Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Paris est dans mon coeur aujourd'hui

Twelve people shot dead today and many more injured in Paris . Five cartoonist Charlie Hebdo editor and four others . They stood up for Freedom of Speech and paid the highest price .The journalists and the 2 policemen there to protect them . Fire bombs in 2011 , did not stop them .. they stood strong .
Their Satirical newspaper dared to poke fun at everything from Religion to Politics to Feminism , nuclear energy , homeland security . Yet they attracted the most publicity when Islam was featured , the only people who took offence . Very little seems funny nowadays .
They were exercising their comic liberty , incredibly talented men , mercilessly gunned down . Such a shame ! Condolences to their families and "Paris is in my heart " today . God rest all the people who lost their lives because they were doing a job , spreading humour  .

At halfmast #Paris

#Peace & Love

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