Thursday, January 29, 2015

Delicious Fish Curry Recipe

We all try to eat healthy as often as possible . and if you're Calum Best , you just enjoy the food and behind the back of the person who cooked it ( Nadia ) you say ,oh that heavy food is no good , I want to eat healthy light food with no butter etc , etc ..Yes he's a jerk !! Just say it to the person's face and cook your own, damn healthy food .
But just to remind everyone , some butter and fat in your food is good for you and your brain . You need fat for your brain to be healthy and active ! It's the trans fat ,junk food so often which replaces a good home cooked meal which is bad for you ! Snacks between meals , you know what I'm talking about .. the packets of crisps , the cookies , the Chips , and chocolates and any amount of junk you shovel down your mouth . So Nadia's food is okay in my opinion .
So to get back to a great Meal choice for me and my kids is a Fish Curry with rice !! Yum def. a recipe to try , and I'm sharing the one I use , every week , with you all !

Fish Curry .

400 grms boneless pieces of fish
1 and a half cup of coriander leaves chopped up
2/3 tomatoes
1 onion , chopped up
8 cloves of garlic
5 green chilies
2 teaspoons of methi seeds ( fenugreek )
2 teaspoons of coriander powder
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
100 grms of oil

Marinate the fish in salt and turmeric powder for 15 mins or a little bit more
Shallow fry the fish and keep it aside
Blend the coriander leaves garlic and chilies together
Heat the oil ,fry your onions , then put in your paste and  fry for a couple of minutes till the oil separates
Add the tomatoes , methi seeds and the powdered masalas and fry for about 5/6 minutes
Add 2 cups of water and let the gravy bubble away till it comes to a boil
Then add the fish pieces and let it simmer for about 7 minutes .
Serve the curry hot , it's ready to eat .
You could add a squeeze of lemon for extra zest !!

Happy cooking !!  And whatever you do , just  keep smiling :)

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Goodness of Face Masks , Make your Own . Stay Young and Glowing :)

It's mid-week and a very good pick me up to brighten your face and keep a glowing complexion , is a face mask ! If you are like me , getting older ,lol ..or just in denial about your age , better start using one .
Actually the earlier you develop a good skin care routine , the better it is for keeping wrinkles at bay and leaving everyone guessing your age ;)
I have just used the most awesome face mask , from H&M's the " Coconut Water " moisture mask , with coconut and shea butter . It cleanses and moisturises the skin . Leaving me feeling fresh faced and smooth ,with such soft skin , lush :)

So , if it's a little too expensive to buy a face mask , every week for yourself to use . There are simple ways to make your own mask at home . It is just as good , and leaves your skin refreshed .

Make a mask with tomatoes , this is really good because tomatoes contain lycopene , slowing down the process of aging skin .
Put a spoonful of granulated sugar on a plate .
Coat one side of a 1/4  inch slice of tomato in sugar
Rub it on all over your face and leave it , for 10 to 15 minutes ,
before rinsing it off .

Make a mask with strawberries . The strawberries contains alpha-hydroxy  acid which sloughs off dead skin cells , and salicylic  acid that gets rid of excessive oil , that cause break-outs .
Cut one large strawberry in half ,
Rub it all over the face and leave for 5 minutes before washing it off .

Make a peach and oatmeal face mask . As with strawberries peaches contain alpha hydroxy and the oatmeal softens and soothes dry skin .
Mash a ripe peach with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey .
Apply for ten minutes and rinse off .

Make a Banana face mask .
Mash a ripe banana with two tablespoons of yogurt .
Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse off .

Make a cucumber face mask . This is my favourite . Cucumber has cooling properties , that reduce redness , puffiness and inflammation . This is why cucumbers are recommended , to put over your eyes to tone down any signs of bags .
In a blender add half a cucumber and  a tablespoon and a half of yogurt . Blend it well . Put on your face for
20 minutes , then rinse off . It's excellent !

I hope you try out these simple fruit /veg  masks ,which you are bound to have at home in your kitchen .
Enjoy the natural goodness of these masks and get glowing skin !
Keep smiling , do share and have an awesome day .

#Peace & Love

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

50 Shades , Is It the Dumbest Book ??

Today I had a wonderful day out , with friends which I was eagerly anticipating . Yes I was very tired , never slept long last night ,had a journey to make , but it was a wonderful day and to say the least I am looking forward to hitting the sack tonight , as early as possible .
While I was out , I couldn't help but notice , movie posters all around . Everyone is in blind anticipation over the much awaited ,over hyped " 50 Shades of Grey " , the movie , due out on the 13 th of February , I'll bet every Valentine over that weekend , will fill the movie halls , and make it a blockbuster of the year . Now I'm not judging what turns you on , and your bedroom antics , but this poorly written piece of Literature , full of the dumbest things and the most disturbing relationship between Ana Steele and Christian Grey . Which in my opinion is flat out abusive .
It is the creepiest relationship and frankly that an adult woman  Ana , 1. doesn't have an email address in these modern times ?? Questionable !! I can understand if you don't have a computer or a laptop , you might use , the one at college or a Smartphone , but a 21 year old , not have an email address ? Seriously no one graduates or even enters College without an email address . If you don't have one ,  your college will give you one . And if you don't have one , you are either Amish , elderly or you don't exist
2. Ana Steele has no self esteem : Ana goes beyond basic into 'remedial ' territory . She should have a modicum of self respect for herself , if only for being a living breathing human being . Instead she spends her time wondering if she's good enough for this man , who compares her to his "crackwhore "Mum and controls her every move , hhmm very empowering !!
3. Ana Steele has never had an orgasm : Let's be clear , this has nothing to do with being a virgin . Everyone knows you don't need a man to have an orgasm !
4. Christian Grey wanted to take advantage of a drunk Ana : When Ana drunk dials Christian Grey , he turns up at the bar ,is a jerk to her mate . Scolds her for acting like a young 20 something ..then tells her he wants to have sex with her , while she's too wasted to give consent .Yeah nothing sketchy about that  ( if you're a rapist )
5. Christian Grey is basically a stalker . He turns up at her work ,even though there are plenty of hardware stores he can access at any time . He continues popping up all the time , right through the book , even though she insists he leave her alone . That's not romantic , that's psychotic !
6 . Ana doesn't have a lawyer to look over the contract :  basically she didn't have a second set of eyes reading through the print , she went in blind and with a real handicap . Also to reiterate , she's a college graduate without an email address .I'm willing to bet she didn't understand all of the stipulations and risks involved with this .
7. Ana Loves all of Christian's super -creepy gifts : Sure there's nothing creepy , about a Blackberry ,or a laptop but if someone is giving it to you , with the sole purpose of controlling , tracking and manipulating you ( showing up at your house if you don't text him back fast enough ).. very dumb !
8. Christian tries controlling Ana's diet : Remember when he tells her she needs to eat 3 meals a day . Because there's no other way for her to find information ,other than from his mouth .. and when he makes her order Steak at the restaurant . first of all he shouldn't have to force her to eat Steak , Steak is fu*king wonderful .
9. It's remarkable that someone as basic and useless as Ana is able to find a job and keep it ,at a publishing house , a growing sign of her independence and confidence . What does Christian do , he buys the Company and becomes her Boss without her knowledge . Hot .. so not !!
10 . Christian arrives uninvited at Ana's Mum's place :  No normal man wants to spend extra time at his mother-in-law's place . Yeah not even your Mum , no matter how great she is !!
11 . When taken correctly birth control pills work : Ana had a blackberry ,she could have set an alarm for it , I'm not buying the whole pregnancy thing .
12 . Seriously no one ever says "jeez "so much . Even toddlers have a more sophisticated vocabulary .
13. Ana's brain literally does not function properly : Early in the book when Christian first visits Ana at Clayton's she muse's " from a very tiny , under-used part of my brain - probably located at the base of my medulla oblongata where my subconscious dwells - comes the thought , he's here to see you !" That is not what your medulla oblongata does . Your medulla oblongata handles boring stuff like breathing controlling body temperature regulation and your heartbeat . Your "subconscious "doesn't " dwell " there , and if it does , well, then it explains , why you all think this 50 Shades is quality writing .

