Tuesday, January 13, 2015

They Do Say Trying to Get Pregnant Is Not Easy !!

I was just reading an article this morning on Kim Kardashian and how she was finding it difficult to get pregnant for a second time . I know of a few other women who found themselves in that same boat . No it would not be me , lol ..Yes there is almost a ten year age gap between my first born and the second but that was because I was very young when the first was born and wanted to wait a while , then my husband was not keen on more kids and blah , blah ...
But trying for a second child can put pressure on you and sometimes when you want something it doesn't happen on order . Most of the time people have a  fixed  idea and forget to enjoy what they have at hand and stress themselves out ,by wanting to quickly complete their family and have the kids in a row .
The best thing when trying for a baby is to forget about trying for a baby and take it as it goes . Less stress can see you feeling calm and relaxing and enjoying the experience , which can make you conceive quicker . One of the best ways to conceive is to make sure you orgasm . That happens ,when you are relaxed not hurrying up . Taking your time to have that moment , can result in a very satisfying orgasm . Forget about jumping up ,  as soon as your finished , instead try and go to sleep forget the damp patch ..it happens don't get stuffy about it !! Weeing immediately after sex is also not going  to help your chances at falling pregnant .Wait till the morning !!
I know websites suggest you count out the days so that you find your most fertile period in your cycle . They also say get an ovulation kit ... It's made all so complicated and stressful .  The easiest way a woman knows she's at her most fertile , is a god given thing . We just feel more physically attracted to our mate . We want to do it and often don't feign headaches or tiredness . But when we need it , often our partner is preoccupied with a football match or otherwise detained . So if your trying for a baby and you need it , and you want to jump on him , and show him how much you love him ... chances are your at your most fertile and could conceive that day . We also during ovulation are more moist and secrete more bodily fluids from our vagina's . This happens mid-cycle for around 2 days but our eggs are only good for 24 hrs , so you have to get busy soon as anyone would know from biology lessons from school . Although sperm can stay good for 72 hours and it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg .
Kim Kardashian needs to forget about planning the second baby , enjoy North and have fun , making love , she shouldn't make it a chore ,and she will fall pregnant so fast . It also helps to eat a balanced diet . Say goodbye to junk food eat fish at least twice a week , plenty of green vegetables , and lentils are all  excellent . Don't forget the fruit . Cheese and milk are also very healthy and should be included in your diet , don't overdo it though . Or you could start packing on pounds , instead of just getting healthy to conceive . Cut down on alcohol or better still don't drink at all if your trying for a baby .
Plenty of exercise is good , try walking everyday and use the stairs ,instead of the escalator , excellent keep fit plan . Keep it up, as well as , all through the  pregnancy and the birth  could be much easier .
Last but not least , for a bit of fun put an egg under your bed if your trying for a baby , it's an old wives tale , but works like a charm . Well if your trying to get pregnant .. Good luck and relax , it will happen when it's meant to be . Don't stress it never works .  Have faith in God too , he works wonders !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day .

#Peace & Love

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