into their own hand to commit murder !!!   I support Freedom of Speech and Feminism and Equal Rights . More people who used to be supporters of Freedom of Speech are now quickly becoming Activists , just like we saw the huge turnout in Paris to support Charlie Hebdo #JeSuisCharlie
Peaceful demonstrations , love and tolerance is what should be actively celebrated on telly , in newspapers , magazines everywhere . All those commercials promoting gambling and Sky Casino is a horrible thing to get people into .. nobody needs to lose the little money they have . I'd rather smoke a cigarette then spend my money on that stupid shit !
Well , till I write again , Promote Peace , be kind , loving , thoughtful and in John Lennon's words "Give Peace a Chance " I hope I got it right ,lol ..I was just a baby and don't remember John Lennon but hey Yoko Ono is a great ambassador of his and I love her loads !!!

#Peace & Love

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