So when you decide to order or not , advance tickets , to 50 Shades , remember why it  is the Dumbest , most disturbing book written . And the most un-settling thing is the relationship with Ana and herself or her brain atleast ,lol ..

Hope you enjoyed reading this , have a wonderful day and keep smiling .

#Peace & Love

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cherished Memories !!

Happy Sunday !!!

I hope you all had a peaceful , restful day with time for reflection and meditation . I had an awesome day , combined with lots of Soul Calibur with my little girl ! She's always Lizardman and I'm Talim or Ivy ! Yes I did manage to get some keep-fit ,kick-arse exercise and rounded it off with some meditation !
Today I focused on how far life has brought me , how happy and fulfilled I am after a very long time . I worked on my goals , focused my energies on the things I wanted for myself and my children and I feel I have achieved more than I could have imagined .
I also went through , alot of poems I had written a couple of years ago and among them , I found this one , I wrote for my Mum Joan , on the day of her 4 th death anniversary in August 2012 . I will  put it here for you all to read and enjoy .

Mum -- Joan

The world goes around , the days pass by .
Gentle rivers flow , a new flower grows
New life's born , someone's life is shut down
The years pass by , memories live on .
Four years today ,passed by in a flash
My dearest Mum was no more , Gone !
It happened over -night
so quick you had to go.
Miss you Mum , my words can't express , the loss I feel , has to be surpressed !
No one I could talk to , like I did Mum !
Who comforted and spoke , for hours on end , no matter how long ,you never did mind .
You watch over me , I know you still do ,
My dear loving Mum , I know Heaven has you .
An Angel with wings , there's no one like you
Your sweet gentle face , always brings me a smile .
When I look down I see , my hands look like yours ,remarkable for me .
I never did get , the older I'd be
I'd see my reflection and swear it could be ,
glimpses of you , in every part of me .
You never really left me , I find comfort in you .
In every rain drop that falls , is a kiss from you .
My sweet loving Mum , I want to be ,
reminded of you , in the birds that I see .
Your free gentle spirit and outspoken mind .
I Love YOU so much , O Mother of MINE

We all cherish wonderful memories of our Mum 's and no matter how many years pass by we still think about the woman , who carried us around in her arms , hugged us kissed us wiped away our tears , fed us our meals and above all , put us first , beyond her own needs . that wonderful creature , God has blessed each one of us with is called Mum in every country of this world in all languages . If you are fortunate to still have your Mum . Just call her and say I love you . The last thing I told my Mum , was I love you ,which always brings me comfort and joy . She had phoned to wish my youngest child  ,Happy first birthday . And at the end I said Love you Mum will call soon , and six days later , before I could call , she passed away . 

Have a lovely day and week ahead . Keep smiling , and love everybody . From me to you stay blessed .

#Peace & Love 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Addictions !!

With Celebrity Big Brother on tv everyday , there is something interesting , to watch every night . Not that British telly is boring , lol's the best telly in the world ,and that's on Freeview alone , people with paid channels obviously have so much to see , they are either spending all their time watching telly ,or their tv is just another wasted , added bill to their lives .
I'm never bored and I am very happy and contented . No I don't have a man in my life , but by no means is that a down factor . I am proud to be independent ,I have only my kids to take care off and I'm boss of myself . It's nice not to have a partner and walk on egg shells to please the person . You would have to be very ,  in love with him, to put up with another adult  ,perhaps hogging the remote , farting and burping and of course wanting to be pleased in all senses of the word .
I don't know how many times , Katie Price has been talking about her partner Kieran on the show ( CBB ) and his antics , 15,000 times ?? I don't suppose , I have to say what he's done , cheated on her with her 2 best mates , and she's forgiven him and stuck with him through it all . She has said he's a sex addict ! Well because his behaviour has a name to it  , do you think she's right in forgiving him ? Personally  I see Katie as a strong woman , so I was very surprised she  kept him , stuck with him and put up with it . I suggest she show him the door ! No doubt she has 2 kids with him and it's hard and everything else . But she has more kids with other men and has shown them the door and moved on .
Sex addiction , is probably a very hard ( sic ) habit to break , if Katie hopes it's going to change, it's a tall order . Unless he's on a leash , and is accounted for 24/7 which would not be easy for her , I don't believe it's possible . He is young , good-looking and probably counts on these factors to have women falling all over him . Addiction in any field , once gripped is almost impossible to break out off . Katie has said it's a compulsion for him , he's an adrenalin sex addict , one of 3 types . One being addicted to porn and the last just liking sex . So he likes the whole thing of not getting caught , it's a rush ! At this point , Katie needs to be firm , but put him out of her life , Addicts like the whole sympathy card, it enables them to justify the wrong . He should be put in a treatment programme , away for a year with no temptation and see if he can hack it . The rest of his life , will always be a step at a time .
Getting Addicted is very easy in the west , people need something to attach themselves too , for most people it's their mobile phones , Facebook , Twitter ,Social Media . Some people it's Drinking , Smoking others it's Gambling , which is advertised on such a vast scale , it's shocking ! Why would anyone encourage people to take this up , it's a rotten evil . How easy is it to lose money and not even feel a bit tipsy . Atleast if you drink 2 beers you are feeling it ,in your head ! I have been reading articles and I was shocked to read some of the stories of people losing money . How could anyone lose money ? I am so conscious of money . Every thing about my life is being good with money and making good wise choices . And I want more people to be more aware . How do Governments decide and say , okay smoking is bad , but here are all these options to go waste your money . When money is the most important thing in our lives . Without money you are nothing ,. People would not have anytime for you , and definitely would not want to know you exist  . Online Casinos should not be allowed, to advertise on telly , or magazines etc . It is not a fun thing to do . The less people who know about it , the better . As it is ,with less money in the general populations pocket , the country is headed for disaster . There are more food banks in this country , in the last few years , than there ever has been before ... Something is going terribly wrong somewhere !!
The message of this blog ,don't start on something which is going to be difficult to break . Stick with reading , watching movies , telly , cooking ,  travelling , music and most of all talking to each other . Put down the phone and have a conversation again . Even going for walks is good for the mind , and exercise for the body .
Whatever you are doing , don't stop if it's making you happy , keep smiling .
Hope you enjoyed reading this and have a blessed Sunday .

Peace & Love

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Is It So Bad ?? The Hands Of The Clock ...

Tick , Tock , Tick , Tock .. The Doomsday Clock has been moved , 2 minutes forward , and now at 11.57 pm , it is within 3 minutes to Midnight , which signify's a Global Catastrophe . The Atomic Scientists decided to move the Clock hands forward , because this is the closest time , we have ever been to a disaster in decades . The last time the clock was this close it was in 1984 .
The Physicists  set up the Doomsday clock in 1947 , after the atomic bombs hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War 2 . The Clock was created to convey threats to humanity and the planet .The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists ( BAS ) said the threat of Climate Change and Nuclear War , posed a very serious threat to modern society .
BAS want to see action taken to cap greenhouse gases to 2 C above pre-industrial levels , and reduce spending on nuclear weapons . They definitely don't think it's too late , but the "window for action  is rapidly closing " The world needs to awaken from it's lethargy . Moving the clock  hand forward , inspires changes , to help push the process along .
Since this clock was set up , the hand has been moved 18 times , and each move represents how the scientists , view the world's chances of survival in the face of these threats .
The last time it was moved was in January 2012 to five minutes to midnight , BAS believed the world had entered the second nuclear age .
Now Climate Change poses a severe threat , Food shortages are going to get worse . Crop yields have decreased in the last 40 years . Violent conflict may be triggered as a result .Fights over resources like water and energy , hunger and extreme weather will all go into the mix to de-stabilise the world . Gap between the rich and poor will widen , poor people are going to bear , the unfair burden of climate change . Everything is going to make it harder for people to fight their way out of poverty .
Recent attacks in France , could be one of the reasons for moving the clock"s minute hand forward .

