Saturday, January 24, 2015

Addictions !!

With Celebrity Big Brother on tv everyday , there is something interesting , to watch every night . Not that British telly is boring , lol's the best telly in the world ,and that's on Freeview alone , people with paid channels obviously have so much to see , they are either spending all their time watching telly ,or their tv is just another wasted , added bill to their lives .
I'm never bored and I am very happy and contented . No I don't have a man in my life , but by no means is that a down factor . I am proud to be independent ,I have only my kids to take care off and I'm boss of myself . It's nice not to have a partner and walk on egg shells to please the person . You would have to be very ,  in love with him, to put up with another adult  ,perhaps hogging the remote , farting and burping and of course wanting to be pleased in all senses of the word .
I don't know how many times , Katie Price has been talking about her partner Kieran on the show ( CBB ) and his antics , 15,000 times ?? I don't suppose , I have to say what he's done , cheated on her with her 2 best mates , and she's forgiven him and stuck with him through it all . She has said he's a sex addict ! Well because his behaviour has a name to it  , do you think she's right in forgiving him ? Personally  I see Katie as a strong woman , so I was very surprised she  kept him , stuck with him and put up with it . I suggest she show him the door ! No doubt she has 2 kids with him and it's hard and everything else . But she has more kids with other men and has shown them the door and moved on .
Sex addiction , is probably a very hard ( sic ) habit to break , if Katie hopes it's going to change, it's a tall order . Unless he's on a leash , and is accounted for 24/7 which would not be easy for her , I don't believe it's possible . He is young , good-looking and probably counts on these factors to have women falling all over him . Addiction in any field , once gripped is almost impossible to break out off . Katie has said it's a compulsion for him , he's an adrenalin sex addict , one of 3 types . One being addicted to porn and the last just liking sex . So he likes the whole thing of not getting caught , it's a rush ! At this point , Katie needs to be firm , but put him out of her life , Addicts like the whole sympathy card, it enables them to justify the wrong . He should be put in a treatment programme , away for a year with no temptation and see if he can hack it . The rest of his life , will always be a step at a time .
Getting Addicted is very easy in the west , people need something to attach themselves too , for most people it's their mobile phones , Facebook , Twitter ,Social Media . Some people it's Drinking , Smoking others it's Gambling , which is advertised on such a vast scale , it's shocking ! Why would anyone encourage people to take this up , it's a rotten evil . How easy is it to lose money and not even feel a bit tipsy . Atleast if you drink 2 beers you are feeling it ,in your head ! I have been reading articles and I was shocked to read some of the stories of people losing money . How could anyone lose money ? I am so conscious of money . Every thing about my life is being good with money and making good wise choices . And I want more people to be more aware . How do Governments decide and say , okay smoking is bad , but here are all these options to go waste your money . When money is the most important thing in our lives . Without money you are nothing ,. People would not have anytime for you , and definitely would not want to know you exist  . Online Casinos should not be allowed, to advertise on telly , or magazines etc . It is not a fun thing to do . The less people who know about it , the better . As it is ,with less money in the general populations pocket , the country is headed for disaster . There are more food banks in this country , in the last few years , than there ever has been before ... Something is going terribly wrong somewhere !!
The message of this blog ,don't start on something which is going to be difficult to break . Stick with reading , watching movies , telly , cooking ,  travelling , music and most of all talking to each other . Put down the phone and have a conversation again . Even going for walks is good for the mind , and exercise for the body .
Whatever you are doing , don't stop if it's making you happy , keep smiling .
Hope you enjoyed reading this and have a blessed Sunday .

Peace & Love

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