Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Did this Blog Go In Another Direction , I think I Was Trying to Get a Fish Recipe Out , LOL !!

If there is one thing I love , it's my food and I enjoy cooking a healthy ,nutritious dinner for my kids and myself , and that is everyday ! I am not your one day mum , who suddenly wants to cook , and be healthy . I seldom buy takeaways , although I know it would be a nice break for me , and the kids ,would like it but No , if you have to work , with a budget  , it's not possible . Takeaways can be pricey and you can get a much better home cooked meal , done with fresh ingredients cooked by my own hands  . So I enjoy cooking and it's never a chore , the kids love my food ,and  if I say so myself , I am a pretty darn good cook !
Nothing is better than having a lovely home made , spicy curry , with white rice or yellow rice , which I love !!
I make it a habit of giving the kids fish twice a week , not only is it healthy , but fish is good for the brains and I want my children to be as clever as they can get  . They are growing up in a dog eat dog world , everybody wants to be here in England , jobs are notoriously hard to come by , As a mother I constantly worry , will they ever , find employment here , as grown adults ? Not only is the age of pension being raised , forgetting there will be a younger generation out there to employ and if all old people , have to work till 70 , what the hell is going to happen to a fit and able younger generation  ??
The whole future of this world is beginning to scare the living daylights out of me !! I'm sure , I'm not the only person to be concerned with whats happening . It's mainly the population growing so rapidly , and employment suffering . does anyone even think about wages and making sure it  gets doubled !!!  People can barely survive on what we get !!Wages seem to be forgotten ,it's the last thing on the governments mind . Making sure the health of everyone is top priority , everyone is going mental ,  the younger generation need to grow up , not surrounded by the evils of cigarette smoke  . So cigarettes soon will be in plain packaging , with God awful images on it , to scare the population into stopping .. but did anyone think why people take up smoking , in the first place ?? No we obviously are not happy , on so many different levels , somehow smoking gives a soothing , restful ease to a worried overworked , stressful situation . Ever heard of the "cigarette break "all people with stress in their life , reach for a cigarette for some peace and thoughtfulness , while blowing clouds of smoke into the already polluted atmosphere ! No I'd rather not have a cigarette , but lots of money , would make me want , to be around forever , and fight all the diseases , and give up smoking and have a holiday every year and not have another worry in hell , and afford all the little luxurious , I have forgotten existed !
Okay if only I was a Celebrity , I would get paid a hefty sum and get to go into the big brother house and be dull and boring , and if you have balls and go be obnoxious and entertaining , it's not good , Yes I am #teamPerez
Okay I want to be a mystery shopper ,and yes I want to write reviews about places !! Contact me :) I shall review your place for a free meal , talk about your shop for free products !! If you want honesty , I shall give it !!
I shall end here .It was not actually the subject , what I was aiming to write about , but this will do nicely . Yes I got sidetracked , don't we all in life ?  Yes I love my life , love my kids to the ends of the earth ,but two times my income will do very nicely , rich men also , contact me ;) No I'm joking .. I have a crush on a certain someone and actually no one else will do  .  No he lives a million miles away in the USA ,and he probably doesn't even know I exist but alas I can dream , lol ...
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great day ahead and stay blessed . From me to you , keep smiling ..

#Peace & Love

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