In the word's of Chicken Little " The Sky Is Falling ! "

As I say a little prayer ,and hope God looks down favorably on us , I hope each one of you join me with your own . Keep smiling and things will improve , if governments do something positive , and forget about increasing their own wages .

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Did this Blog Go In Another Direction , I think I Was Trying to Get a Fish Recipe Out , LOL !!

If there is one thing I love , it's my food and I enjoy cooking a healthy ,nutritious dinner for my kids and myself , and that is everyday ! I am not your one day mum , who suddenly wants to cook , and be healthy . I seldom buy takeaways , although I know it would be a nice break for me , and the kids ,would like it but No , if you have to work , with a budget  , it's not possible . Takeaways can be pricey and you can get a much better home cooked meal , done with fresh ingredients cooked by my own hands  . So I enjoy cooking and it's never a chore , the kids love my food ,and  if I say so myself , I am a pretty darn good cook !
Nothing is better than having a lovely home made , spicy curry , with white rice or yellow rice , which I love !!
I make it a habit of giving the kids fish twice a week , not only is it healthy , but fish is good for the brains and I want my children to be as clever as they can get  . They are growing up in a dog eat dog world , everybody wants to be here in England , jobs are notoriously hard to come by , As a mother I constantly worry , will they ever , find employment here , as grown adults ? Not only is the age of pension being raised , forgetting there will be a younger generation out there to employ and if all old people , have to work till 70 , what the hell is going to happen to a fit and able younger generation  ??
The whole future of this world is beginning to scare the living daylights out of me !! I'm sure , I'm not the only person to be concerned with whats happening . It's mainly the population growing so rapidly , and employment suffering . does anyone even think about wages and making sure it  gets doubled !!!  People can barely survive on what we get !!Wages seem to be forgotten ,it's the last thing on the governments mind . Making sure the health of everyone is top priority , everyone is going mental ,  the younger generation need to grow up , not surrounded by the evils of cigarette smoke  . So cigarettes soon will be in plain packaging , with God awful images on it , to scare the population into stopping .. but did anyone think why people take up smoking , in the first place ?? No we obviously are not happy , on so many different levels , somehow smoking gives a soothing , restful ease to a worried overworked , stressful situation . Ever heard of the "cigarette break "all people with stress in their life , reach for a cigarette for some peace and thoughtfulness , while blowing clouds of smoke into the already polluted atmosphere ! No I'd rather not have a cigarette , but lots of money , would make me want , to be around forever , and fight all the diseases , and give up smoking and have a holiday every year and not have another worry in hell , and afford all the little luxurious , I have forgotten existed !
Okay if only I was a Celebrity , I would get paid a hefty sum and get to go into the big brother house and be dull and boring , and if you have balls and go be obnoxious and entertaining , it's not good , Yes I am #teamPerez
Okay I want to be a mystery shopper ,and yes I want to write reviews about places !! Contact me :) I shall review your place for a free meal , talk about your shop for free products !! If you want honesty , I shall give it !!
I shall end here .It was not actually the subject , what I was aiming to write about , but this will do nicely . Yes I got sidetracked , don't we all in life ?  Yes I love my life , love my kids to the ends of the earth ,but two times my income will do very nicely , rich men also , contact me ;) No I'm joking .. I have a crush on a certain someone and actually no one else will do  .  No he lives a million miles away in the USA ,and he probably doesn't even know I exist but alas I can dream , lol ...
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great day ahead and stay blessed . From me to you , keep smiling ..

#Peace & Love

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Man. United ... Van Gaal 's Shambles !!

Back at my computer , doing what I love best blogging a few lines and hoping all my loyal readers are well entertained . I don't know how many of you would be interested in this topic ,I'm planing on writing today but write something on it , I just have too !!!
I know I'm female , and females don't love football but I DO !!! So as I follow the football each week , okay I can't name all the players in every team in the country ..but I do know my football . I just needed to write about Manchester United !!! Everybody , knows Man. United and their History , and right now in my opinion Man. United is in shambles . It irritates and frustrates me . No I'm not a Man. United fan and I don't support that team , but we know Man. United under Fergie gave such brilliant football games and it was thrilling to watch , I absolutely loved David Beckham,play when he was in the team . Sir Alex Ferguson , seemed to bring out the best in the team , he was always performance orientated .
Right now , I shout at my telly , why the hell is Wayne Rooney playing mid field , he needs to be upfront , scoring the goals .
This team formation , that  3-5-2 which Louis Van Gaal has going on , is a disaster , and that even Man. United is up in the top 4 position is wrong , based on their performances it's pure luck and no skills , it's a slow laboured game , with no quick pace .
Louis Van Gaal is a disaster , he seems to think he knows it all , something which Dutch people have a tendency for , " know-it alls " ,lol.. Getting appointed manager , the job" got "what does he do ?  Immediately buys the most expensive players , De Maria being one , putting them up to play , not their style of football !!. Isn't it so , even when managers change , the club continues , to play in the style of football , they are accustomed to ?? I would say , sack Van Gaal , I am not a fan of his pompous attitidue , nor his slack , no urgency method of play . I miss watching Man. United play with fire in their belly , and make stomping victories . The Club has lost it's identity , sadly . Fergie must be furious , I know he has a short fuse , Does he attend the matches , lol ..I have never noticed !! I think Manchester Untied 's only priority this season is to get back into the Champion"s League , but i'm sure fans are gritting their teeth with fury :) Van Gaal's flawed approach to the game , is the crux of the problem .
I never expect a victory from Man. United if I sit down to watch the game  this season , but I don't  , it's a shit waste of time ...
HHmm watched the Housewives of Cheshire this week , seems like they have another Dutch in their middle whose also not proving popular ,  lol  ..what's it , with them haha ...
Okay hope you enjoyed reading that , even if Footballs not your thing , I needed to write it , because I love football and moreover I love a great , exciting game .. My favourite has to be Adam Lallana and I love goalkeeper Joe Hart  and ...No no , just leave it :) That's all for now ..Keep smiling and have an awesome day ..

#Peace & Love

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sharing , What's so Bad about That ??

