Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bully's ??? We All Know One !!!

It was so exciting to wait all day for the evening when Celebrity Apprentice USA would return to our screens !! Yes we all love Celebrities , me included , but we are really behind ( BBC UK ) it was the 2011 , Celebrity Apprentice USA . I'm not quibbling though , it's always fun to watch with such huge stars taking part , it's a treat ... the petty arguments , fights , back stabbing , fall outs , No they are not immune to the common person's human behavior ! What really threw me was the Bully Boy tactics of Richard Hatch  , he actually pushed ( Physically ) David Cassidy and Donald Trump didn't FIRE him but ditched Cassidy !! I was shocked , my blog had to be written about Bully's . For one I'm glad it was shown in the late evening /night and my children were in bed . What kind of impression is Trump trying to give people ?? It's okay to push someone around , talk down to them , tell lies , be patronizing , Hatch even called David a Little Person , he called Jose unintelligent , and then Mr. Trump says David Cassidy doesn't have what it takes to stay on !!! Kidding me ?? Hatch needed to be ordered out of the show , he 's a poor human being !!
Bully's exist because people like Trump , justify their behaviour and say it's okay ,so they become more aggressive in life , knowing they have back up and support !!
Alot of the time bully's use their size , always targeting someone smaller than themselves . I know because I have had people alot taller than me intimidating me . I unlike Cassidy , know exactly how to stand up and give as good as I get .. but bully's thrive of somebody 's soft demeanor , calm exterior and try to be bossy and dominate. No I don't encourage anyone's aggressive attitude , I will take them down a few pegs . Being not a very tall person 5 feet 1 inch , it's easy to think I could be bullied . My children's father was very tall at 6 foot 3 and thought I could be bullied .. No I stood up for myself , so now I am alone with the children but happy . One thing I 'm pleased about is my eldest daughter's height at 5 foot 10 , No one is going to bully her now , she had been bullied as a child at her school which was very unfortunate , but she studied in the Netherlands where bullying is done all the time !! Hence I dumped my husband moved back here with the kids and could not be happier . My children have NO desire to see Holland or any of their kind ever again .
Bullying is a nasty habit and the sooner people are told to their face , YOU are a BULLY , stop that behaviour and seek therapy , can the world be a better place . Children as young as they are , learn better how to be a good person if they are told off , and excuses ,are not made for their behaviour OH ,they are just trying to be funny .. because not everyone finds that kind of humor hysterical !!
Thankfully I am blessed with 3 very good children , but that's because I'm am very strict parent , and have rules which have to be maintained . They get told off , if need be ...but I never need too because they are very good and make me proud everyday .
I do know alot of parents for whatever misguided reason , don't have the nerve to tell their children off , hence they can create rifts between them ! The precious ones tend to become bully's and have no conciseness in their behaviour and lack family loyalty .
Siblings need to love each other , and always keep each other as a priority . I have made sure to ingrain in my children they should always love each other and through out life , look out for each other , protect them and be there for each other . Or else I'm not taking sides , if one is bad it will be said by me ..
To this day it pains me , that my brother has behaved like a jerk and my parents , mainly my mother when she was alive did nothing about it .. When I asked her , Why don't you tell him something , and she said to me , No I won't tell him anything , I know his wife is wicked , but she loves him and is good for him , so that's all that matters !! Well , what can I say to that !!! People though in death , always wonder later , Why the hell ,  didn't I say something ?? It's too late for that ..
The whole lesson of this is Never Bully anyone !! Always say what you have to say when you are alive , it doesn't have to be rude , but a firm talking too does wonders !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Be a hero and take care of somebody  . Do good , blessings come swift and fast !! Take Care everybody and have an awesome week .Bye for now !!

#Peace & Love

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