Blogs and Blogging is very popular in this day and age , people make a profession out of it . It's important that you get a chance to say what's on your mind , and blog on subjects that are important to you . Some talk about fashion , beauty , food , keeping healthy , entertainment , politics , travel and the list can go on ... I like to keep a general blog and have a chance to talk ,about a range of subjects that interest me .
Of course blogging is all about getting your blogs read , by as many people as possible ! To make it popular there are buttons to share it on social media and gain followers, or at least spread the message of your blogs . So I def. enjoy sharing it on my Facebook and Twitter . I am never in the habit of tagging friends , or sharing stuff on other people's wall . But of course Social media is popular with Sharing and don't we all know that sharing is one of the first things we learn from our parents , share your stuff with your siblings , it's always share , share , share !! So now very sometimes I share my blog on my father's Facebook wall , if the topic is relevant and it's an interesting subject ,I share it .... Surely a parent is not going to object ?? Aren't parents supposed to love their children , support their ambitions , promote them , even give them a helping hand in life ?? So I was shocked , when I got a message from my Dad saying don't share to my page !!! I was so upset by it , surely not my Dad ?? I was very hurt , and upset and safe to say I had no desire to cook dinner , it was takeaway Chinese !!
After the hurt passed , I started to think , why would he object ?? Then I came to think Wait , maybe he doesn't want any of his friends to know he has a daughter who writes etc , etc .. He always thought more highly of his son than me . I was generally the more popular one with people , so he used to push me into the background . When of course I married and went away perfect  not to tell anyone I existed !
Normally , a daughter is the father's pet , not so much in my case !! I think I remind him too much of his mother , and look alot like her !! Obviously then he was not too fond of his Mum !!
No his Mum was a free spirit , and had him very young and gave him away,  to her mother to bring up !! His Gran was a very strict Victorian woman , and though my dad loved his gran , I think he wished his Mum ,looked after-ed him and gave him more attention ! He has never , ever spoken of his mother to us and all I ever knew ,was from my Mum . He only ever said her name to me . I wish I knew her birthday , since I love astrology ! He always says he doesn't have any family , when I was smaller I thought my dad was Superman ,lol !! I remember one day I must have been 9 years old and we were out and a dirty drunken bum , was calling out my Dad's name and he went to him and had a few words with him !!! I asked my Mum , who was that ?? I saw the drunk had beautiful blue eyes !! She said that 's your Dad's Brother !! I was gobsmacked !! No I have never ever spoken to his brother , who threw his life away drinking . No , my dad doesn't like family . He also has another brother and sister , who I've never met or seen and No he never ever told us he has a brother or sister , I learnt this from my mother, as well . Now I realise he wants to disown me . It's sad  , and pathetic ! Don't ever do this to family , especially not your children or your brother and sisters or your parents . Love everyone , if you want God to love you .
I write this blog , so that you can learn something from this , to love your family around you , most important . Don't be mean and Don't disown . Chances are you could end up alone and unloved . I love my Dad but I am now feeling very hurt and rejected . Share and pass on the message , loving your family and being there for them is the most important thing in the world .
Wherever you are in your day I hope you are smiling and you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling ..

Peace & Love

Treat Yourself , Awesome Spa Treatments to Enjoy and Relax With , At Home !!!

Good morning /afternoon /evening /night wherever you are in your day , hope it was easy to get out of bed  ! With the coldest night behind us ,and another week of cold , cold days and nights to come , minus 10 where I am bbrr it's not pleasant ! We need some really nice New Year Spa Treats to warm and pamper ourselves to feel better :)
Here are some real cool ideas of Spa Treatments to gift yourself to banish all those January Blues !!

1. Voya Angelicus Serratus Body Oil : It costs a whopping 32 pounds but it's such a good buy as it gives tired skin a lift . It's super hydrating citrus body oil , made with gorgeous natural ingredients including hand -harvested seaweed , lime and mandarin . It sinks beautifully into the skin and smells divine ! It is available to buy over the net at :

2. Bodhi & Birch Assemblage Gift Set : This costs 38 pounds , available over the net , so anyone in any country can order it , so super accessible . Get yours at :
Ethically sourced , natural and downright gorgeous .. they are travel sized bath and shower gels . Worth every penny !

3. Organic Surge Body & Soul Soothers Body Care Bundle :  Priced at a very do-able 24.50 pounds . This super relaxing hand-tied set includes all you need for a restful night's sleep , thanks to it's gorgeous lavender,meadow scent . Slip out of the bath , slather on the lotions and get ready to descend into the land of Nod ! It's also available on the net at :

4. Murad Instant Radiance Eye Cream : This is a very luxurious product costs 49.50 pounds . If your eyes show signs of fatigue following the party season , this is for you . The eye cream brightens and smooths ,  minimising the appearance of dark circles by 30 % in just 15 minutes ! Definitely a product to try if your budget will allow . Also available over the net at :

5. Branche DÓlive Candle Aux Quats'Saisons : Created to celebrate the 30th anniversary of LeManoir - Raymond Blanc's  2 Michelin - starred hotel and restaurant in Oxfordshire . This themed set is infused with flavour notes synonymous with the Chef's cuisine . The lively green citrus spring candle is my favourite . If you want to try this it can be ordered from :

Hope this gives you on an insight into a few glorious Spa Treats to pamper yourself . Have an awesome day and wherever you are don't stop smiling :)

#Peace & Love    

Saturday, January 17, 2015

After Life , Heaven !! Did Alex Malarkey Really Make it Up ??

Another day , another post but a very special subject so close to my heart . Anything relating to God and religious is very special to me . Today I read in all separate posts on the internet, the topic of Alex Malarkey "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven " on Thursday  the publisher's to his bestseller book announced they  were going to pull all the books from the shelves , because he has recanted his claim and said , he made the whole thing up . He did not die , and did not go to heaven .  He was in a coma at age 6 , for 2 months in 2004 , now a teenager , he claims "he made the whole thing up" !!!
I am a bit at a loss , for words , why would he now backtrack ?? As a teenager , is he feeling vulnerable to the amount of questions he must still get about his experience ? He was six years old , perhaps his memories of all that he had experienced , which were all so vivid then ,  is now fading , and he's feeling pressure to remember ?? So the easiest way , for a young person to get off the hook , is to take the easiest way out ??? Go back and say it was not real ??
I for one , have no doubt his first initial vocal claim coming out of the coma , of having been to heaven , is 100% true !! No I have not died and gone to heaven to justify his claim , but I have had , vivid dreams to suggest heaven does exist , and we are passing through an existence of justification for our souls to grow , and reach a higher level of understanding !
But besides , my own beliefs ,  God gives us always more evidence that such an existence ,and dreams are more than a sleeping / waking process of our own thoughts ! No I believe heaven exists because a very dear family friend who saw me grow up, has been around , since I was a child ,and visited my childhood home almost everyday . I loved her dearly , she was almost a grandmother to me . She was equally fond of me as I her . She was the kindest most generous person I have ever seen ,walk this earth . I saw no fault in her , and I am the most judgmental , not so easy to please person . I can see through people and don't take things at face value ! I can tell when people are not who they pretend to be,  and No I , don't shy away from my thoughts . No , Aunty Mac.Donald was the dearest soul I have ever seen . In fact when my children's father proposed to me , after telling my Mum , I went to the lady I looked upto and told her , I also asked her what she thought about it . And it was her answer which swayed me into excepting the proposal .
When , I left and moved away to join my partner , I often returned back to see my parents and our dear family friend . The last occasion I saw her , in 2008 , I was with my sister-in-law ( who I don't have contact with anymore ) and Aunty Mac ,she had a story to tell me !! One which I believe ,I was meant to hear !! She had suffered some serious problems and was in intensive care at a hospital . Her heart went into cardiac arrest and she died on the hospital table , but they started resuscitation on her and did manage to bring her back . This was what she told me ,she felt happen to her , she was suddenly in a very beautiful , hillside with the most picturesque view . she was climbing this enormous hill , Now remember Aunty Mac. Donald was old , and not so fit and active like she was when she was younger . She said she felt young , full of energy , with no pain or discomfort . She climbed up and at the very top was this very young handsome man , with longish brown hair and he told her Rita , you have to go back , it's not your time . She started to protest she wanted to stay she felt young and alive . But he said NO ! , She strongly believed he was Jesus , the son  of God ! The next thing was she remembered ,was being woken up at the hospital . She told me Sabrina , I don't know , why I had to come back , but I'm here today ALIVE !! You Know what , I knew exactly WHY !!! She had to come back , to relay the incident to me .. that was the purpose !! I have absolute trust and faith in her , and Jesus needed her to tell me of this incident !! I believe there is God and we will be reunited with him in our death .. if we lead good holy lives . Sadly Aunty MacDonald did pass away , on the most holy day of all , Jesus's birthday in 2012 . RIP Aunty MacDonald , I love you to the ends of the earth and back ,and I know you are happy in God's Kingdom of heaven and I shall see you again , one day . But here I am for now spreading the word of God .
I hope you all enjoyed reading this . Stay blessed and God does love you all ...ask for forgiveness if you feel your life is out of control , and God hears your prayers !! All my love to each of you ! Have an awesome day .

#Peace & Love

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pope Francis Also Had , His Say !!!

I was just reading today our lovely Pope Francis's interview about the Paris attacks . I was quite surprised to read that he thought in the freedom of expression , there are limits , and if someone he knew for example said something about his mother , he would punch them :)
But I had forgotten our sweet Pope grew up in South America , a tough country and to survive most often the fittest wins . No , our Pope knows , how  to fight his battles and to be Politically correct as well . He is the head of a state , Vatican City .
Okay ,so long ago I decided I could be tough with words but I would never punch or hurt somebody , everybody is twice my size lol and although I'm super fit , I am skinny and petite . Above all I believe words pack a harder punch and the " pen is mightier than the sword " my father always used that line :) and I love it !! That's all , well and good , provided people still read to get that punch you want delivered .
Pope Francis also said when asked if he felt vulnerable to an assassination attempt . He replied with I am in God's hands and he asked God to spare him a painful death . He is very timid and and not courageous when confronted with pain . Such an honest humble person , he always touches my heart when he speaks .
My prayer to the Lord has always been about the same as Pope Francis ,let it be quick and painless . I am never afraid to talk about death , it is inevitable and with being religious it is just a bridge to the Kingdom of Heaven .
Freedom of speech , when done in Cartoon form and used in a free country and accepted by the ruling Government , is exactly that  , Free without boundaries..and a punch is very different from taking it into their own hand to commit murder !!!   I support Freedom of Speech and Feminism and Equal Rights . More people who used to be supporters of Freedom of Speech are now quickly becoming Activists , just like we saw the huge turnout in Paris to support Charlie Hebdo #JeSuisCharlie
Peaceful demonstrations , love and tolerance is what should be actively celebrated on telly , in newspapers , magazines everywhere . All those commercials promoting gambling and Sky Casino is a horrible thing to get people into .. nobody needs to lose the little money they have . I'd rather smoke a cigarette then spend my money on that stupid shit !
Well , till I write again , Promote Peace , be kind , loving , thoughtful and in John Lennon's words "Give Peace a Chance " I hope I got it right ,lol ..I was just a baby and don't remember John Lennon but hey Yoko Ono is a great ambassador of his and I love her loads !!!

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Feelings Matter , Remember Karma and All that !!!

So I wrote my entire blog and deleted it , a topic which is best left alone in all of these sensitive times .. So I'm now thinking , what's the next best thing to blog about ...
Hhhmmm , maybe some time travel , into the the past when I was a little girl almost ten in a couple of months , just like my little boy is now ! I was so excited ,because my favourite Aunt was going to get married . A few of my other relatives had got married , but nobody had asked me to be a flower girl at their weddings . So I was feeling really special indeed .Imagine my disappointment when my Dad who was the only one who worked ( Mum stayed home and looked aftered the house and was the best Mum  ever !! ) and we didn't have much money , enough to live and be happy . So Dad says Sabrina , I can't afford the flower girl"s dress so you can't be the flower girl , but I shall ask if your Aunt the bride , will buy you the dress , I would be very happy for you to be part of it . Yes my Aunt worked , and her husband to be worked and she was the Aunt who always came by our house  on Saturdays ,lol for buying trips to the city , nice clothes at the tailors , taxi rides , money to spend... all of which we couldn't afford then :( 
But I was very disappointed , my Aunt refused , and said she could not afford to get me the  dress . I being a child cried and was very upset , I remember it to this day ... Now as a grown woman , with children could not bear to see my kids disappointed  , breaks my heart . My Dad was also very upset , my Aunt could not buy the dress for me , but when he ( my Dad ) married my Mum , he bought all her brothers and my Aunt wedding outfits for their marriage . Good deeds should be returned , I am a firm believer .
I still loved my Aunt , regardless , she was my mother's younger sister and my mother loved her , she never ever uttered a bad word about her sister , so that was that . No one made me flower girl , or bridesmaid till I was 18 and my mother's youngest brother got married and lo and behold he asked me to be bridesmaid which I accepted and had a wonderful day at my Uncle and his beautiful wife's special day . It was a lovely wedding and I talk about it with my kids , till today . I was bridesmaid one more time for a friend and that was it . yes I love weddings , and yes when I was a child it was happening all around but nobody made me a part of it .. yes it's very disappointing to a young girl  . 
Must be something about weddings and me , very strange , because when my brother got married and I was supposed to be maid of honour , I flew home travelling 10 hours by plane for the wedding , but I felt strangely left out , nobody spoke to me about the wedding , nobody told me anything , I felt like a spare part a stranger in the middle of wedding prep . So I went to my fav. Aunt's house and had a chat with her , and said I feel very uncomfortable and not happy about being left out !! She advised me to go speak to my brother about how I felt . I did like she said , and my brother said Don't be part of the wedding then if you don't want to be , lol ...brushed aside !! So I decided not to be maid of honour . He asked my Aunt to take my place and she did , and she never looked at me at the wedding and never spoke to me again .. Yes people do the strangest things .. I felt very hurt and it was painful ..People don't realise the pain they cause . Try to live a better life if your are looking for good karma and happiness .
Today all this feeling surfaced because quite by chance I saw a photo on FB and recognised my Gran but the other person was so changed , I asked is that my Aunt , turns out she's been very ill for a long long time .. I didn't know how I should respond , so I just said   Oooohhhh !! 
I shall end my blog , sending each one of you who reads this , all my blessings .. Try and be good so there are only good stories about you to be passed down generations , it's really not hard .. don't break anyone's heart , listen more closely and be a joy , blessings always come back . God never forgets good deeds you do , I promise !!
Have an awesome day and I hoped you enjoyed reading this and got the moral of the piece .Stay blessed !!

#Peace & Love 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

They Do Say Trying to Get Pregnant Is Not Easy !!

I was just reading an article this morning on Kim Kardashian and how she was finding it difficult to get pregnant for a second time . I know of a few other women who found themselves in that same boat . No it would not be me , lol ..Yes there is almost a ten year age gap between my first born and the second but that was because I was very young when the first was born and wanted to wait a while , then my husband was not keen on more kids and blah , blah ...
But trying for a second child can put pressure on you and sometimes when you want something it doesn't happen on order . Most of the time people have a  fixed  idea and forget to enjoy what they have at hand and stress themselves out ,by wanting to quickly complete their family and have the kids in a row .
The best thing when trying for a baby is to forget about trying for a baby and take it as it goes . Less stress can see you feeling calm and relaxing and enjoying the experience , which can make you conceive quicker . One of the best ways to conceive is to make sure you orgasm . That happens ,when you are relaxed not hurrying up . Taking your time to have that moment , can result in a very satisfying orgasm . Forget about jumping up ,  as soon as your finished , instead try and go to sleep forget the damp patch happens don't get stuffy about it !! Weeing immediately after sex is also not going  to help your chances at falling pregnant .Wait till the morning !!
I know websites suggest you count out the days so that you find your most fertile period in your cycle . They also say get an ovulation kit ... It's made all so complicated and stressful .  The easiest way a woman knows she's at her most fertile , is a god given thing . We just feel more physically attracted to our mate . We want to do it and often don't feign headaches or tiredness . But when we need it , often our partner is preoccupied with a football match or otherwise detained . So if your trying for a baby and you need it , and you want to jump on him , and show him how much you love him ... chances are your at your most fertile and could conceive that day . We also during ovulation are more moist and secrete more bodily fluids from our vagina's . This happens mid-cycle for around 2 days but our eggs are only good for 24 hrs , so you have to get busy soon as anyone would know from biology lessons from school . Although sperm can stay good for 72 hours and it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg .
Kim Kardashian needs to forget about planning the second baby , enjoy North and have fun , making love , she shouldn't make it a chore ,and she will fall pregnant so fast . It also helps to eat a balanced diet . Say goodbye to junk food eat fish at least twice a week , plenty of green vegetables , and lentils are all  excellent . Don't forget the fruit . Cheese and milk are also very healthy and should be included in your diet , don't overdo it though . Or you could start packing on pounds , instead of just getting healthy to conceive . Cut down on alcohol or better still don't drink at all if your trying for a baby .
Plenty of exercise is good , try walking everyday and use the stairs ,instead of the escalator , excellent keep fit plan . Keep it up, as well as , all through the  pregnancy and the birth  could be much easier .
Last but not least , for a bit of fun put an egg under your bed if your trying for a baby , it's an old wives tale , but works like a charm . Well if your trying to get pregnant .. Good luck and relax , it will happen when it's meant to be . Don't stress it never works .  Have faith in God too , he works wonders !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day .

#Peace & Love

Monday, January 12, 2015

Always Feeling Tired ?? Five Reasons Why that Might Be !!

Wouldn't we just love to wake up bursting with energy ? But if you are struggling to remember when was the last time that happened , well join the club . Seven out of ten people complain of feeling tired all the time . The constant feeling of fatigue is pretty much the norm .
There are a good number of reasons why this is happening , but I shall list five of the big ones ! Make a change and you could start feeling more energized and ready to take on the world .

1. You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep :  Sleep is simply not our priority anymore . Being able to survive on on four five hours sleep is often celebrated and thought to be enough , but it means our body does not have enough time to do important repairs and restoration . It is also important to ensure the sleep you get is good quality . That means commit to going to bed early two to three times a week . Don't have caffeine after 5 pm .remember it's important to switch off your phone & computer  an hour before bed to give your brain at least an hour to unwind .

2. You are Stressed or Anxious : Stress can be very draining ! Your tiredness can be due to the fact that you are under a lot of stress be it from work issues or personal life  . There is evidence to suggest that stress can often cause physical problems and even shorten your life span . Yoga , meditation , and breathing exercises can be practiced to keep stress and anxiety level low . Breathing exercises can be practiced for example on the commute to work  , if you just build it into your day , it can make a whole lot of difference to how you feel .

3. Your Body is Lacking Iron : An Iron deficiency is a common reason for women to feel lethargic . If you are feeling tired constantly ask your doctor to check your iron levels . If you fall short there are plenty of ways to turn the situation around . There are plenty of iron supplements around , and you could also add leafy green vegetables to your diet like spinach . Liver is also good to have , rich in iron .

4. You are drinking Alcohol to close to Your bed time : While a glass or two of wine can act as a good sedative , the quality of your sleep is seriously disrupted . Alcohol can affect the deeper part of your sleep REM , which means you are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night and be restless , dus not having a good nights rest , which does not have you feeling refreshed in the morning . The good news is you can still have that tipple , it's just when it gets to excess that the body suffers . Moderation is the best policy !

5. You are not Eating Enough Fruit and Vegetables : Many of us rely on processed food and refined carbohydrates , so we miss out on vital nutrients like B Vitamins , which give us energy . foods with alot of additives and preservatives are harder for the body to process , using up energy that could be directed elsewhere . You need to have five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day at the minimum to have a healthy balanced diet and feel energized and rested .

Hope you enjoyed reading this , and you get a good nights sleep every night . It also keeps you looking young , that saying "I need my beauty sleep "is not a joke . Have a wonderful day and keep smiling . till next time ...

#Peace & Love

Saturday, January 10, 2015

CBB Drama !!!

The New Year always starts with Celebrity Big Brother which I look forward to, without fail . It's always good hearted fun and we get to see celebs being ordinary people ,without make-up and bitching !!
This year has a bit of an older crowd , hhmm , didn't know if I would like that ?.. But it had some of my favourite people in it , since I'm pretty open minded . Bring on the oldies !!
My favourites in it had to be Patsy Kensit , Alicia Duvall , Nadia Swahalia , Perez Hilton , Callum Best , and of course I was thrilled to see Jeremy , who was just a kid on Baywatch , when I watched it . The good old days in my parents house . OMG Jeremy, had grown up !! Yes I know I had read about the problems he had with Alcohol , substance abuse etc . ..I was glad to see him on the show , trying to get control of his life and give people a look into his persona , perhaps ??
So I just finished watching the daily round-up of CBB and I was shocked at all the unfolding DRAMA !!
Jeremy kicked out of the show !! Ken's disgusting language about Arses and lewd talk ... he gets a warning from Big Brother but his behaviour is acceptable ??? I am shocked , he should go home ,seems to be stuck in a time warp somewhere in 1975 !! And he gets to stay , lol  #getkenout
Anyways the topic I'm blogging about is Jeremy , Ken is side-tracking me ! Jeremy is a recovering alcoholic . Tell me why would Big Brother be giving somebody with alcohol problems , alcohol to drink ? It was disturbing for me to watch him , he was mixing all those drinks , feeling ill . Perez , even mentioned the other day Jeremy can erupt . He didn't trust him .
On to the next thing , when a man is drinking alot , GIRLS please stay clear of them , full stop !! All mother's should advise their daughters , don't try to help DRUNK MEN !!
So Jeremy is ill , throwing up in the toilet and these girls are inside trying to help him ?? Dammit , he's drunk he can sort himself out !! My philosophy !! Callum calls out from the bedroom leave him,  he's not dying . They all go away except for Chloe hhhmmm ... she's helping lol ...suddenly dramatically she runs out crying , he parted my ROBE and touched my boob !! There was drama !!
He got himself booted out , dramatic exit of Jeremy !!!
He did say , she was hanging over him , she does have boobs the size of Melons , it's a toilet confined space . She had , in my opinion no business in that toilet .. when somebody drinks heavily they blank out , do shit and don't even realise it . Don't ever get caught up in that kind of situation . Don't help , especially if it's a guy . Take my advise walk away and keep yourself safe .
So Jeremy is out of the show , and I have to see Chloe and those big tits on my tv screen . No I was not a fan of hers , and when Katie Hopkins on the first day could name the 2 least interesting celebrities , I was sure Chloe would be named . She was my choice . Now I would like to see her off the show as soon as possible .
Do you think Chloe should have been in that toilet , Naked under her bathrobe , hanging over Jeremy , with her tits almost in his face ?? I am appalled she was in there ..
I have 2 daughters and I would never ever want them to help drunk men , even if it happened to be someone they knew well .
Girls please be safe , think wisely and dress decently and keep big boobs in a bra and don't hang over any man. Small things to remember .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , it's just a bit of advice Girls should not be helping drunk men !! In my opinion .
Keep smiling and have a great weekend .

#Peace & Love

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year Resolutions !!

Hello from a cold and very windy Britain . As I sit here at my computer I can hear the wind rustling the trees , its shaking the windows and I swear the building and the walls are creaking ! Fierce winds and alot of rain is the weather report from here :)
It's the 8th of January well almost the 9th because, it's little past midnight , so have we all made our new year resolutions ? And more importantly have we stuck to them or plan on ditching them soon ?
New Year resolutions are a very good way to begin the year because we make a list of goals we set ourselves and often it's about how we would actually like to see ourselves as opposed to how we are .
A few interesting conversations I've had with friends as well as some other people who have expressed  their  new year goals to me. Some mentioned they absolutely detest the amount of time they spend on social media and planed on stopping it . Others expressed the wish to de-friend a whole lot of people who they have little contact with . While I noticed 2 people on my list of friends suddenly decided I should not be able to view their wall or posts !! It left me in a quandary as to now , how should I react to them , let it be or restrict their view on my posts ? Tit for tat and all that ,lol ..although I'm not that kind of person .
Yet another person obviously decided that dumping me on my birthday last year after being good  "friends " was not bad enough , but after 8 months of keeping up with following me on twitter , his new resolution was I'm going to unfollow her . Yeah , yeah he's in the States but  if that's a relief or what , lol ..because I can never unfollow somebody I like , no matter how much they have hurt me :)
Back to resolutions some decided they must save money , at least a pound a day .. which I thought sounded like an excellent idea . HHmm it's my goal too but I don't know if it's going  to happen , I've put in so far 3 pounds !!Too , many bills and too many hungry mouths , 3 kids who are always hungry and those muffins at Asda are very tasty and cost a pound :) not talking about school trips this time of year, which give unexpected costs . My little one just went to the Mining Museum which was so much fun she said .. she went down a shaft and brought back 2 lumps of coal .. It cost 6 pounds but she had such a great time and a memorable day !!
A very good resolution which had me inspired was that of Mark Zuckerberg . He plans on reading a book every fortnight ! Now I wish I could do that , but I'm planing on reading a book a month and I plan to keep it up for the whole year .
A few other friends are keen on finding the right person , but however are not keen on parting with any cash to go through a dating agency , hint , hint mine .. Well they are unlikely to be able to come across new people if all they hang out with are the same crowd and go to the same places . yes they are very picky and often remain single like myself lol , through choice . We know what we want and won't settle for less . That's the vibe with all 30/ 40 something people , it's true ! Oh yes ,another thought , if you were keen to find a new partner by putting your work up as walkers and grazers on FB , will never find you anyone and people find that disgusting no matter how funny it is !!
Back to my last goal of this year is to be friends with somebody who I have been attracted to for a while , he is amazingly handsome , great sense of humour with a taste for everything I like . Yes he's a little out of my league lol or maybe I'm just too backward to come forward but whatever I like him , shame he's in the USA and I'm not daring enough to send him a friend request on FB . Normally I'm not shy , it must be because , I fancy him loads :) So I'm going to work on that in the next 12 months :)))
Well , hoped you enjoyed reading this  blog . Got any tips for your new year resolution  , from this ?? It's never too late to begin ! Have a wonderful today / tomorrow . Leave a comment if you want . Till next time stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Paris est dans mon coeur aujourd'hui

Twelve people shot dead today and many more injured in Paris . Five cartoonist Charlie Hebdo editor and four others . They stood up for Freedom of Speech and paid the highest price .The journalists and the 2 policemen there to protect them . Fire bombs in 2011 , did not stop them .. they stood strong .
Their Satirical newspaper dared to poke fun at everything from Religion to Politics to Feminism , nuclear energy , homeland security . Yet they attracted the most publicity when Islam was featured , the only people who took offence . Very little seems funny nowadays .
They were exercising their comic liberty , incredibly talented men , mercilessly gunned down . Such a shame ! Condolences to their families and "Paris is in my heart " today . God rest all the people who lost their lives because they were doing a job , spreading humour  .

At halfmast #Paris

#Peace & Love

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

All that Drinking - this is what happens to the body !!

Hello everyone from my faithful computer again , although I'm not sure why when someone posts a comment on my blog , is it disappearing ?? I wonder if my computer is hacked and someone is fiddling with my account !! I wouldn't put it past a person  I used to know who I am certain kept close tabs on me !! Ha , yes Me !! He liked me too much and was obsessive  he needed to be gone from my life , and No it's not my children's father , he doesn't give two hoots for me .
That though is not the thought and blogging about today . With the festivities just behind us , how many people over - indulged in alcohol ??  We all like a tipple but alot of people mostly over - do it . Have you ever thought Why ???
When we drink too much , this is what happens to the brain : as the drinks and cocktails flood the system they mess with the GABA and glutamate  the neurotransmitters  responsible for impulse control ! This confusion causes the hand to reach for another drink and another :)
What's happening with the heart ? Are you also reaching for some high fat meals along with the drinks ? A Single Pizza feast may impair artery function , stressing out your heart .
Digestion : rich cuisine and alcohol can slow down the digestive process to a crawl  , ushering in swelling , acid re-flux and constipation .
The Liver : Too much alcohol and junk food can have this organ clogged up , toxins accumulate inside the liver , while access sugar and fat clog things up even more . Luckily it takes more than a few unhealthy days to do permanent damage .
Skin : A lack of proper nutrients , can stump skin cell repair , while the bad stuff you eat can prompt the sebaceous glands to pump out pore -clogging oil . Yes that means pimples !!
okay hope that gives you a clearer picture of what's going on in your body when you drink too much . Is it going to deter you ? Possibly not , but it's always genius to know what's going on . Cheers ! Think of me when you all drink too much ;)
Always be responsible , polite , respectful of everyone and don't reach for the wheel , find a cab !! Hope you enjoyed reading this .
Keep smiling and take care .

# Peace & Love

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sensitive Subject - Rape !!

Hi Everyone , hope you all had a great Monday .. It's back to the grind after Christmas and New Year's , Kids returned to school so I was terribly busy as usual ! A New Year but the news is all old , all the problems in the world continue . Today all over the news reports , Loose Women the topic of Ched Evans continues .. I don't know how many people know about that story but the subject of Rape is as old as the hills .
Women have suffered rape since before the middle ages , but that's when we can read and know things like that took place . Of course it's always blamed on the woman who" supposedly lured " the man , lol !!  This Ched situation - he was convicted of Rape , served half his sentence in jail , 2 and a half years . Everyone is up in arms for the simple reason he was a footballer ! We all know how pampered they are and the sinful amounts of money they earn . So how could he expect to come out of jail and start playing Club football again . These footballers are role models for our children . We don't want to have a convicted rapist earning bags of cash with a tainted reputation .
I personally feel , he got a sentence handed down to him of five years . When those five years are up , he could play if anyone wanted him , but not at home in England or the UK . He should go abroad . Secondly he needs to get off his high horse and  beg for forgiveness . He still to this day has not said sorry about the incident and sincerely apologised to his victim . Any person trying to rebuild their life , should go about it the right way . Since he is a public person and is featured all over the news he needs to come out and give a statement about how sorry he is for what transpired and ask people to forgive his lack of judgement and taking advantage of the girl who threw herself at him because he was a footballer . No she didn't want sex just a flirtation maybe ? Perhaps she had dreams he would become her boyfriend . He thought otherwise and he needs to start taking responsibility and say SORRY !!
It's a cheap word , people use it so easily nowadays and is seldom meant . I hate the word myself but Ched Evans needs to start saying it , Sorry !!
I know people might blame the girl , but there are alot of girls ,who dress up every weekend and  go clubbing in the hopes of meeting a rich footballer or a very rich man . That is not going to stop . Every woman wants to be well off in this modern culture . Yes we all work hard but it hardly pays off , the girls think a rich footballer is a quick meal ticket . Yes I dream of a very rich man , to take care of me and then with no worries I can write all those novels I have up in my head . But a rich man is hard to find if your a single mother with 3 kids . hopefully one day I will get lucky ;)
Back to the topic of Rape , it is a horrible thing to experience , demeaning , violent and leaves you feeling vulnerable . Hard to recover from . It is not Sex or lovemaking . It is a violent domination to suit one person's needs . The victim feels pain and no pleasure . It is something that should not be occurring in this advanced time . There are plenty of girls looking for relationships , so if your looking for sex find it with one person who you can commit too . Don't violate anyone !! Show respect and you gain respect . It's a 2 way street !!
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog , don't feel afraid to speak out about rape . All my blessings have an awesome day . Keep smiling . xx

#Peace & Love .

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bully's ??? We All Know One !!!

It was so exciting to wait all day for the evening when Celebrity Apprentice USA would return to our screens !! Yes we all love Celebrities , me included , but we are really behind ( BBC UK ) it was the 2011 , Celebrity Apprentice USA . I'm not quibbling though , it's always fun to watch with such huge stars taking part , it's a treat ... the petty arguments , fights , back stabbing , fall outs , No they are not immune to the common person's human behavior ! What really threw me was the Bully Boy tactics of Richard Hatch  , he actually pushed ( Physically ) David Cassidy and Donald Trump didn't FIRE him but ditched Cassidy !! I was shocked , my blog had to be written about Bully's . For one I'm glad it was shown in the late evening /night and my children were in bed . What kind of impression is Trump trying to give people ?? It's okay to push someone around , talk down to them , tell lies , be patronizing , Hatch even called David a Little Person , he called Jose unintelligent , and then Mr. Trump says David Cassidy doesn't have what it takes to stay on !!! Kidding me ?? Hatch needed to be ordered out of the show , he 's a poor human being !!
Bully's exist because people like Trump , justify their behaviour and say it's okay ,so they become more aggressive in life , knowing they have back up and support !!
Alot of the time bully's use their size , always targeting someone smaller than themselves . I know because I have had people alot taller than me intimidating me . I unlike Cassidy , know exactly how to stand up and give as good as I get .. but bully's thrive of somebody 's soft demeanor , calm exterior and try to be bossy and dominate. No I don't encourage anyone's aggressive attitude , I will take them down a few pegs . Being not a very tall person 5 feet 1 inch , it's easy to think I could be bullied . My children's father was very tall at 6 foot 3 and thought I could be bullied .. No I stood up for myself , so now I am alone with the children but happy . One thing I 'm pleased about is my eldest daughter's height at 5 foot 10 , No one is going to bully her now , she had been bullied as a child at her school which was very unfortunate , but she studied in the Netherlands where bullying is done all the time !! Hence I dumped my husband moved back here with the kids and could not be happier . My children have NO desire to see Holland or any of their kind ever again .
Bullying is a nasty habit and the sooner people are told to their face , YOU are a BULLY , stop that behaviour and seek therapy , can the world be a better place . Children as young as they are , learn better how to be a good person if they are told off , and excuses ,are not made for their behaviour OH ,they are just trying to be funny .. because not everyone finds that kind of humor hysterical !!
Thankfully I am blessed with 3 very good children , but that's because I'm am very strict parent , and have rules which have to be maintained . They get told off , if need be ...but I never need too because they are very good and make me proud everyday .
I do know alot of parents for whatever misguided reason , don't have the nerve to tell their children off , hence they can create rifts between them ! The precious ones tend to become bully's and have no conciseness in their behaviour and lack family loyalty .
Siblings need to love each other , and always keep each other as a priority . I have made sure to ingrain in my children they should always love each other and through out life , look out for each other , protect them and be there for each other . Or else I'm not taking sides , if one is bad it will be said by me ..
To this day it pains me , that my brother has behaved like a jerk and my parents , mainly my mother when she was alive did nothing about it .. When I asked her , Why don't you tell him something , and she said to me , No I won't tell him anything , I know his wife is wicked , but she loves him and is good for him , so that's all that matters !! Well , what can I say to that !!! People though in death , always wonder later , Why the hell ,  didn't I say something ?? It's too late for that ..
The whole lesson of this is Never Bully anyone !! Always say what you have to say when you are alive , it doesn't have to be rude , but a firm talking too does wonders !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Be a hero and take care of somebody  . Do good , blessings come swift and fast !! Take Care everybody and have an awesome week .Bye for now !!

#Peace & Love

Friday, January 2, 2015

Besotted with EastEnders? My theory on "Who Killed Lucy?" - And a happy new year

Hi Everyone ,
Happy New Year 2015 !!!
It's already Day 2 of January and I hope all the Partying and hangover of New Year's Eve has worn off and you are buzzing with enthusiasm to start this New Year with Goals , Resolutions and Determination !! I know a fair number of my friends have resolved to stay of Social Media Sites ..How long those kind of resolutions last , I wonder !!! Makes sense to say I'm cutting back on the hours I spend on it and determinedly keep it  .. to me that sounds like more of a Plan :)
But whatever your Choice , it's always a good point to focus on and work towards achieving the result !!
I am not going to talk today on Resolutions , that was not the focus of this blog , lol .. You do see how easy it is to get side tracked and lose focus on the point of this article !
No , the reason I'm writing this blog ,  because the subject has been the focus of my entire 2014 well from Good Friday 2014 !! Well it's not only me but more than half of the entire UK , has focused on this !! Well you see if you are an avid Soap fan , YOU would know what I'm talking about !!
I love EastEnders and a main character got Murdered on Good Friday 2014 . Soap-land  has dragged out the entire plot over the whole year , and nobody can stop talking about it and WHO murdered LUCY BEALE ??? It was run through the New Years Special for an hour and it still continues , Who done-it ??  !!!! Everybody is getting tired by now and wants to know .. The Big Bosses of Eastenders have revealed that everyone will find out on the 19 th of February at the 30 th Anniversary celebrations of the show .
Okay so everyone has a theory Abi seems to be front runner at the Bookies as well , then its Lauren , Ian , Jane , Denise ....
I can't contain myself any longer , because like all dedicated soap fans I have my own theory and it's not any of what all these people think !!! But then, I am very intelligent , smart and super sharp on plots ... I don't for one minute think I'm wrong , Yeah pretty big headed ( but I'm Aries and have a high opinion of myself !!)  If it's not who I think it is then the Script writers are pretty shit and I should be hired ;) Because it all seems to add up to my theory and the script writers have promised it will be unexpected and would suddenly make sense .. So Here I go on my theory ...
Everyone who thinks it's Denise , Yes she has gone off the rails and very well her character has been built up and played by the actress . But all the symptoms that she is displaying are not that of a killer pretending to be innocent !!! No she is showing classic symptoms of  GUILT !! She knows who the KILLER  IS , and it's eating her up and destroying her , and she is playing out this by hitting the bottle , being physically abusive to Patrick , stealing from the minute Mart and you guys , know all the stuff she's been up too .
The Killer is in fact her Daughter LIBBY FOX !!! Remember HER ???  She left the series in April 2010 , but suddenly appeared back on EastEnders on April 18 th 2014 Good Friday , the day Lucy died !! And she again made 2 more appearances on the 20th of May and the 22nd of May 2014 !!
She kept hearing about her mother's unhappiness with Ian , and kept urging her to leave Ian !! She was also not a fan of Lucy , way back a boyfriend of her's ( Libby ) had been getting sex and was involved with Lucy .. Libby dumped her B/f then ... Libby also had a violent Dad who committed murder in Eastenders , so the genes are there .. I reckon she came back to Walford that day , her mother Denise had visited her in Oxford . She returned with her mother , trying to get her to dump Ian ,and got into some kind of verbal altercation with Lucy over Ian .. pushed her and Lucy who had already hit her head previously , falling against Max's table , had already a concussion , probably collapsed and died , Libby panicked got her Mother's help to put the body in the woods . In their hurry they left behind Lucy phone and purse which Ben & Jay stumbled upon and took and later buried in the allotment  .
The New Year's day episode , had a big clue !! Remember when Emma was to meet the killer at the Park , she told the Cafe Chap ,please stay open for 5 more minutes because the person I'm meeting might be hungry !! That proves the killer had to come from FAR !!! Libby stays in Oxford !! Also she Emma was sending text messages to the killer , don't you think if it was a person on the Square she could have just confronted them and they could have shot the scene from an angle NOT revealing the killer !! No my theory is Good !! You GO Figure !!
So I had to write my theory , felt compelled ... I will still be absorbed with this till the 19 th of February , had to blog about it !!! Now you know what I'm thinking about ,lol .. everyday , as I relax to watch my FAVOURITE SOAP , EASTENDERS  .
Have a fabulous year , if you like Eastenders I know you are also as absorbed as ME , so happy watching !!
Hope you enjoyed reading this , and I wonder how many views this will get ??? Curious ,lol ..
Till next time , keep smiling :)
#Peace & Love